november 2012 review 4 year trend of discipline data

November 2012 - Review 4 year trend of discipline data (multiple - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

November 2012 - Review 4 year trend of discipline data (multiple perspectives) - Equity in discipline rates - Discipline type distribution - Discipline process: Equity and Fidelity of Implementation - Rate of discipline by race -

  1.   November 2012

  2. - Review 4 year trend of discipline data (multiple perspectives) - Equity in discipline rates - Discipline type distribution - Discipline process: Equity and Fidelity of Implementation - Rate of discipline by race - Review of identifying factors in high risk student populations - Discipline by location - Division resource allocation by location - Effective strategies to date - Mapping of strategies to high risk student populations

  3. Suspension Data Compared to Total Membership Significantly fewer STUDENTS suspended out of school: Afri rican Year White Other er Races Tot otal of all OSS America can 08/09 4,053 1,205 615 5,873 09/10 3,697 1,139 412 5,248 10/11 3,426 1,118 233 4,777 11/12 3,394 1,042 244 4,680 Change from 08/09 - 659 ( 16.3%) - 163 ( 13.5%) - 371 ( 60.3%) - 1,193 ( 20.3%) Significantly fewer out of school SUSPENSIONS : Afri rican Year White Other er Races Tot otal of all OSS America can 08/09 8,791 2,201 1,188 12,180 09/10 7,583 1,908 670 10,161 10/11 6,727 1,819 365 8,911 11/12 6,998 1,742 425 9,165 Change from 08/09 - 1,793 ( 20.4%) - 459 ( 20.9%) - 693 ( 62.0%) - 3,015 ( 24.8%)

  4. All groups appear equally affected by reduction measures. Henri rico o County nty Public c Schools Number and Percentage of Out of School Suspensions (Duplicated count of students) Students with Total African American White Other Disabilities N % N % N % N % 2008-09 12180 8791 72.18% 2201 18.07% 1188 9.75% 3524 28.93% 2009-10 10161 7583 74.63% 1908 18.78% 670 6.59% 2894 28.48% 2010-11 8911 6727 75.49% 1819 20.41% 365 4.10% 2528 28.37% 2011-12 9165 6998 76.36% 1742 19.01% 425 4.64% 2449 26.72%

  5. Data for SY 11/12 shows statistically significant difference by race: Number of African Other White Cumulative Percent Days Amer. Races African Other 1 Day 38.5% 40.6% 41.8% # of Days White Amer. Races 2 Days 14.7% 16.5% 17.62% 2 Days or less 53.2% 57.1% 59.4% 3 Days 22.7% 19.0% 18.9% 3 Days or less 75.9% 76.1% 78.3% 5 Days 8.4% 6.1% 6.2% 5 Days or less 87.3% 84.5% 86.5% 10 Days 9.4% 11.6% 9.8%

  6. African can American ican White Other er Races es F1T F1T F1T Top 4 offense ense codes des are the e D2C D2C D2C same me for all FA2 D5C D5C students udents D5C FA2 FA2 D3C D6C S3V D6C D3C D3C D8C S3V D6C C2M D8C D8C D1C C2M T3C S3V T3C DG8 F1T- altercation/confrontation/no injury D1C- disrespect/walking away FA2- fighting/no or minor injury/mutual participation D2C- defiance/refuses request C2M- cellular telephones D3C- disruptive demonstrations S3V- other school or code of conduct violation D5C- classroom/campus disruption T3C- violation of acceptable use policy D6C- obscene/inappropriate language/gestures DG8- marijuana possession D8C- minor insubordination

  7. Most frequent offense for all groups in 2011/2012 48.1% of all first time suspensions for African American students o 41.9% of all first time suspensions for White students o 41.0% of all first time suspensions for students of other races o Analysis shows no statistically significant difference by race. Number mber of Days s Suspe pended nded for a Disor orderly erly Conduct duct Offen ense se (first st time e offen ende ders) s) African American White Other Races 1 Day 52.8% 54.9% 59.0% 3 Days or Less 88.7% 91.8% 93.0% 5 Days or less 96.4% 97.0% 96.0% D1C- disrespect/walking away D5C- classroom/campus disruption D2C- defiance/refuses request D6C- obscene/inappropriate language/gestures D3C- disruptive demonstrations D8C- minor insubordination D4C- possession of obscene/disruptive literature

  8. Provides updated information for HCPS staff • and families to support HCPS policies and regulations Reviewed by HCPS administration, staff, and • students Provides the framework for consistency of • disciplinary actions Provides discipline information for parents •

  9. Provides a DVD of updated and current information • on the Code of Student Conduct , SRO updates, exceptional education updates, nontraditional updates, coding, timelines, and risk assessments. Provides templates of discipline letters that have • been updated and reviewed by the legal department to be used by all administrative teams: elementary , middle, and high. Provide samples and explanations of discipline terms • to be used by all administrative teams.

