Lakewood School District Board of Education Meeting December 21, 2017 Laura A. Winters Superintendent of Schools
The Lakewood School District has undergone a Quality Single Accountability Continuum review in 2016-2017 (QSAC) • Based on the review, the district has been placed on a continuum in five areas: – Instruction and Program – Fiscal Management – Governance – Operations – Personnel
Continuum Results District Performance District Score County Score Review Instruction and 62% 54% Program Fiscal Management 66% 56% Governance 66% 66% Operations 95% 95% Personnel 100% 100% Any area that the district did not receive at least an 80% of the weighted indicators, the district is required to complete a district improvement plan (DIP) to address all noncompliant indicators.
Instruction & Program There are 21 questions on the District Performance Report under Instruction and Program (Due to time, I will review only those indicators, the district did not receive any points.). Questions 1 through 6 refer to the State Assessment – PARCC. 1) The district meets the Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) in language arts literacy for the district’s total population.
Instruction & Program 2)The district meets the Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) in language arts literacy for the district’s total population. 3) Language Arts Literacy State Assessment data for the district’s total student population shows one of the following: a. At least 95% of the total student population achieved proficiency in the most recent year assessed (NJDOE goal).
Instruction & Program 4) Same as above (Replace with Mathematics). 5) The district has no priority schools as designated by the NJDOE (Lakewood High School is a priority School). Zero Points 5b) The district has reward schools as designated by the NJDOE. Zero Points. 6) At least 70% of the district’s total student population, across all grades tested in science, achieved proficient or advanced status on the most recent state science assessments.
Instruction & Program 7) Percentage of students who graduated high school by way of the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) in the last academic year. a) At least 95% according to the most recent NJDOE published high school graduation rate or 90%, 85% or 80% County Comment : The district’s 2016 4 year cohort graduation rate was 75.3% ZERO POINTS
Instruction & Program 9) Based on state assessment data, the achievement of all subgroup populations is analyzed at the district and school levels. For those populations not meeting AMO targets or showing a stagnant or declining trend, the district investigates and identifies possible causes, including but not limited to those below: Lack of curriculum that is aligned to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and Common Core State Standards; lack of consistent focus on academic work using data; insufficient exposure to the NJCCCS and CCSS; use of unaligned instructional materials; inadequate support and/or professional development… District scored Itself a YES, County Scored NO District Evidence: The District completes an analysis by total population, and subgroup, minutes from curriculum meetings, district action plan to correct areas of concern (which the County agreed). County Comment : Without a bilingual Child Study Team, addressing individual strengths and weaknesses remains a challenge.
Instruction & Program 10.For those subgroup populations at the district and school levels that have shown improvement or growth the district investigates and identifies factors that may have contributed to improvement, including but not limited to those below: Curriculum alignment to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards and Common Core State Standards; consistent focus on academic work; appropriate use of aligned assessments, both formative and summative; increased exposure to the NJCCCS and CCSS; adoption and implementation of aligned instructional materials targeted professional development for teachers etc.. District scored Itself a YES, County Scored NO District Evidence: A District analysis is completed by total population and subgroup, minutes from curriculum meetings, district action plan to correct areas of concern, new/revised curriculum, new/revised assessments. County Comment : Without a bilingual Child Study Team, addressing individual strengths and weaknesses remains a challenge.
Fiscal Management 1) The monthly Board Secretary’s report is completed and reconciled without exceptions (e.g. unbalanced/inaccurate balance sheet, unauthorized transfers) and is completed within 30 days of the months end, reconciled with the Treasurer’s report or equivalent report within 45 days of the month’s end and submitted to the board within 60 days of the month’s end for approval. ZERO POINTS – The Board Secretary’s Report is Board approved on time 95% of the time.
Fiscal Management 2. The district follows a standard operating procedures manual for business functions, which includes a system of internal controls to prevent the over-expenditure of line item accounts and to safeguard assets from theft and fraud. Zero Points – The District has a Standard Operating Procedures Manual; however, line item accounts are sometimes over-expended. A budget appropriation adjustment is made to correct over expenditures.
Fiscal Management 4) The district has filed the annual audit of its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and filed other supporting forms and collections (Auditor’s Management Report Federal Data Collection Form) by the due date Zero Points – The Fiscal Audits for the past two years have been submitted on time.
Fiscal Management 5b) The district received an unqualified opinion on the annual audit and has no repeat audit findings of a substantive nature. The district stated YES. The County stated NO. County Comment: The district continues to be in deficit. The repeat audit findings show that the district is still in deficit for both the general and Special Revenue funds. In addition, the district did not keep sufficient documentation to support students reported on the ASSA, this resulted in a repeat audit finding. Corrective action was taken on all other prior year findings.
Fiscal Management 5c) The district received an unqualified opinion on the annual audit and has no material weaknesses in the findings. ZERO POINTS – The district feels this is true, and should receive points. 5d) The district received an unqualified opinion on the annual audit and ends the year with no deficit balances and no line items over-expenditures in the general fund, special revenue fund, capital projects funds or debt service fund (other than permitted under state law and GAAP) ZERO POINTS – The district is requesting more information in regard to this finding.
Fiscal Management 6) The district manages and oversees NCLB, IDEA, ARRA and other entitlement and discretionary grants as required. Specifically, the district: a) Complies with demonstration of comparability maintenance of effort, supplement not supplant and other federal grant fiscal requirements ZERO POINTS b) Spends grant funds as budgeted. Amendments and budget modifications are completed for charges that exceed the applicable threshold. District stated YES. County stated NO. County Comment : Reports are not submitted to the State in a timely fashion.
Fiscal Management The district manages and oversees NCLB, IDEA, ARRA and other entitlement and discretionary grants as required. Specifically, the district: d) approves salaries funded by federal grants as documented in the board minutes and maintains the required time and activity reports. District stated YES. County Stated NO. County Comment: Corrective Action has been taken on this finding.
Fiscal Management 7) The district provides proper oversight and accounting of capital projects and Referendum and other Fund 30 capital projects. Specifically the district: d) conducts the proper fiscal close-out of completed projects. This includes proper transfer of interest earned annually to the debt service and/or general fund. ZERO POINTS.
Governance 2) The board of education has a policy and contract with the Chief School Administrator to annually evaluate the CSA based on the adoption of the goals and performance measures, which reflect that highest priority is given to student achievement and attention to subgroup achievement. Zero Points
Governance 3c)The board’s adopted budget includes sufficient resources to address all board approved corrective measures, as applicable, in response to annual audits and other programmatic and fiscal monitoring reports. ZERO POINTS
Instruction and Programming Where is the District Now?
2016-2017 ESSA District Accountability Profile • The NJDOE has developed accountability profiles for each school district. • According to the NJDOE, ESSA Accountability Profile, Lakewood meets or exceeds almost all targets.
ESSA Accountability Profile • Lakewood has 3,351 students enrolled in tested grades, as reported by the district in the 2016 State Assessment Registration submission. • 0.8% of Lakewood students are enrolled in tested grades, and did not participate in the assessment. • 138 Lakewood students enrolled in the district after July 1 st .
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