maritime division

MARITIME DIVISION Dr David Kershaw Chief 1 Maritime Division - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MARITIME DIVISION Dr David Kershaw Chief 1 Maritime Division Maritime Undersea Platform Warfare System Sciences Sciences Surface Air and Submarine Littoral Submarine Ship Land ASW Platform Warfare Warfare Platforms Platform

  1. MARITIME DIVISION Dr David Kershaw Chief 1

  2. Maritime Division Maritime Undersea Platform Warfare System Sciences Sciences Surface Air and Submarine Littoral Submarine Ship Land ASW Platform Warfare Warfare Platforms Platform Program Program Program Program Program Programs 2

  3. Maritime Division’s 7 S&T Capability areas Acoustic Signature Management Sonar Technology and Systems Maritime Platform Performance Undersea Command and Control Platform Survivability Non-acoustic Signature Management Maritime Autonomy 3

  4. Maritime Division MSTC : Sonar Technology and Systems Passive Sonar Research Leader Sonar Processing & Performance Dr David Liebing Analysis Aim: Raise train and sustain a capability in undersea acoustic sensing and analysis that can be applied to assessing and improving current, enhanced and future ADF ASW requirements. Successes World-first fiber-laser hydrophone towed array demonstration (DSTO- Thales) Active Sonar BSAPS/PANORAMA hull-mounted sonar processing system • Licensed to Thales Australia • Fitted to RAN FFG class • SEA 1408 (SSTD) candidate SENTINEL/AUSSnet undersea sensor network (DSTO & L3-Oceania) Collins Class Onboard Demonstrator • CCSM Sonar health monitoring • CCSM Custom sonar processing Industry & Government Universities International Thales Australia Sydney University TTCP MAR TP-9 (ASW Systems & Technology Raytheon Australia University of Melbourne Office of Naval Research (ONR) - PA Ultra (UK, CA, AS) Adelaide University NUWC/NAVSEA – PA STN-Atlas Flinders University DRDC- A (Canada) L3-Oceania University of Western Australia DTA (NZ) Boeing & In-Situ Pacific Curtin University (CMST) CSIRO & Bureau Of Meteorology 4

  5. Maritime Division MSTC: Undersea Command and Control Human Systems & Combat System Architectures A/Research Leader Information Integration Dr David Gamble Aims: Information Load To improve the RAN undersea warfare effectiveness through improving the collection, processing and exploitation of undersea tactical information by undersea platforms Threat Signature and systems. Underwater Weapon Systems Successes Insertion of Australian algorithms into the MK 48 HWT and the AN/BYG Combat system CONTROL ROOM GPS ECDIS Plasma Radar DSC Rec. Off. CO SCOOW MCC Helm Improved weapon control displays Nav Plot Table Nav. Asst AC Per. Attack Search Asst Periscope Periscope for Collins Class submarines PSC UC1 Sounder Operator Echo EW1 Sndr. DWEEO EW2 Track Weaps TMA2 TMA1 Sonar3 Sonar2 Sonar1 Mgr Improved signal libraries for RAN torpedo countermeasures Universities Industry International Australian Maritime College Thales TTCP MAR University of Melbourne NUWC (USA) University of Adelaide ONR (USA) Curtin University University of Western Australia 5

  6. Maritime Division MSTC : Maritime Autonomy Unmanned Systems & Autonomy Payload Sensors A/Research Leader Dr David Battle Aims: To advance Navy’s capabilities through the use of modular portable unmanned systems with a focus on the littoral operating environment through the provision of technical advice and niche system development. Underwater Influences, Naval Mine Successes: Sweeping & Jamming Achieving autonomous operation of a REMUS 100 through on-board decision making supporting adaptive search, detection and classification capabilities. Characterization of the littoral environment from hyperspectral data analysis. The development of naval mine sweeping and jamming systems. Universities Industry International Sydney University THALES TTCP MAT & MAR UNSW Resonance Technology NATO MCG3 Newcastle University Kraken Sonar Systems ABCANZ CUDOS Ron Allum Deep Sea Services 6

  7. Maritime Division MSTC : Acoustic Signature Management Acoustic Systems Hydroacoustics Research Leader Dr Chris Norwood Aims: To control and manage the acoustic signature of RAN platforms providing increased operational effectiveness and improved survivability. Successes Acoustic Signature Control Anechoic tiles for Collins class submarine Collins class noise reduction program FFG 7 rudder noise treatment Acoustic signature monitoring system for Collins class Universities Industry International University of New South Wales Frazer Nash TTCP MAR Australian Maritime College ASC MARIN (Holland) Adelaide University McKay Rubber NSWC (USA) University of Melbourne QinetiQ DE&S (UK) UWA FOI (Sweden) 7

  8. Research Facilities  Elastomers Laboratory for the production of prototype coatings  Anechoic measurement facility  AUSRAT signature modelling framework  High performance computing facility  Towing tank and cavitation tunnel  Materials characterisation, modelling and design capability  Mechanical testing  Composite materials fabrication  Diesel engine test facility 8

