maison louis latour masterclass pinot noir

Maison Louis Latour Masterclass Pinot Noir Maison Louis Latour - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Maison Louis Latour Masterclass Pinot Noir Maison Louis Latour Masterclass Chardonnay 1 Introduction MASTERCLASS PINOT NOIR Maison Louis Latour Masterclass Pinot Noir 2 Summar Sum mary I. The I. he Pin inot ot Noi oir r Grape

  1. Maison Louis Latour Masterclass Pinot Noir Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Chardonnay 1

  2. Introduction MASTERCLASS PINOT NOIR Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 2

  3. Summar Sum mary I. The I. he Pin inot ot Noi oir r Grape ape II. II . Pi Pinot not Noi oir r div iversit ersity II III. I. Pin inot ot Noi oir r in in Bu Burgun undy dy IV IV. . Com ompar parat ative ive ta tast sting ing Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 3

  4. The Pinot Noir grape Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 4

  5. I. I. Th The Pi Pinot t No Noir r Grape pe - Burgundy red grape variety - Soils : clay and limestone from the middle Jurassic period - Used for dry still wine and sparkling wine - Ancestor of more than 20 different grape varieties (Chardonnay, Gamay, Aligoté, …) - + - One, if not the finest red grape variety - Difficult to cultivate - Early budding - Very thin skin → Sensitive to disease (oïdium and mildew) as well as grey rot - Best in cool climate - Early budding = Fragile to spring frost - Colourless and sweet juice - Small and tight berries - Very complex Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 5

  6. I. I. Th The Pi Pinot t No Noir r Grape pe a) Origins 14th Century • One of the oldest grape varieties: • End of phylloxera: grafting on • Officially recognized and mentioned in american rootstock cultivated in Burgundy since the 1375 in Beaune registers 1st century AD • Development and expansion of • In 1395, the Duke Philippe le Hardi Pinot Noir worldwide (USA, • Named after the pinecone shape banishes Gamay from Burgundy in Australia, South Africa , Chili, …) of the grape bunches favour of Pinot Noir • Development of Pinot Noir in European countries (Germany, 20th Century 1st Century Austria, Switzerland, Belgium , …) Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 6

  7. I. I. The Pi Th Pinot t No Noir r Grape pe b) Pinot Noir in the world: One of the most popular grape variety ❖ More than 110 000 ha of Pinot Noir planted worldwide ❖ The 4th most planted grape variety in the world ❖ Top 7 countries: Number of hectares per country Australia; 4 690 New-Zealand; 4 780 Italy; 5 050 France; 30 000 Moldavia; 6 520 France USA Germany Germany; Moldavia 11 300 Italy New-Zealand USA; 16 780 Australia Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 7

  8. I. I. Th The Pi Pinot t No Noir r Grape pe c) Pinot Noir in France ❖ Evolution of planted area in France: multiplied by 3,5 from 1958 to 2011 ❖ More than 30 000 ha of Pinot Noir planted in France today ❖ Strongholds in France are Burgundy, Champagne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Loire Valley and Alsace Evolution of Pinot Noir vineyards in France 35000 30000 25000 Surfaca area (ha) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1958 1968 1979 1988 1998 2008 2011 Year Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 8

  9. Pinot Noir diversity Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 9

  10. II. . Pi Pinot t No Noir r diversity versity • Wide array of aromas depending on where it is grown and how it is made Style e of wi wine ne Altitude tude Lat atitude tude Soil Clima mate te Semi-continental (cold in winter and Fran ance – Côte d’Or 200 à 380m 47,5 ° Clay-limestone hot in summer – susceptible to hail Delicate and elegant thunderstorm) Volcanic, alluvial, clay Mediterranean (wet and mild winter – Cal alifornia fornia 350-450m 38 ° Dark and ripe & gravelly-sandy hot , dry and sunny summer) Continental (though climate, spring Ge Germany any 136-250m 50 ° Clay, limestone, marl Sweeter and lighter style and autumn frost, hoter in summer) Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 10

  11. II. . Pi Pinot t No Noir r diversity versity Temperature Sunshine Latitude / Altitude / Slope Rainfall Exposition Rootstock Genetic Clone Date of harvest Soil Type, age and compostion Vintage Effect Watering / Nutrition Type of aromas Culture Pruning Sugar Density Date Acidity Harvest Method Yield Type of vat Style Whole bunch or not Scarcity Pigeage / pumping-over Price Time and temperature of cold fermentation Racking Winemaking Malolactic Yeast Oak treatment Batonage / stirring lies Length Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 11

