making weak maps compose strictly

Making weak maps compose strictly Richard Garner Uppsala University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Making weak maps compose strictly Richard Garner Uppsala University CT 2008, Calais Outline Motivation Weak maps of bicategories Weak maps of tricategories Weak maps of weak -categories (NB: Talk notes available at

  1. Making weak maps compose strictly Richard Garner Uppsala University CT 2008, Calais

  2. Outline Motivation Weak maps of bicategories Weak maps of tricategories Weak maps of weak ω -categories (NB: Talk notes available at ∼ rhgg2 )

  3. Motivation Consider a category C with: ◮ Objects being higher-dimensional ——s; ◮ Morphisms being strict structure-preserving maps. Would like to derive C wk with: ◮ Same objects; ◮ Morphisms being weak structure-preserving maps.

  4. Motivation Idea from homotopy theory: identify strict maps X ′ → ˜ weak maps X → Y Y with where: ◮ X ′ is a cofibrant replacement for X ; ◮ ˜ Y is a fibrant replacement for Y .

  5. Example: Ch ( R ) Ch ( R ) , category of (positively graded) chain complexes over R . ◮ A strict map X → Y is a map of chain complexes;

  6. Example: Ch ( R ) Ch ( R ) , category of (positively graded) chain complexes over R . ◮ A strict map X → Y is a map of chain complexes; ◮ A strict map X ′ → Y is a map which preserves the R -module structure only up to homotopy ;

  7. Example: Ch ( R ) Ch ( R ) , category of (positively graded) chain complexes over R . ◮ A strict map X → Y is a map of chain complexes; ◮ A strict map X ′ → Y is a map which preserves the R -module structure only up to homotopy ; ◮ A strict map X → ˜ Y is a map which preserves the di ff erential only up to homotopy ;

  8. Example: Ch ( R ) Ch ( R ) , category of (positively graded) chain complexes over R . ◮ A strict map X → Y is a map of chain complexes; ◮ A strict map X ′ → Y is a map which preserves the R -module structure only up to homotopy ; ◮ A strict map X → ˜ Y is a map which preserves the di ff erential only up to homotopy ; ◮ A strict map X ′ → ˜ Y (= weak map X → Y ) is a map which preserves the R -module structure and the di ff erential only up to homotopy .

  9. Example: f/ Cat /Z Let f : X → Z in Cat . Can form the interval category f/ Cat /Z : g h ◮ Objects are X − → Y − → Z with hg = f ; ◮ Morphisms are commutative diamonds: X g j Y W . h k Z

  10. Example: f/ Cat /Z Corresponding weak maps should be pseudo-commutative diamonds: X g j ∼ = Y W ∼ = h k Z

  11. Example: f/ Cat /Z Corresponding weak maps should be pseudo-commutative diamonds: X g j ∼ = Y W ∼ = h k Z ... and these are precisely strict maps X � g ′ j Y ′ � W , h ′ � k Z where:

  12. Example: f/ Cat /Z j k − − → W − − → Z is: ... fibrant replacement of X λ k ◦ j ρ k X − − − − − → W ↓ ∼ = k − − − → Z

  13. Example: f/ Cat /Z j k − − → W − − → Z is: ... fibrant replacement of X λ k ◦ j ρ k X − − − − − → W ↓ ∼ = k − − − → Z g h and cofibrant replacement of X − − − → Y − − → Z is: l g h ◦ r g X − − − → g ↑ ∼ = Y − − − − − → Z .

  14. How to compose weak maps? Idea from category theory: ◮ Cofibrant replacement should be a comonad ( – ) ′ : C → C ; ◮ Fibrant replacement should be a monad � ( – ): C → C ; X ) ′ → � ◮ There should be a distributive law d X : ( ˜ X ′ .

  15. How to compose weak maps? Idea from category theory: ◮ Cofibrant replacement should be a comonad ( – ) ′ : C → C ; ◮ Fibrant replacement should be a monad � ( – ): C → C ; X ) ′ → � ◮ There should be a distributive law d X : ( ˜ X ′ . Now composition of weak maps is two-sided Kleisli composition : f g ( X ′ Y ) ◦ ( Y ′ → ˜ → ˜ − − − − − − Z ) := f ′ g ˜ µ Z ∆ X d Y → ˜ → � X ′ → X ′′ → (˜ Y ) ′ ˜ → ˜ Y ′ − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − Z Z .

  16. Example: f/ Cat /Z ◮ Cofibrant replacement is a comonad [Grandis–Tholen 2006]; ◮ Fibrant replacement is a monad [loc. cit.]; ◮ There is a distributive law between them; and corresponding Kleisli composition is what you think it is: pasting of pseudo-commutative diamonds.

  17. In general If a (locally presentable) category C has a cofibrantly generated model structure on it, then: ◮ Cofibrant replacement can be made a comonad [G. 2008]; ◮ Fibrant replacement can be made a monad [loc. cit.]; ◮ But not clear how to get a distributive law between them! So in this talk, we focus on the case where every object is fibrant . (As then we only need cofibrant replacement comonad).

