maritime transport safety

Maritime Transport Safety Shen jiaqiang China Maritime Safety - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Maritime Transport Safety Shen jiaqiang China Maritime Safety Administration 11# Jianguomennei Ave, Beijing, 100736 People's Republic of China Email: and a lot more .. 1. China Maritime Safety Administration

  1. Maritime Transport Safety Shen jiaqiang China Maritime Safety Administration 11# Jianguomennei Ave, Beijing, 100736 People's Republic of China Email:

  2. and a lot more …..

  3. 1. China Maritime Safety Administration Introduction 2. Maritime Safety Management

  4. China Maritime Safety Administration Function and Jurisdiction Working independently since 1998 • – From 11 November 1998, China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) as the government body , was established and authorized by the State Council and the Ministry of Transport, responsible for operational delivery of maritime safety and marine environment protection, and other related services. Roles played nationally and internationally • – Designated as competent authority in light of laws • Maritime Traffic Safety Law • Marine environment Protection Law – Class A Party to the International Maritime Organization since 1989 and CMSA has been playing a significant role in IMO and other international maritime forum after its establishment.

  5. China Maritime Safety Administration Function and Jurisdiction The detailed responsibilities of China MSA include: • – 1. Draft and implement policies, regulations and technical codes and standards in safety supervision, marine pollution prevention, navigational aids, and other relevant fields of transportation; – 2. Comprehensively supervise water safety and prevent marine pollution. Inspect the ship's safety conditions and safety management system of water transport enterprises; investigate and handle water traffic accidents, marine pollution from vessels and water transport violation cases; implement the safety management in respective transport industries;

  6. China Maritime Safety Administration Function and Jurisdiction – 3. Responsible for the administration of ship and off ‐ shore facilities check , supervise the statutory survey and certification for ships and off ‐ shore facilities, monitor the qualifications of ship survey organizations and marine surveyors, approve and supervise the resident representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within the territory of China, in charge of Chinese flag ships' registration, certification, survey and certificate endorsement, control foreign flag ships' entry and exit of Chinese ports and waters, conduct safety supervision over ships carrying dangerous goods and other goods; – 4. Administer seafarers and pilots' training, examination and certification, Check and supervise the qualification and quality system of training institutions for seafarers and pilots, responsible for the management of seafarers' documents.

  7. China Maritime Safety Administration Function and Jurisdiction MOT • The Ministry of Transport (MOT) was established in March 2008 by the State – Council as one of the new “ super ministries, ” combining the functions of the old Ministry of Communications (MOC) with those of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and State Post Bureau. The new MOT is the principal organization overseeing development strategies, – regulations, and standards for road, water, and air transportation, and communications. Relation with MOT (different from other internal department) • Belongs and reports to the Ministry of Transport (MOT or China transport) – directly Legislation by way of Ministerial Order (Mandatory to Industry) and – administrative Directive (suggestive to Industry) Working independently under the name as CMSA –

  8. China Maritime Safety Administration  Sea Territory: 3 Million Square Kilometers (EEZ)  Coast line: 18 thousand Kilometers  Ports: totally 1400 and more, in which, 130 and more are dedicated for international service Around 300,000 ships sail, operate or berth in the coastal areas of P.R.C each day.

  9. Maritime Safety Management

  10. Maritime Safety Management Ship 1. Ship Survey survey  For international trading ships, VTS Safety statutory survey has been delegated Inspect Aid to Maritime in full to China Classification Society ion Nav. safety (CCS) manage  Access to the data base to monitor ment the ships’ survey records and details  Pre ‐ departure inspection Seafar er SAR Educat ion

  11. Maritime Safety Management 2. Ship inspections China MSA has 350 dedicated PSCOs to carry out ship safety inspections • throughout the 14 regional MSAs in China. Ships flying Chinese flag, either engaged in international voyages or in • domestic voyages, have been exposed to periodical inspection, typically every 6 month. In 2015, 55 ports were authorized to carry out PSC inspection on 9925 • foreign ships, out of which 443 ships were detained with a detention rate of 5.45% .

  12. Maritime Safety Management PSC Inspections in China

  13. Maritime Safety Management Detention rate of Chinese flagged ships Average detention rate of Tokyo MOU Detention rate of China PSC

  14. Maritime Safety Management 3. Seafarers Management China MSA is responsible for the implementation of STCW Convention in • China. There are 94 maritime institutions and maritime universities, as recognized • training organizations, providing courses regarding to deck officers and engineer’s competencies for the merchant marine and other maritime related programmes, such as naval architecture. Examination (including oral and operational examinations) for Certificates • of Competency are monitored and assessed by China MSA and regional MSAs.

  15. Maritime Safety Management 3. Seafarers Management There are 94 seafarer education and training organizations in China, • including 12 maritime universities, 16 maritime colleges, 25 secondary ‐ level vocational maritime schools, and 41 maritime training centers. In 2015, there is an annual enrollment of about 15,000 students at • maritime universities and institutions, and the total number of seafarers holding certificates of competency for ocean ‐ going ships has reached 310,348, including 131,366 senior officers. Those RTOs possess 37 training vessels for onboard training and sea ‐ going • practices.

  16. Maritime Safety Management 4. VTS/Aids to Navigation China MSA is responsible for marine safety and information service, operation and • management of VTS, developing and implementing traffic separation scheme, receiving and processing maritime distress alerts and enforcement activities. These services are provided through 17 coastal radio stations and 28 VTS centers. China MSA is responsible for Aids to Navigation including maintenance of 14,000 • lighthouses & buoys within the territorial waters and issuance of Navigational Warnings. 458 AIS base stations and the signal of AIS has almost covered all the coastal area • and inner ‐ land channels. DBD system adopted by IMO and provide services to commercial ships . •

  17. Maritime Safety Management 5. Search and Rescue The search and rescue region of China is a part of global SAR plan of IMO ‐ SAR • area 7. State inter ‐ ministerial joint committee on maritime SAR was established in the year 2005,consist of 14 members. The China MSA is supervising RCC activities via networking system which has been • established in MRCC in Beijing. China MSA has established a maritime distress call number 12395 for emergency communication.

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