manhattan community board 5 thursday may 9 2019

Manhattan Community Board 5 Thursday May 9, 2019 New York City - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Manhattan Community Board 5 Thursday May 9, 2019 New York City Transit Background M14A/D is second-busiest bus route in Manhattan (27,000 daily riders) and second- slowest in NYC M14 Select Bus Service 14 th St identified as a Select

  1. Manhattan Community Board 5 – Thursday May 9, 2019 New York City Transit

  2. Background • M14A/D is second-busiest bus route in Manhattan (27,000 daily riders) and second- slowest in NYC M14 Select Bus Service • 14 th St identified as a Select Bus Service priority corridor since 2010 • 14 th Street is a Vision Zero Priority corridor with seven priority intersections • Extensive public outreach helped to refine 14 th St design in preparation for full Canarsie Tunnel closure • 14 th Street markings and SBS fare machines were partially installed in Fall 2018 2

  3. What We Heard From The Community Design should meet the needs of 14 th Street during night and weekend L train service reductions and regular traffic at other times M14 Select Bus Service 14 th St residents: • concern about curb access that was removed in Fall 2018 • concern about potential restriction of curbside bus lane in alternate design proposed by DOT in March 2019 Side street residents: • concern about through traffic, especially trucks, on adjacent residential streets 14 th St crosstown bus riders: • Concern about slow bus speeds as a result of traffic congestion 3

  4. A Transit and Truck Priority Street: 18 month pilot 4

  5. A Transit and Truck Priority Street 5

  6. A Transit and Truck Priority Street BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions 6

  7. A Transit and Truck Priority Street BUS STOP LOADING & PICKUP/DROPOFF BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions • All vehicles are permitted to load/unload, pickup/drop-off and access garages 7

  8. A Transit and Truck Priority Street LOADING & PICKUP/DROPOFF BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions • All vehicles are permitted to load/unload, pickup/drop-off and access garages • General traffic must make the next right turn 8

  9. A Transit and Truck Priority Street LOADING & PICKUP/DROPOFF BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions • All vehicles are permitted to load/unload, pickup/drop-off and access garages • Cars must make the next right turn • Bus lane cameras will issue violations against vehicles that do not turn, after a 60 day warning period. • New curb regulations will prioritize short-term loading and passenger pickup activity 9

  10. EXCEPT BUSES New Restriction Existing Restriction Left turn restrictions from 14 th Street Right turn restrictions from 14 th Street Eastbound 8 th Av • • Eastbound Broadway Westbound 7 th Av • Eastbound 6 th Av: • “Except Buses” rider will be added to allow M7 turn Westbound 5 th Av • Turn restrictions onto 14 th Street • Westbound University Pl • Left turn from Broadway • Westbound Broadway Left from 4 th Av • • Eastbound Irving Pl Eastbound 3 rd Av • Westbound 2 nd Av • 10

  11. Public Space Enhancements • Union Square West closures between 14 th – 15 th Streets and 16 th – 17 th Streets, expanding public space USW between 15 th – 16 th Street • remains open to provide service loop for deliveries, pick-up/drop-off, farmer’s market trucks, ect. • Additional 19,000sf of public space • Strengthened bike connection on USW to 13 th Street 1 1

  12. Benefits of TTP 14 th St prioritizes frequent, high ridership buses: • Buses will run up to 30% faster Improves pedestrian safety: • Turn restrictions • Sidewalk expansions to shorten crossing distances Allows through moving trucks: • Keeps trucks on designated route and off primarily residential side streets Maintains curb access: • Commercial loading will accommodate needs of local businesses • Designated pick-up/drop-off ensures residents and visitors can access curb 12

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  14. Pilot Project Monitoring Plan • Bus performance • Travel times • Ridership • Traffic volumes 14 th Street • • Adjacent streets • Trucks • Curb activity • Commercial loading • Pick-up/Drop-off access • Enforcement • Through movements on 14 th • Trucks off designated routes • Safety 14

  15. • Outreach to Community Boards 3, 4 and other stakeholders in May, fulfilling Major Transportation Project requirements • Coordination with City agencies • Transit and Truck Priority and M14A/D SBS implementation in early summer 15

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  19. 5 Av and University Pl eastbound stops relocated to new stop at southwest corner of 14 St & University Pl M14A/D SBS M14A/D SBS M14A/D SBS M14A/D SBS M14A/D SBS M14A/D SBS M14A/D SBS M14A/D Proposed SBS Stops M14A/D Relocated Stops 19

  20. M14A/D Performance PM Peak – May 2018 50.0 45.0 Average Running Time 40.0 34% 32% 35.0 Delay 30.0 (mins) 25% 25% 25.0 At Bus Stop 20.0 In-Motion 15.0 10.0 41% 43% 5.0 0.0 M14A M14D • M14 routes spend almost 60% of their trip at bus stops or stopped in traffic • Average Speed • M14A: 4.2 mph • M14D: 4.6 mph 2 0

  21. 6 th to 5 th Ave General traffic must make right turn at 6 Av Plastic bus boarder BUS STOP EXCEPT BUSES BUS STOP General traffic must make right turn at 5 Av Plastic bus boarder Sidewalk extension at intersection Sidewalk extension at intersection Commercial Loading/ Pick-up & Drop-off at curb 26

  22. 5 th Ave to 4 th Ave General traffic must make Plastic bus boarder right turn at University Pl BUS STOP BUS STOP Commercial Loading/ Commercial Loading/ Sidewalk Sidewalk extension Sidewalk extension Pick-up & Drop-off at curb Pick-up & Drop-off at curb extension at at intersection intersection 27

  23. 4 th Av to Irving Pl General traffic must make right turn at 4 th Av Commercial Loading/ Commercial Loading/ Pick-up & Drop-off at curb Plastic bus boarder Pick-up & Drop-off at curb BUS STOP BUS STOP Sidewalk extension at intersection 28


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