2020 2020 Vi Visi sion on fo for SDPC SDPC Success Success Five Year Plan Becoming a Top Five District in SC
2020 2020 Vi Vision sion fo for SDPC SDPC Success Success Make Pickens County a Top 5 District in S.C. • Worked as a team on this process: • Geographic areas – Pickens, Easley, Liberty, Daniel • Levels – Elementary, Middle, & High • Administrators, Teachers, Parents, Community Members
Team Members Daniel Area : Josh Young , Clif Alexander, Tina Maloney Easley Area : Mike Cory, Angie Rodgers, James Adams, Pat Snider, Rick Strickland, Adam Lanford Pickens Area : Donna Harden, Jennifer Ohlrogge, Nikki Miller, Chaz Paxton Liberty Area : Ken Hitchcock, Brad Blackston, John Miller
Wh What at wi will it it ta take? • Want the ability to recruit, reward, and retain the best for our students • Teachers, coaches, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers • Have a vision for the next 5 years and develop a plan to accomplish those goals • Think financially towards the future instead of living year to year • Require sacrifice on the parts of many while always thinking about the needs of our students: • Administration • Teachers • Taxpayers
2020 2020 Vi Vision sion fo for SDPC SDPC Success Success • Follow through with recent 5 year Capital Improvements Plan Recommendations • Fund these plans with increased Debt Service Millage and Bond Refinancing • Make use of this planning and funding to maintain and preserve current facilities while assisting with providing more technology for our students and teachers
2020 2020 Vi Vision sion fo for SDPC SDPC Success Success • There is no “magic bullet” to solve the absence of a millage increase for our operational budget for over 10 years • Meanwhile there have continued to be annual increases for labor costs: insurance, retirement, etc. • New funds that become available for operational expenses should stay with operational expenses (ex. TIF funds) to help offset these costs and restore certified and classified schedules to their proper place
Wh What at yo you wi will hear hear to today • There are several methods that could be implemented to assist with an increase in funding for the district’s operational budget • While none of the suggestions/ideas solve the problem by themselves, a combination in some form can assist to reach goals that help to fulfill the mission of making SDPC a Top 5 District
2001 ‐ 2002 111.4 Operating Millag Oper llage 2002 ‐ 2003 115.4 2003 ‐ 2004 118.4 Hi Histor ory Wi With 2004 ‐ 2005 118.4 Reassessment (9.5) Reassessm assessmen ents ts 2005 ‐ 2006 108.9 2006 ‐ 2007 109.0 2007 ‐ 2008 109.0 2008 ‐ 2009 109.0 2009 ‐ 2010 109.0 Reassessment (1.0) 2010 ‐ 2011 108.0 2011 ‐ 2012 108.0 2012 ‐ 2013 108.0 2013 ‐ 2014 108.0 Reassessment 4.0 2014 ‐ 2015 112.0 Mill Value $273,943 Effective 2007 ‐ 2008 fiscal year, Act 388 replaces millage on 4% owner occupied residences with state reimbursement
Oper Operating Millag llage Hi Histor ory Si Since nce 1989 1989 Series1 120.0 110.0 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0
0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000 0.25000 0.30000 0.35000 0.40000 Beaufort 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081 Colleton Pickens Operating Millage By School District ‐ 2013 Pickens Union Clarendon 1 Clarendon 2 Oconee Beaufort Greenwood 50 Greenwood 52 Williamsburg Greenville Anderson 1 Florence 4 Source: South Carolina Association of Counties Anderson 1 Aiken Lancaster Dillon 2013 South Carolina School District Millage Rates Spartanburg 6 York 4 (Fort Mill) Kershaw Spartanburg 2 Laurens 55 Marion Darlington Cherokee Chesterfield Orangeburg 3 Greenwood 51 Spartanburg 4 Spartanburg 7 Newberry Florence 1 Florence 3 Spartanburg 1 Hampton 1 Fairfield Spartanburg 3 Florence 5 Allendale Lexington 3 Lexington 1 Richland 2 Lexington 4
0.00000 0.05000 0.10000 0.15000 0.20000 0.25000 0.30000 0.35000 0.40000 Charleston Beaufort Georgetown Oconee Calhoun Total Millage By School District ‐ 2013 McCormick Pickens County Jasper Saluda Pickens Lee Lexington 2 Dillon Greenville Source: South Carolina Association of Counties Florence 4 Williston Darlington Chesterfield Anderson 1 2013 South Carolina School District Millage Rates Sumter Barnwell Laurens 55 Anderson 4 Kershaw Orangeburg 4 York 2… Dorchester 2 Abbeville Edgefield Chester Spartanbur… Fairfield Newberry Orangeburg 5 Greenwood… Anderson 2 York 4 (Fort… Lexington 5 Florence 5 Lexington 3 Richland 1 Spartanbur… Hampton 2 Bamberg 1 Richland 2