  12. Pinot Noir in Burgundy Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 12

  13. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy a) Vineyards situation ❖ Burgundy total surface area: 25 000 ha Pinot noir represents more than 35% of the vineyard area planted in Burgundy ❖ 250 kilometers from Chablis in the north to Beaujolais in the south ❖ Divided in 5 sub-regions: Chablis • Strongholds of Côte d’Or (Côte de Nuits and Côte de Beaune) • Pinot Noir Côte Chalonnaise • Mâconnais • Beaujolais • ❖ A strategic position: link between the Rhone Valley and the Paris Basin Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 13

  14. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy b) Climate Average temperatures (°C) 25,0 ❖ Cont ontin inental ental cli limat mate: cold winters, hot summers and 20,0 abundant rainfall ❖ Se Sever eral al mic icro-cl climates imates that 15,0 impact temperature, rainfall, 10,0 exposure to the wind, sunshine period… 5,0 ❖ Av Average age ann annual ual te temper erat atur ure: 11,5 ° C 0,0 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Chablis Côte d'Or Mâcon Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 14

  15. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy b) Climate Average sunlight (hours) ❖ Av Average age an annu nual al ho hour urs s of of 350 su sunshine nshine: 2 000 hours 300 ❖ Mo Morning ning su suns nshi hine ne: 250 200 In winter, helps limit the risk of o 150 frost damage 100 In summer, helps ripen the 50 o 0 grapes Chablis Côte d'Or Mâcon Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 15

  16. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy b) Climate Average rainfall (mm) 180,0 ❖ Av Average age rai ainfa nfall ll: 700 mm on 160,0 140,0 average per year, mainly in 120,0 May and June 100,0 → Ideal precipitation for 80,0 encouraging wine growth 60,0 ❖ Nor orth th win ind that limits the 40,0 humidity in some vineyards 20,0 0,0 Chablis Côte d'Or Mâcon Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 16

  17. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy c) Vineyard situation and soil ❖ Great divers versity ity of soil ❖ Mainly composed of limestone, clay and marl ❖ East and and So Southeas theast-exposed vineyards on slopes: o Exposure towards the rising sun: longer days of stronger sunlight for the vines o Protects the vines from westerly winds which can bring humidity o Better water drainage Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 17

  18. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy d) Viticulture ❖ Av Aver erage age dens nsity ity : 10,000 vines / ha ❖ Type of of pruning ning: Simple Guyot Only one spur with 2 buds and one cane with 8 to 10 buds are left at winter pruning ❖ Sm Small ll yealds alds: Between 35 hl/ha and 45 hl/ha Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 18

  19. III. III. Pi Pinot t No Noir r in Burgundy undy e) Winemaking 5 7 4 1 Devating & Pressing Vine-Growing Alcoholic fermentation Toping Pigeage After 12 to 14 days of fermentation From April to September Each barrel, every week for 8 to 10 months Soft pneumatic pressing All manual, 3 times a day. Sorting & Destemming Malolactic & Ageing Racking Harvest Just after the harvest For 8 to 10 months Once the wine is ready Mid-September in average In our natural old cellars 3 2 8 6 Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 19

  20. Maison Louis Latour Comparative tasting 1. 1. Lou ouis is Lat atou our Bo Bour urgogne ogne Pin inot ot Noi oir 20 2016 16 2. Lou 2. ouis is Lat atou our Bo Bour urgogne ogne Cuv uvée ée Lat atou our r 20 2016 16 3. Lou 3. ouis is Lat atou our Cha hassagne ssagne-Mo Montr ntrachet achet 20 2015 15 4. 4. Lou ouis is Lat atou our Al Aloxe- Corton “Domaine Latour” 2014 5. 5. Lou ouis is Lat atou our Gevr vrey-Cha Chamb mbertin ertin 20 2016 16 6. 6. Lou ouis is Lat atou our Pom ommar mard 20 2016 16 7. 7. Lou ouis is Lat atou our Be Beau aune ne Premi emier er Cru u 20 2016 16 8. 8. Loui ouis s Lat atour our Vos osnee nee-Ro Romanée manée 2016 2016 Maison Louis Latour – Masterclass Pinot Noir 20

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