Student Discipline Lakewood S chool District Perspective
Classroom Discipline and Exclusions Discipline defined: a continuum of equitable, culturally responsive, instructional approaches to support students and all members of the school community in meeting behavioral expectations. Exclusion defined: Removal from a classroom or instructional activity for behavioral violations that disrupt the educational process
Exclusion or Not? When staff is attempting a brief intervention to try and keep kids in class… (Talking to kids in the hall, student reflection on behaviors) This is not an Exclusion
Exclusion or Not? When staff send a student into the hall unsupervised or under the supervision of a para-educator for more than a brief period of time… This is an Exclusion
Before We Exclude… Must first attempt one or more other forms of discipline unless… S tudent poses immediate and continuing danger to other students or staff Immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the learning process Discuss Examples
Parameters of exclusion: Begins (Lakewood Interpretation) when a student is excluded beyond 10 minutes Must provide opportunity to make up assignments Discussion How does this also support our work around MTS S , Tiered Interventions, and teaching students the tools they need to be successful in school?
Alignment with Lakewood Commitments Lakewood is committed to the social, emotional, behavioral, and academic success of our students New expectations around student exclusions and suspensions do not change our commitment to responding to teachers who determine that exclusion is necessary Lakewood remains committed to the health and safety of all of our students and staff and consider this work of equal importance to that of student discipline and exclusion
Alignment with Lakewood Commitments S ocial-emotional learning goals focus on: Engaging each student in learning experiences through a variety of strategies and through protocols (PROMPT) that focus on relational interaction Proximity, Redirection, Ongoing Monitoring, Prompt, Teach Understanding function of behavior: Antecedent, trigger, behavior, consequence Goal: Teach students how to replace unacceptable behaviors with acceptable or preferred behaviors
What does all of this mean for longer-term discipline or more serious misbehavior?
S ignificant Changes in the Law Due Process: Cannot suspend or expel unless we attempted another form of correction first Informal hearing with the student is now required before any suspension or expulsion to get the student’s perspective In this hearing S tudent has right to the notice of the violation S upporting evidence The discipline that may be imposed Administrator must inform student of the decision after this meeting S tudent must have opportunity to contact parents
Law Changes Notice Requirements: Must attempt to notify parents, as soon as reasonably possible, before suspension or expulsion is imposed Written notice that includes a description of the violation and how it violated district rules is required no later than 1 school day following the informal hearing. Must include Duration and conditions Beginning and end dates What other forms of discipline were considered Why we chose to suspend Opportunity to receive educational services
Big Ideas Exclusions should be minimized and always communicated to parents Other classroom strategies that help student manage behavior should be used first, whenever possible Lakewood S chool District is committed to engaging students and teaching appropriate behaviors Exclusions from class are allowed, but should be minimized and must be communicated to parents Longer-term discipline such as suspensions and expulsions should be a last resort
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