markham 2020 success by design

Markham 2020: Success By Design Focus on Priority Sectors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Markhams Future Together Journey to Excellence Markham 2020: Success By Design Focus on Priority Sectors Presentation to Development Services Committee October 5, 2015 Contents 1. Context - Markham 2020 2. Priority Sectors 3.

  1. Building Markham’s Future Together Journey to Excellence Markham 2020: Success By Design Focus on Priority Sectors Presentation to Development Services Committee October 5, 2015

  2. Contents 1. Context - Markham 2020 2. Priority Sectors 3. Sector Performance, 2007-2014 4. Analysis and Reflection

  3. Context Markham 2020 Context - 10 year Economic Strategy adopted by Council in 2008 - A successful blueprint for guiding the City’s Economic Development Program -Identified 4 priority sectors for growth

  4. Priority Sectors Priority Sectors were determined through an Economic Sectors Analysis and are as follows: • Convergence of ICT and Life Sciences • Financial Services • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services • Information, Culture and Entertainment

  5. P rofes s ional Information and Communications Financial Life S ciences Convergence S cientific Technologies S ervices Technical Cleantech

  6. Sector Performance: Changes in Employment

  7. Markham Seeing Growth Across all Priority Sectors 2007 # Businesses % Total 2014 # Businesses % Total ICT 828 10% 871 9% Pro Sci Tech 1,037 13% 1,252 13% Finance/Insurance 284 3% 445 5% Life Sciences 132 2% 179 2% Total # Businesses 8,300 100% 9,720 100% Source: York Region Employment Survey

  8. Markham’s Employment Base Diversifying Source: York Region Employment Survey

  9. Broad Range of Manufacturing Employment Subsectors Source: York Region Employment Survey

  10. Manufacturers Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  11. Labour Force Distribution

  12. Majority of Priority Sector Employees live within 20 km Radius of Work Source: York Region Planning & Economic Development

  13. Majority of Priority Sector Employees live within 20 km Radius of Work Source: York Region Planning & Economic Development Source: York Region Planning & Economic Development

  14. Majority of Priority Sector Employees live within 20 km Radius of Work Source: York Region Planning & Economic Development Source: York Region Planning & Economic Development

  15. Employment Distribution: Convergence Sector

  16. Convergence Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  17. Convergence Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  18. ICT Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors and Increasing in East Markham York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  19. ICT Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors and Increasing in East Markham York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  20. Life Sciences Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  21. Life Science Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors and Increasing in East Markham York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  22. Employment Distribution: Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

  23. Professional, Scientific, Technical Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  24. Professional, Scientific, Technical Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors and Increasing in East Markham York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  25. Employment Distribution: Financial Services

  26. Financial Services Employment Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  27. Financial Services Employment Mainly Concentrated along 404/7/407 Corridors, Increase in East Markham York Region Employment Survey data mapped by Markham Planning and Urban Design

  28. Analysis and Reflection

  29. SWOT (2008) Strengths Weaknesses - Significant growth - Lack of affordable housing - Skilled, highly educated workforce employed in knowledge-based industries - Reduction in manufacturing perhaps due to lack of suitable, serviced - Diverse and multilingual employment land and increasing - Low taxes operating costs - Positive perception of City among -absence of university, business community commercialization hub - Friendly and inviting to newcomers - Strategic collaborations Threats Opportunities - Lack of available land for development - Increase diversity of housing stock to - Lack of accessible, regionally attract and retain wider range of and locally connected public workers transportation - Growth of key sectors

  30. SWOT 2015 Strengths - Significant growth Weaknesses - Skilled, highly educated workforce employed in knowledge-based industries - Diverse and multilingual - Lack of affordable housing - Positive perception of City - Sustainability of Manufacturing - Friendly and inviting to newcomers - Ability to attract Millennial workforce - Low taxes - More strategic collaborations ie.ventureLAB, ethnic chambers - Markham Convergence Centre Opportunities Threats - York University Campus - Construction of apartments and - Employment land conversions townhomes and emphasis on mixed use - Lack of high speed regional public neighbourhoods such as Markham Centre, transportation proposed Buttonville airport redevelopment - Recent investments in transportation i.e.. VIVA dedicated bus lanes - Growth of key sectors

  31. Analysis and Reflection • Employment concentration strongest in 404/7/407 corridors- opportunity to brand as a business hub • Transportation infrastructure and amenities are important to retaining and attracting business and employment • Constrained supply of prime employment lands, suggesting need to protect against future employment land conversions

  32. Analysis and Reflection York University campus in Markham – • a catalyst for innovation through strategic partnerships with companies in the region York’s impact as a hub for developing and attracting • young talent, creativity and innovation will be amplified by its location - a compact, mixed use, vibrant, diverse, and culturally rich neighbourhood

  33. Analysis and Reflection • Employment strong across all priority sectors • Innovative and globally connected companies • Markham maintains “High Tech Capital” status

  34. Markham is still Canada’s High Tech Capital

  35. Markham is still Canada’s High Tech Capital

  36. Analysis and Reflection • Key ICT distinction: Enterprise Solutions (rather than consumer products, mobile apps, etc.) • Continued focus on knowledge-based industries • Advanced Manufacturing remains resilient • Powered by ICT, with increasingly diverse employment base

  37. Analysis and Reflection • ICT is transforming traditional industries Digital Health/ Medtech New Media/ Gaming Life Sciences Financial Creative Services Fintech ICT Cleantech Integrated and Intelligent Transport/ Environmental Transport Systems Logistics


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