Milla illage In Incr crease se – F – Five Ye Year Pl Plan an Year 1 • Raise millage 1.7 on operating side for growth in both consumer price index and county population • Take the 1 year look back Years 2 through 5 • Raise millage 1.7 on operating side
Milla illage In Incr crease se will… ll… Tax for Operating Millage = Appraised Value x 6 % x Millage Rate A 1.7 Mill increase on a $100,000 property would be: $100,000 x 0.06 x 0.0017 = $10.20 With a 1.7 Mill look back, the increase would be doubled in the first year: $100,000 x 0.06 x 0.0017 x 2 = $20.40 A 1.7 Mill Increase on a $1,000,000 property would be: $1,000,000 x 0.06 x 0.0017 = $100.20 And with the 1.7 Mill look back, the increase would be: $1,000,000 x 0.06 x 0.0017 x 2 = $200.40
Milla illage In Incr crease se will… ll… After 5 years, the total annual increase would be: $100,000 property with no look back = $51.00 $100,000 property with the look back each year = $61.20 $1,000,000 property with no look back = $510.00 $1,000,000 property with the look back each year = $612.00
Milla illage In Incr crease se will… ll… Based on a Millage value of $273,943, the impact on the Operations budget will be cumulative: Year 1 $931,406 Year 2 $1,397,109 Year 3 $1,862,812 Year 4 $2,328,516 Year 5 $2,794,219
Support for the 5 ‐ Year Plan Manufacturers Caring for Pickens County (MCPC) The MCPC board represents: • $500 million in revenue • $60 million in payroll • 1500 employees
Facility cility Efficie ficiency ncy Study Study
Compl Complete Facility cility Efficiency ficiency Study Study • Goal #1 ‐ Create a sustainable future for SDPC • Goal #2 ‐ Maximize every school facility to minimize costs: utilities, administrative, maintenance, etc. • Goal #3 ‐ Emphasize an equitable distribution of district resources to all schools
Facility cility Da Data • Seven of our schools have less than 400 students ‐ 28% of district schools • Holly Springs, AR Lewis, Ambler, Hagood, Central, Dacusville Middle, and McKissick • These seven schools enroll 12% of the total district students • Three of the seven schools have less than 250 students
Unsus Unsustai ainabl nable Budg Budget et Re Related To To Fa Facilities • The total square footage of these seven schools is 390,725 sq. ft. (more than largest high school) • Future capital needs in these seven schools totals $6.1 million from 2015 to 2017 • Higher operating cost: 88% of our district students from larger schools receive an average of $1,433 less per pupil from district than other smaller schools • Average General Fund Per Pupil of 7 schools is $6,690 per student while other district schools receive an average of $5,257. The three smallest schools receive an average $6,967 per pupil.
Sus Sustai ainabl nable Futur Future 2020 2020 • Conduct Facility Efficiency Study as soon as possible before future capital needs planning is implemented. • Analyze the capacity of each site compared to current enrollment trends. For example, Holly Springs Elementary can increase their population nearly 100 students without any increase in the personnel or facility.
Sus Sustai ainabl nable Futur Future 2020 2020 • Review attendance line changes to maximize each school facility • Consider consolidation of inefficient school sites. • Potential savings of 3 ‐ 4 schools consolidation may allow nearly $1.2 to $1.6 million of funds to be reallocated for more equitable future • $400,000 savings per school x 3 or 4 schools
Personnel onnel Structur Structures es • Over the next five years, our personnel will have to be reviewed to determine the personnel structure that will allow us to meet our goal of being a Top 5 district . • There are several initiatives that could impact the level of staffing for our future and we anticipate opportunities will be there to reduce our personnel percentage of the total budget that currently is 89% of the total budget. These initiatives include virtual and blended learning. • We recommend that the Facility Efficiency Study be conducted prior to making any long ‐ term decisions on staffing
Personnel onnel Budg Budget et Opportunities Opportunities • If all facilities are maximized and meet the district expectation for efficiency, there could be opportunities to absorb staffing FTE’s. • If a middle school tablet grant is awarded, blended learning can gradually increase in classrooms making classes less whole group lecture dependent and a higher class ratio could have less consequences.
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