  18. Weak maps of bicategories Consider the category Bicat s : ◮ Objects are bicategories; ◮ Morphisms are strict homomorphisms. There is a cofibrantly generated model structure on Bicat s [Lack, 2004], wherein: ◮ Weak equivalences are biequivalences; ◮ Every object is fibrant. What are the corresponding weak maps?

  19. First we describe cofibrant replacement comonad ( – ) ′ . It is generated by the following set of maps in Bicat s : • • • • • • � , , , • • • • . • • •

  20. Explicitly, if B is a bicategory, then B ′ is given as follows: ◮ Ignore the 2-cells and form the free bicategory FU B on the underlying 1-graph of B ;

  21. Explicitly, if B is a bicategory, then B ′ is given as follows: ◮ Ignore the 2-cells and form the free bicategory FU B on the underlying 1-graph of B ; ◮ Factorise the counit map ǫ : FU B → B as → B ′ b a FU B − → B − where a is bijective on objects and 1-cells and b is locally fully faithful. (NB: this is the flexible replacement of [Blackwell-Kelly-Power 1989]).

  22. Proposition (Coherence for homomorphisms) The co-Kleisli category of ( – ) ′ : Bicat s → Bicat s is isomorphic to the category Bicat of bicategories and homomorphisms.

  23. Proposition (Coherence for homomorphisms) The co-Kleisli category of ( – ) ′ : Bicat s → Bicat s is isomorphic to the category Bicat of bicategories and homomorphisms. Proof . ◮ First define a comonad H on Bicat s such that Kl ( H ) ∼ = Bicat by construction; = ( – ) ′ as comonads. ◮ Then show that H ∼

  24. Proposition (Coherence for homomorphisms) The co-Kleisli category of ( – ) ′ : Bicat s → Bicat s is isomorphic to the category Bicat of bicategories and homomorphisms. Proof . ◮ First define a comonad H on Bicat s such that Kl ( H ) ∼ = Bicat by construction; = ( – ) ′ as comonads. ◮ Then show that H ∼ Explicitly, given bicategory B , we form H B as follows: Start with FU B as above. Given f : X → Y in B , write [ f ]: X → Y for corresponding generator in FU B .

  25. Now adjoin 2 -cells to FU B as follows: ◮ For each α : f ⇒ g in B , a 2 -cell [ α ]: [ f ] ⇒ [ g ] ; ◮ For each X ∈ B , a 2 -cell η X : id X ⇒ [id X ] ; f g ◮ For each X − → Y − → Z ∈ B , a 2 -cell µ g,f : [ g ] ◦ [ f ] ⇒ [ g ◦ f ] ;

  26. Now adjoin 2 -cells to FU B as follows: ◮ For each α : f ⇒ g in B , a 2 -cell [ α ]: [ f ] ⇒ [ g ] ; ◮ For each X ∈ B , a 2 -cell η X : id X ⇒ [id X ] ; f g ◮ For each X − → Y − → Z ∈ B , a 2 -cell µ g,f : [ g ] ◦ [ f ] ⇒ [ g ◦ f ] ; And quotient out the 2 -cells by equations making: ◮ [ – ] be functorial on 2 -cells; ◮ µ g,f be natural in g and f ; ◮ The µ g,f ’s and η X ’s satisfy the unit and associativity laws. The result of this is H B .

  27. ◮ By construction, maps H B → C are in bijection with homomorphisms B → C .

  28. ◮ By construction, maps H B → C are in bijection with homomorphisms B → C . ◮ We can now make H into a comonad so that Kl ( H ) ∼ = Bicat (comonad structure on H is combinatorial essence of composition of homomorphisms—compare [Hess-Parent-Scott 2006]).

  29. ◮ By construction, maps H B → C are in bijection with homomorphisms B → C . ◮ We can now make H into a comonad so that Kl ( H ) ∼ = Bicat (comonad structure on H is combinatorial essence of composition of homomorphisms—compare [Hess-Parent-Scott 2006]). = ( – ) ′ as comonads (a normalization proof ). ◮ Finally, we show that H ∼

  30. Weak maps of tricategories Consider the category Tricat s : ◮ Objects are tricategories; ◮ Morphisms are strict homomorphisms. We use an algebraic definition of tricategory, so Tricat s is l.f.p. and in particular cocomplete.

  31. Weak maps of tricategories Consider the category Tricat s : ◮ Objects are tricategories; ◮ Morphisms are strict homomorphisms. We use an algebraic definition of tricategory, so Tricat s is l.f.p. and in particular cocomplete. No-one has written down the cofibrantly generated model structure on Tricat s yet, but it should have: ◮ Weak equivalences being triequivalences; ◮ Every object being fibrant. Can we describe the corresponding weak maps?

  32. Yes: because we can describe the cofibrant replacement comonad ( – ) ′ . It’s generated by the following set of maps in Tricat s : • • • • • • • • � ; ; ; ; • • • • • • . • • •

  33. Explicitly, if T is a tricategory, then T ′ is given as follows: ◮ Ignore the 2- and 3-cells and form the free tricategory FU T on the underlying 1-graph of T . Write ǫ : FU T → T for the counit map.


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