  9. Key Research Areas  Materials for acoustic signature reduction – anechoics, decoupling coatings, vibration isolators  Acoustic signature modelling and measurement  Hydrodynamic modelling  Flow noise and hydroacoustics 9

  10. Areas of Potential Partnership Interest Start small and grow…  Computational fluid dynamics modelling and validation  Vibro-acoustic modelling and measurement capability  Acoustic meta-material design and production 10

  11. Maritime Division MSTC : Maritime Platform Performance Research Leader Power and Energy Systems Naval Architecture and Platform Phase Margin (degrees) 1 10 180 System Analysis Dr Stuart Cannon BATTERIES USER INTERFACE [rqst4] 160 [instr3] AIP Charge Request (kW) Speed [instr1] AIP Charge Request 0 [instr0] PM Charge Request (kW) HotelLoad 10 [instr2] UNSTABLE REGION [rqst0] 140 AIPCharge [instr3] AIP Charge Input (kW) Prime Mover Charge Request GenCharge [instr0] PM Charge Input (kW) Basic mission profile 120 Hotel Load Draw (kW) Proportional Gain P DATA Converter Power Draw (kW) [DATA0] 10 Battery -1 Battery [DATA1] Converter 100 [DATA0] [DATA2] PropMotor LOADING STABLE REGION [DATA3] PropLoad Pdraw Pdraw Pmech Pmech [DATA9] HotelLoad 80 2 level PWM DC Motor -2 COLLINS field chopper Pmotor Jeumont dual armature Maritime submerged 10 DATA Rated : 8000 kW DATA Rated : 5250 kW w w Displ : 3300 tonnes v [instr1] [DATA4] Charger Direct drive Converter Propulsion Motor [DATA5] Generator 60 DATA [DATA1] [DATA2] [DATA6] PrimeMover Propulsion Load [DATA3] [DATA7] FuelTank Pdraw -3 40 Pcons [instr2] [DATA8] 10 AIPSrc INSUFFICIENT DATA Hotel Load Logged DATA GAIN REGION Aims: [DATA9] 20 [rqst2] [rqst1] -4 [rqst1] CHARGING [rqst0] [rqst3] [rqst2] 10 [rqst3] 0 -6 -4 -2 0 Pgen_rqst Pmech_rqst Fuel_rqst 10 10 10 10 Pbatt_rqst DC Brushless Generator Pelec_rqst Diesel Engine Pmech_rqst Pbatt N/A Pelec Jeumont AHN 90BR4 Pmech Hedamora Fuel Rated : 6000 kW Pgen Rated : 1400 kW Rated : 1475 kW Fuel_rqst Integral Gain I DATA DATA Pmech DATA Fuel DATA Charger Generator Prime Mover Fuel Tank [DATA4] [rqst4] [DATA5] [DATA6] [DATA7] Pbatt ThermoMAX Thermoelectric Pbatt_rqst Max : 70 kW DATA AIP Source [DATA8] To ensure the RAN have platforms that are safe, efficient and sustainable for their desired operational envelope Materials Performance & Structural Integrity Successes HMAS Choules transformer 100 D 36: ANZAC Hull Steel investigation and analysis. DBTT under explosive loading 80 (Actual) Explosion Bulge Selection of D Grade Steel for AWD Test (Predicted) 60 Dynamic Tear Data (Actual) 40 Improved structural reliability for the Charpy Impact Data (Actual) Armidale class Patrol Boats 20 0 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Temperature [°C] Universities Industry International Australian Maritime College Defence Maritime Services TTCP MAT & MAR University of Melbourne Qinetiq / GRC MARIN (Holland) University of Wollongong Bluescope Steel ABCANZ DMTC ASC 11

  12. Research Facilities Queensland University of Technology HMAS Maryborough University of Wollongong HMAS Stirling Fishermans Bend University of Melbourne University of Port Wakefield HMAS Cerberus Tasmania/AMC 12

  13. Research Areas – Power & Energy Systems  Naval battery energy storage systems  Reliability and performance of naval diesel engines  Naval energy usage optimisation  Naval P&E system modelling and advanced land based testing technologies  C02 air purification technology  Advanced naval electric machine technologies 13

  14. Research Areas – Materials Performance and Structural Integrity  Material design, evaluation and selection for surface and undersea maritime platforms  Fatigue, corrosion-fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking for submarine pressure hull integrity  Computation modelling and physical simulations of welding processes and welded structures  Validated assessment tools and guidelines for through-life evaluation of submarine structures Liquid Solid 14

  15. Research Areas – Naval Architecture and Platform Systems Analysis  Seaway / Slamming loads – prediction capability and full scale trials  Integrated Platform Systems Analysis – mission modelling  Life of Type Assessment – Ultimate and Residual Strength  Naval Platform Concept and Requirements Exploration 15


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