M a a i i s s o n B o n B e a a u r u r e p p a a i i r r e By Ajb Top Fashion OJABTEX, IFABO, AJB TOP FASHION, MAISON BEAUREPAIRE Several companies, one boss. His name Adikatou Beaurepaire. From Abidjan to Paris via Cotonou, this is the route of a life in motion in the trade of fabrics and fashion with a single denominator: Cultural diversity. As a true self-woman Adikatou has built herself as a business leader. His field of action is in fashion and entrepreneurship. After having long been in the wake of master couturiers, designers and other designers, Adikatou has created and launched an online sales site of Fabrics, Home Textiles, Accessory and Clothing AJBTop Fashion and its own brand: Maison Beaurepaire supported by IFABO. A step she has taken with the establishment of a workshop for creators and also through the organization of events to publicize its brand and its partners. In the meantime, we are making this file available to you for further acquaintance with Madame Beaurepaire and her activities. 1- General presentation of the concept 2- Presentation and Biographies 3- Events & Press in a few lines
C like … Craft This commercial and artistic project. is part of a plural dynamic of promoting African know-how in Europe, modelism and human values. J comme … Junction AJB top is the link between different cultures that flourish and mingle with each other to form a unique alchemy found in all creations of the brand B comme … Beauty The Beaurepaire workshop sublimates your silhouette with style by relying on a wide selection of fabrics, accessories and models. Entrust your desires to our experts, they take care of making the outfit of your dreams. On all occasions, shine a thousand lights, adorned with the finery of the Maison Beaurepaire.Our original fabrics and accessories are made by excellent craftsmen with whom we work in partnership. We offer a range of objects to offer / afford on various occasions: Accessories, Decorations, Furnishing. Lovers of creation, you are in the right place. Varied textile materials, a true patchwork of a multicultural world where colors dance to the rhythm of the seasons. From Asia to Africa to Europe, AJB Top Fashion invites you to travel with one click. Ready-to-wear or tailor-made clothing by our team of stylist-designers. From cottonseed to garment, all the way through the fabric, let yourself be guided and immerse yourself in the shimmering atmosphere of color and travel.Exoticism and sensations are at the appointment. And if you feel yourself pushing the wings of creation, let the stylist - modelist who sleeps in you by customizing your choices. And as innovation for the new season, Maison Beaureapaire is opening its doors and renting a workspace for beginners or confirmed designers. With your scissors! Hymn to creation, fantasy, tastes and colors, Maison Beaurepaire is open to you. Make yourself happy. Surf artistically Top Fashion . 2
Wor orks kshop hop Designers and stylists can also: on request rent this space equipped with all the necessary equipment for the realization of their parts Designers and stylists can also: on request rent this space equipped with all the necessary equipment for the realization of their parts. Born in Ivory Coast of parents of Beninese origin, it is at the age of 9 that Adikatou Beaurepaire discovered a passion for fashion and business . From the age of 14, she began her first steps in the tissue business with her mother. She arrived in Paris in the 2000s. A year later, after working in different sectors, and thanks to one of his cousins who offered to sell her fabrics to merchants in the district of Chateau-rouge, she found her heart of job. Adikatou is now the only one to start its great adventure in the textile world by creating a first company under the name of Ojabtex in 2006. It starts in 2008 3
with the creation of a first website intended to provide fabric to designers and sellers of fashion accessories. She is one of the first traders to create an online sales site specialized in the African fabric. It makes diversity a major focus of its positioning and is surrounded by a team of designers from 2011. She develops her business by creating her own ready-to-wear and tailor-made clothing workshop. A dynamic and professional team has been accompanying him since in his development project. Thus, Adikatou actively and personally participates in all that can bring together cultures beyond their differences. From this angle, she takes part in many parades and artistic events where she presents her creations. Ms. Beaurepaire is recognized by her corporation and is elected as president of the Association of Fashion Designers and Craftsmen of the Golden Drop from 2011 to 2014. It is part of a dynamic evolution by creating another company called IFABO in 2015. It realizes other creations and brings to the heart of its fight new projects to support local artisans. Today, she embarks on a new challenge under the acronym AJB Top Fashion. Through its commitments, its ambitions and its creations, Adikatou imposes its vision of open fashion on multiculturalism, the mixing of cultures as a patchwork or a melting pot where craftsmanship and quality of service mix 4
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