may 16 2018 background

May 16, 2018 Background Current Veterans Reef (fishing) since 1999 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

May 16, 2018 Background Current Veterans Reef (fishing) since 1999 A new diving destination conceived in 2015 by Dr. Heyward Mathews Brighter Future Florida non profit formed in 2017 Pinellas County Commission provided $50k for

  1. May 16, 2018

  2. Background ◦ Current Veterans Reef (fishing) since 1999 ◦ A new diving destination conceived in 2015 by Dr. Heyward Mathews ◦ Brighter Future Florida – non profit formed in 2017 ◦ Pinellas County Commission provided $50k for launch ◦ Feasibility and Economic Impact studies completed ◦ Pinellas County MOU signed

  3. Circle of Heroes Vision ◦ First diveable underwater memorial dedicated to men and women who served our country ◦ Circle of 24 life-sized statutes with five-sided center marker ◦ Diversity – all branches, eras, demographics ◦ Local artists to customize (i.e. General Norman Schwarzkopf) ◦ Opportunity to memorialize loved ones (i.e. Gold Star families)

  4. Circle of Heroes Vision ◦ Video

  5. Circle of Heroes Location ◦ 10 miles off coast in 40 feet of water ◦ Open to the public ◦ Managed by Pinellas County ◦ Coordinate with US Coast Guard and Army Corp

  6. Benefits Tourism & Economic Development ◦ 84 jobs and $7.4m annual impact ◦ National media exposure and international dive destination ◦ 3.5m scuba divers in the US contributes $11b to the economy ◦ Scuba diving in FL = 4.5m visitor-days per year Veterans Memorial & Therapy ◦ Honoring those that served ◦ Aqua therapy for mental and physical challenges Education and Marine Science ◦ Water, fish and reef monitoring

  7. Economic Impact Study (Nov 2017)

  8. Progress to Date ◦ 4 statues deployed at Sand Key Park to raise awareness ◦ Website and Social Media launched ◦ Veteran Advisory Committee ◦ Engaging Community Partners

  9. Budget Revenue Expenses Pinellas County (remaining budgeted) $35,000 Statues (6 remaining off the shelf) $25,000 Statues (15 customized) $300,000 Private contributions and $35,000 sponsorships (estimated) Tug Boat and Crane (two deployments) $100,000 TDC (proposed maximum) $425,000 Materials and Ongoing Maintenance $22,000 Total $495,000 Administrative (i.e. insurance, website, etc.) $7,000 Marketing and Contingency $30,000 Total $484,000

  10. Timeline Memorial Day June: Veterans Day: Dec. – April: June – October: 2019: Order 6 off the shelf Deploy 12 Statues Fundraising & Fundraising & and dedicate the & 2 customized Deploy remaining Planning for Planning for statues memorial 12 statutes Deployment Deployment

  11. TDC Request ◦ Recommend funding Phase 1 out of cycle ◦ $125,000 of the $400,000 allowing for purchase of remaining statues and contract with barge company

  12. Project Team ◦ Dr. Heyward Mathews ◦ David Jolly ◦ Preston Rudie ◦ Dr. Daniel Sheehy ◦ John David White ◦ Paul Matthews ◦ Thank you - Pinellas County Department of Solid Waste Visit:

  13. Thank you


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