lrct rctc c servi vice e pro rovi vider der amp t amp



  1. LRCT RCTC C SERVI VICE E PRO ROVI VIDER DER & T & TRAIN AINING G OFFIC ICERS ERS AS ASSESSO SSORS RS USER GRO ROUP UP - 8 TH TH SEPTEMB EMBER ER 2011 11 Mark rk Smith th – Chairm rman n NHS London n Servi vice Pro rovi vider r Gro roup Ian Phillips s – LRCTC

  2. RESPON ONSES SES TO LAB AB QU QUESTION IONNAIRE NAIRE LRC RCTC C – Eva valu luat ations ions Forms Feed d Back Summary Course e Name: : LRC RCTC Servic vice Provid vider er Group up (User er Group) Meeti ting ng Date e Held: : Thursda day 8 th th Septem ember er 2011 29 laborat orator ories ies were sent a user group questionn ionnaire. aire. Ten were sent back (29%) %) their eir scores es and commen ents ts recorde ded d in the graph h and tables es below Non- Gynae Updates Courses for Trainee for qualified courses Qualified staff Staff

  3. PERFORM ORMAN ANCE CE MONITO TORI RING NHS London don  Non Non-Medical ical Educati cation on and Traini ining ng Contra ntract t Performance rmance Mana nage gement ent

  4. PERFORMA ORMANC NCE E MONI NITO TORI RING NG • Cy Cycle st started d June e 2009 9 inaugura augural l Service ice Provide ider r meeti eting ng • Est stablis ishe hed base selin ines es which h would fu fulfi fil l SP train ining ing requi uirem rements, ents, build ld on curre rrent nt robus ust courses ses curr rrently ently runnin nning. • Additional ional courses ses to be provided ided

  5. PERFORMA ORMANC NCE E MONI NITO TORI RING NG • Co Contract ract Perform ormance ance Indicat icator ors s (CP CPIs) s) • Co Contract ract Perform ormance ance Retu eturn rn (CP CPR) R) • The he sy syst stem em revie iews s the he per erformance ormance of i f indiv ividual idual courses ses over r the previ vious ous academic mic year agains nst t a set set of Co f Contract ract perform ormanc ance Indicat icator ors • Cy Cycle runs ns fr from August ust when new contract tract per erformance ormance indicat icator ors s are e se sent out

  6. PURPOSE OSE OF THE E SYSTEM TEM • NHS London’s Contract Performance Management system is focuse used d on fitness ess for purpose rpose and value ue for mo money

  7. PRINC NCIPLE PLE OF THIS S AP APPRO ROACH CH • Enhan ance transp nspare rency ncy • Ac Actively review performa rmance nce and prom omote performa rmance nce enhance ceme ment nt • Drive up standar ndards ds • Ac Actively ly promote partne tnership ship work rking • Review and promote e the qu quality ty of academic mic and placement ent • Mini nimi mise se the burden en


  9. PRE-REGIST REGISTRA RATIO TION CRITERIA ERIA AGREED ED WITH H SERVICE CE PRO ROVIDERS IDERS 2010 0 Introd oduct uctor ory y Course se: : (Pre-reg egist strati ation on) Traine nee e Cytosc scre reene ener – 4 GCSE’s Traine nee e biome medica cal l scient ntist st – ‘A’ levels or equivalent to allow entry to a HPC approved degree course se. . Selection ion by intervie view w in accordanc ance with local al emp mplo loyer r protoc ocols ols Must be emp mplo loyed ed in the UK NHSCSP SP Non-NH NHS S only y if contract cted to NHS Length of time in post st : L Learners s shoul ould attend the Introd oduct uctor ory y Course se ideally y within n the first 6 mont nths s of emp mplo loym yment ent Learners spend nd a m minimu mum m of 6 weeks s in the home me laborat ator ory y learning ng how to set et up and use a light micros oscop cope to visua uali lise se cells for interpr rpretat etation ion and be f famili liar with norma mal l cell morpho rphology logy and basic infec ections. ions. City & G Guild lds s (C&G) ) Regist strati ation on: : Prior or to starting ng the Introd oduct uctor ory y course e pre-regi gist stration on students nts must be registere red by their emp mplo loyers with the C&G Education n office ce. . The laborat ator ory y training ng officer cer (C&G assessor) sor) must also be r registered ed prior or to learner ers s commenc mencing ng their portfoli olios os

