HDN Masterclass Estonia 2016 APEP study program 21-23 June 2016 T HE D ELEGATION
HDN Masterclass Estonia 2016 THE DELEGATION Atlantic & Pacific Exchange Program Page 2
HDN Masterclass Estonia 2016 Jan van Baars Managing Board ABN AMRO Retail (Mortgages) Chief Executive Officer ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep Postbus 1700 3800 BS AMERSFOORT Tel.: +31 (0)33-750 4621 Email: jan.van.baars@aahg.nl Professional career Jan joined ABN AMRO Bank in 1986. After his traineeship, he occupied numerous management positions in the Netherlands and abroad. After holding positions as District Manager and Regional Manager for the southern Netherlands, he was appointed to the managing board of the mortgage division, ABN AMRO Hypothekengroep (AAHG), on January 1, 2007 and as its CEO on July 1, 2008. Since 2014 he also joins the Managing Board Retail of ABN AMRO, being responsible for Mortgages. Organization AAHG (ABN AMRO Hypotheken Groep) was founded in January 2006 by an integration of the mortgages activities of N.V. Bouwfonds Nederlandse Gemeenten and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. In early 2011 AAHG acquired Direktbank, the mortgage subsidiary of Fortis. AAHG possesses far-reaching expertise in the mortgage market, marketing, sales, product development, processing, funding, risk management and legal affairs. It considers integration of these activities essential to creating value in the mortgage chain. AAHG is structured according to the mono-line concept, allowing it to focus entirely on mortgages. AAHG successfully places mortgages in the market through its labels ABN AMRO, Florius and MoneYou. The total portfolio amounts to 150 bn. Jan chairs the supervisory board of HDN (Hypotheken Data Network). HDN is the Dutch mortgage data network and enables secure and validated communications between mortgage banks and distribution organizations (e.g. applications, documentation, offer letter). Atlantic & Pacific Exchange Program Page 3
HDN Masterclass Estonia 2016 Sibylla Bantema Director AEGON Mortgages AEGON Langemarktstraat 11 8911 AD LEEUWARDEN Tel.: +31 (0)58-244 3131 Email: sbantema@aegon.nl Professional career Since the beginning of 2010, Sibylla holds the position of Director Mortgages of Aegon Netherland. Primarily responsible for the processes and the logistics of the mortgage business, she is also involved in the financing of mortgage business. With annual sales of € 6 billion and a steadily growing portfolio, Aegon has been one of the top 5 lenders in the Dutch residential mortgage market for the last 5 years. In addition to her regular work, Sibylla fulfills several other functions as a directorship at Skydoo, member of the Supervisory Board of HDN and member of the Supervisory Board of De Hoop, a reinsurance company specialized in difficult to insure medical risks. Sibylla Bantema (1971) has a master degree in both Quantitative Economics and Marketing & Market Research, followed by postgraduate studies Finance& Control at the University of Amsterdam and courses at IMD, Duke University and Nijenrode. Her career at AEGON The Netherlands is characterized by the diversity of the various functions and business units, ranging from Finance and Control to HR and Risk. Organization ‘Our purpose is to help people achieve a lifetime of financial security. We're committed to acting responsibly and to creating positive impact for our stakeholders through our business and investment activities. Our ambition is to be a trusted partner for financial solutions at every stage of life’. Aegon is one of the world's leading providers of life insurance, pensions and asset management. Aegon's history dates back over 170 years, however Aegon as we know it today was founded in 1983 following the merger of two Dutch insurance companies, AGO and Ennia. Today, Aegon is one of the top-10 largest insurance companies in the world. Over 28,000 Aegon employees help approximately 30 million customers take responsibility for their financial future. Mid 2015, Aegon managed around EUR 645 billion of own and customers' investments. Aegon operates in over 20 countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas. Our main global brands are Aegon and Transamerica, together with Aegon Asset Management, Blue Square Re and Aegon Direct & Affinity Marketing Services (ADAMS). Listed on the Amsterdam and New York stock exchanges, Aegon has A-level ratings from the three main credit rating agencies. Atlantic & Pacific Exchange Program Page 4
HDN Masterclass Estonia 2016 Dorine van Basten Director HDN Beheer Hoogoorddreef 5 1101 BA Amsterdam Tel.: +31 (0)6-5182 7722 Email: dvanbasten@hdn.nl Professional career Dorine van Basten has worked in financial services since 1989 with a strong focus on the distribution of mortgages. With broad and practical experience, she’s well -positioned to realize strategic plans. She focuses on the costumers, the people behind the processes (at any level) and communication, which are critical success factors for each project. She started her career as a mortgage and insurance advisor at a branch of Huis & Hypotheek. She was responsible for the growth of this branch from a single office to five regional offices and for the management of these five branches. She worked at the Westland/Utrecht Hypotheekbank for 2 years as a senior mortgage accepter. In 1999 she joined Huis & Hypotheek Nederland as a manager of a new department for training, recruitment and selection. After 2 years she became member of the Management Team of De Hypotheek Shop Centrale Organisatie, were she was responsible for new business and product development, formula management and training. In 2007 she started her own consultancy and project management business (Koot en Van Basten), specialized in market insight development, product innovation and distribution strategies for the mortgage industry. Koot en Van Basten combined ‘high speed’ strategy development with a pragmatic implementation approach. Clients include premium companies like Zwitserleven, SNS, ASR, Obvion, NWWI, Argenta, Van Lanschot Chabot and De Hypotheker. Since M ay 2011 she’s the Director of HDN (Hypotheken Data Netwerk). Organization HDN, or Dutch Mortgage Network, is an association of mortgage lenders and insurance and credit companies. The goal of HDN is to develop and maintain a technical infrastructure and message scheme for electronic messaging between mortgage lenders, insurance- and credit companies, mortgage advisors en their customers. In 2015 41 mortgage lenders, insurance- and credit companies and about 3.600 mortgage advisory offices in the Netherlands are connected to the HDN network. HDN has a market share of 82% in the mortgage market. In 2015 almost 300.000 mortgage offer requests are being sent over the network. In return, mortgage lenders send back mortgage offers and status information. In 2011 HDN introduced the paperless mortgage, which enables users to process a mortgage without sending documents by mail. Nowadays HDN connects data sources to replace the documents and also supports the mortgage process for existing customers, who want to change their mortgage. Atlantic & Pacific Exchange Program Page 5
HDN Masterclass Estonia 2016 Christian Dijkhof Director Hypotheek Company Lasondersingel 105 7514 BN ENSCHEDE Tel.: +31 (0)53-480 2402 Email: info@dijkhof.nl Professional career Christian Dijkhof (45) finished his college education in international marketing in 1994. In 1996 he started his own business as an independent insurance-broker. He is also the founder of a national franchise-concept in the mortgage industry; HypotheekCompany. With 100 outlets throughout the Netherlands the company has become one of the leading mortgage experts. Dijkhof is also one of the major shareholders of autosportinsurance.com, an international specialized broker for the insurance of racecars. Furthermore Dijkhof is the chairman of the OvFD, an significant industry association and member of the Supervisory Board HDN (HDN (Mortgages Data Network) is a cooperative non-profit organization. He is the author of "Survival Guide for mortgage brokers", published in 2008. Organization HypotheekCompany is a franchisor in the mortgage industry. The company only works with independent insurance- & mortgage brokers as franchisees. Approximately 100 franchisees provide this concept a nationwide coverage in the Netherlands. Atlantic & Pacific Exchange Program Page 6