  10. Visits with each middle school administrative team • Visits with each high school administrative team • Visit selected elementary schools and meet with • administrative teams per request Review procedures and policies for consistent • implementation of discipline Review strategies to assist with reduction of • discipline through the habitual offender process

  11. Frequency of Suspensions (11 / 12 School Year) Students receiving NO suspension # of Students who did NOT % of Students who did NOT Combined receive OSS receive OSS within race African Amer. 14,502 81.0% 90.3% of all students did White 20,560 95.2% NOT get OSS last year Other Races 8,624 97.2% Students suspended only 1 time during the school year Number of Students % of Students within race Combined receiving 1 OSS population African Amer. 1822 53.7% 5.5% of all students in the White 693 66.5% division received OSS only one time Other Races 163 66.8% Students suspended 2 or more times during the school year Number of Students % of Students within race Combined receiving more than 1 OSS population African Amer. 1572 46.3% 4.1% of all students in the White 349 33.5% division received OSS 2 or more times Other Races 81 33.2%

  12. Frequency of Suspensions (4 Year Comparison) Students receiving NO suspension - 2011/2012 # of Students who did NOT % of Students who did NOT % of Total student Combined receive OSS receive OSS within race population (Division) African Amer. 14,502 81.0% 30.0% 90.3% of all White 20,560 95.2% 42.5% students did NOT get OSS last year Other Races 8,624 97.2% 17.8% Students receiving NO suspension - 2010/2011 African Amer. 14,473 80.9% 30.1% 90.1% of all White 20,823 94.9% 43.4% students did NOT get OSS in 10/11 Other Races 7,942 97.1% 16.5% Students receiving NO suspension - 2009/2010 African Amer. 14,358 79.5% 30.0% 89% of all White 21,168 94.9% 44.3% students did NOT get OSS in 09/10 Other Races 7,016 94.5% 14.7% Students receiving NO suspension - 2008/2009 African Amer. 13,233 76.6% 27.8% 88.5% of all White 21,176 96.6% 44.4% students did NOT get OSS in 08/09 Other Races 7,800 92.7% 16.4%

  13. Students receiving 3 or more suspensions 2.2 .21% 1% of stu tude dents nts = = 50.4% .4% of suspensions spensions African American: 5% students = 54% suspensions  Caucasian: 1% students = 38% suspensions  Other Races: .5% students = 42% suspensions 

  14. Students Receiving 3 or More Suspensions (11 / 12 School Year) # of stude udent nts s # of OSS % of all OSS % of all OSS Combine ned d % of receivi ving ng OSS 3 inci cidents dents from om inci cidents dents for inci cidents dents disp spens nsati tions ns or more time mes these se students udents their eir race (9,165) 5) African 5 % (875) 3,782 54.0% 41.3% These students American received 4,619 White 1% (154) 659 37.8% 7.2% suspensions or 50.4% of all OSS dispensations Other Races .5% (39) 178 41.9% 1.9% % of students udents # of stude udent nts s % of all % of Tot otal receivi ving ng OSS Combine ned d % of receivi ving ng OSS students udents Stude udent nt 3 or more student udent 3 or more receivi ving ng any Population ation times mes popul ulati ation time mes OSS (4,680) 80) (48,366 366) (1, 1,068) 68) African 875 18.7% 81.9% 1.81% American These students make up 2.21% of White 154 3.3% 14.4% .32% the total student population Other Races 39 .8% 3.7% .08%

  15. Students Receiving 3 or more Suspensions (11/12 School Year) - Gender within Race # of students % of Race % of all students % of all % of total student receiving OSS having 3 or (1,068) having 3 students population 3 or more more OSS or more OSS receiving OSS (48,366) times dispensations dispensations (4,860) F - 226 25.8% 21.2% 4.8% .47% African American M - 649 74.2% 60.8% 13.9% 1.34% F - 14 9.1% 1.3% .3% .03% White M - 140 90.9% 13.1% 3.0% .29% F - 10 25.6% .9% .2% .02% Other Races M - 29 74.4% 2.7% .6% .06%

  16. Students with disabilities 13% 13% of popula pulation tion – 24% 4% of al all l stu tudents dents suspende pended Black students with disabilities = 17% of students suspended.  Of Students with disabilities suspended, the 6% who were white  accounted for 48% of all white suspensions. Black students with disabilities who were suspended constituted 1.5%  of the entire black population of HCPS and accounted for 31% of students with 3 or more suspensions.


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