BACKGROUND SETTINGS: Allows you to change background
BACKGROUND SETTINGS: Allows you to change background color
BACKGROUND SETTINGS: Allows you to change background templates
INTERACTIVE PEN TOOL: Chose thickness and color for annotations
CALLIGRAPHY PEN: Similar to pen tool
EMBED TOOL: Allows placement of alternate objects into screen
EMBED TOOL-POST-IT: Allows placement of Post-It notes
EMBED TOOL-COVER: Hide and Reveal cover image
EMBED TOOL-IMPORT: Import picture from other source
EMBED TOOL-PATTERN: Change patterns
EMBED TOOL-PATTERN: Select color and shapes
EMBED TOOL-SPLIT SCREEN: Chose orientation and number
LASSO TOOL: Interactive select tool
REDO TOOL: Restores last change
ERASE TOOL: Erases entjre page
ADD PAGE: Add pages as needed for notation
TOGGLE: Toggle between pages
FILE MANAGMENT: Choose methods to save notes
FILE MANAGMENT: Export notes to interactive panel or USB
FILE MANAGMENT: Import notes from saved presentation FILE MANAGMENT: Import notes from saved presentation
FILE MANAGMENT: Share presentation with others via email
FILE MANAGMENT: Create QR code to link through the internet
FILE MANAGMENT: Save notes to cloud (Google Drive or One Drive)
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