manhattan community board 6 monday may 6 2019

Manhattan Community Board 6 Monday, May 6, 2019 New York City - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Manhattan Community Board 6 Monday, May 6, 2019 New York City Transit Background M14A/D is second-busiest bus route in Manhattan (27,000 daily riders) and second- slowest in NYC M14 Select Bus Service 14 th St identified as a Select

  1. Manhattan Community Board 6 – Monday, May 6, 2019 New York City Transit

  2. Background • M14A/D is second-busiest bus route in Manhattan (27,000 daily riders) and second- slowest in NYC M14 Select Bus Service • 14 th St identified as a Select Bus Service priority corridor since 2010 • 14 th Street is a Vision Zero Priority corridor with seven priority intersections • Extensive public outreach helped to refine 14 th St design in preparation for full Canarsie Tunnel closure • 14 th Street markings and SBS fare machines were partially installed in Fall 2018 2

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  5. M14A/D Performance PM Peak – May 2018 50.0 45.0 Average Running Time 40.0 34% 32% 35.0 Delay 30.0 (mins) 25% 25% 25.0 At Bus Stop 20.0 In-Motion 15.0 10.0 41% 43% 5.0 0.0 M14A M14D • M14 routes spend almost 60% of their trip at bus stops or stopped in traffic • Average Speed • M14A: 4.2 mph • M14D: 4.6 mph 5

  6. What We Heard From The Community Design should meet the needs of 14 th Street during night and weekend L train service reductions and regular traffic at other times M14 Select Bus Service 14 th St residents: • concern about curb access that was removed in Fall 2018 • concern about potential restriction of curbside bus lane in alternate design proposed by DOT in March 2019 Side street residents: • concern about through traffic, especially trucks, on adjacent residential streets 14 th St crosstown bus riders: • Concern about slow bus speeds as a result of traffic congestion 6

  7. A Transit and Truck Priority Street: 18 month pilot 7

  8. A Transit and Truck Priority Street 8

  9. A Transit and Truck Priority Street BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions 9

  10. A Transit and Truck Priority Street BUS STOP LOADING & PICKUP/DROPOFF BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions • All vehicles are permitted to load/unload, pickup/drop-off and access garages 10

  11. A Transit and Truck Priority Street LOADING & PICKUP/DROPOFF BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions • All vehicles are permitted to load/unload, pickup/drop-off and access garages • General traffic must make the next right turn 11

  12. A Transit and Truck Priority Street LOADING & PICKUP/DROPOFF BUS STOP How it works: Buses, trucks and emergency vehicles can make through trips between 3 rd and 9 th • Avenues, observing all turn restrictions • All vehicles are permitted to load/unload, pickup/drop-off and access garages • Cars must make the next right turn • Bus lane cameras will issue violations against vehicles that do not turn, after a 60 day warning period. • New curb regulations will prioritize short-term loading and passenger pickup activity 12

  13. 4 th Av to Irving Pl General traffic must make right turn at 4 th Av Commercial Loading/ Commercial Loading/ Pick-up & Drop-off at curb Plastic bus boarder Pick-up & Drop-off at curb BUS STOP BUS STOP Sidewalk extension at intersection 13

  14. Irving Pl to 3 rd Av Commercial Loading/ Commercial Loading/ Pick-up & Drop-off at curb Pick-up & Drop-off at curb General traffic must make left or right turn at 3 rd Av BUS STOP General traffic must make right turn at 3 rd Av 14

  15. 3 rd Av to 2 nd Av BUS STOP BUS STOP BUS STOP Commercial Loading/ Pick-up & Drop-off at curb 15

  16. 2 nd Av to 1 st Av Commercial Loading/ Pick-up & Drop-off at curb BUS STOP BUS STOP BUS STOP Retaining AAR parking 16

  17. EXCEPT BUSES New Restriction Existing Restriction Left turn restrictions from 14 th Street Right turn restrictions from 14 th Street Eastbound 8 th Av • • Eastbound Broadway Westbound 7 th Av • Eastbound 6 th Av: • “Except Buses” rider will be added to allow M7 turn Westbound 5 th Av • Turn restrictions onto 14 th Street • Westbound University Pl • Left turn from Broadway • Westbound Broadway Left from 4 th Av • • Eastbound Irving Pl Eastbound 3 rd Av • Westbound 2 nd Av • 17

  18. Benefits of TTP 14 th St prioritizes frequent, high ridership buses: • Buses will run up to 30% faster Improves pedestrian safety: • Turn restrictions • Sidewalk expansions to shorten crossing distances Allows through moving trucks: • Keeps trucks on designated route and off primarily residential side streets Maintains curb access: • Commercial loading will accommodate needs of local businesses • Designated pick-up/drop-off ensures residents and visitors can access curb 18

  19. Pilot Project Monitoring Plan • Bus performance • Travel times • Ridership • Traffic volumes 14 th Street • • Adjacent streets • Trucks • Curb activity • Commercial loading • Pick-up/Drop-off access • Enforcement • Through movements on 14 th • Trucks off designated routes • Safety 19

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  21. • Outreach to Community Boards 3, 4, 5 and 6 and other stakeholders in May, fulfilling Major Transportation Project requirements • Coordination with City agencies • Transit and Truck Priority and M14A/D SBS implementation in early summer 21


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