  10. TUITIO TION N DAYS Traine inee e Cytoscreener oscreener – 4 GCSE’s Traine inee e biomedical dical scienti ntist st – ‘A’ levels or equivalent to allow entry to a HPC approved degree e course urse. . Select ction on by inter ervi view in acc ccor ordan ance with h loca cal employer er protoc ocol ols Must t be employed in the UK NHS HSCSP SP Non Non-NHS HS only y if c f contra ontracted d to NHS HS Length gth of f time in post: t: After er satisf sfact actor ory y completion ion of f the Intr troduct oductor ory y cou course se The UK Cytolog ology y Trai aining ning Centre tre attend ended d for r the Intr troduct oductor ory y course urse must be given.

  11. FO FOLL LLOW W UP P COURSE: RSE: (P (PRE-RE REGISTR GISTRATION) TION) Trainee inee Cytos oscreener creener – 4 GCSE’s Trainee inee biomedical dical scient ntis ist t – ‘A’ levels or equivalent to allow entry to a HPC approved degree ee course. e. Selection tion by inter ervie iew w in accor ordan dance ce with h local al emp mployer er prot otocol ocols Must t be emp mployed d in the UK NHSCSP Non-NHS HS only y if contract tracted ed to NHS Length th of time in post: 12 month ths post Intr troduct oductor ory y course e compl mpleti tion on The e UK Cytolog ology y Trainin ning Centre ntre attend ended ed for the e Intr troduct oductor ory y cour urse se mus ust t be given. en. The numb mber er of prima mary slides screene ened in year ar one is required uired

  12. PRE-EXAMI EXAMINATIO TION N COURSE: SE: Trainee inee Cytos oscreener creener – 4 GCSE’s Trainee inee biomedical dical scient ntis ist t – ‘A’ levels or equivalent to allow entry to a HPC approved degree ee course. e. Selection tion by inter ervie iew w in accor ordan dance ce with h local al emp mployer er prot otocol ocols Must t be emp mployed d in the UK NHSCSP Non-NHS HS only y if contract tracted ed to NHS Length th of time in post: 18 18 month ths post Intr troduc ductor ory y course e compl mpleti tion on The e UK Cytolog ology y Trainin ning Centre ntre attend ended ed for the e Intr troduct oductor ory y cour urse se mus ust t be given en. The numb mber er of prima mary slides screene ened requir uired ed will be 4,50 500 0 slides

  13. MLA A – INT NTRODU ODUCTO CTORY Y COURSE MLA : 4 GCSE’s or equivalent Leng ength th of time me in post: t: up up to 6 month nths Relevance ance : Mus ust be workin king g in Cytolog ology y labor orat ator ory Sele lecti ction on by inter ervi view in accor orda dance nce with th local emplo mployer prot otocols ocols Mus ust be emplo loyed ed in the e UK NHSCSP CSP Non on-NHS S only y if contra ntract cted d to NHS

  14. POST T – REG EGISTR STRATION TION COUR URSE SES S SP CRITER ITERIA IA Compul ulsor sory y Upd Update Cour urse ses s Prof ofess ssional ional qual alif ific icat ation on required uired: : City & Guilds Diploma a in Cervic ical al Cytology ology or equival alent ent Time inter erval al bet etween en last update: : 3 year ars s or or if r f ret etur urning ning to cervica vical l cytol ology ogy after er an absence sence exceeding ing 3 month ths, s, under ertaki taking ng a form rmal al docume ument nted d in-house house assess ssmen ment t progra ogramme me If f the absence nce exceeds s 6 month ths, s, attendance ndance at an externa ernal update e course urse will be require uired. d.

  15. PO POST T – REG EGISTRA ISTRATION TION COURSE RSES S SP P CRITER TERIA IA Non gynaecologi ecological cal courses: ses: Professional ssional qualif lifica ication tion requi uired red: : Ci City & Guilds ilds Diploma loma in Ce Cervical ical Cy Cytology ogy (or eq equiv ivalent) lent) Lengt gth h of ti f time in post st: 1 year post st Diplom loma a experience ience Releva vance: nce: Mu Must st be actively ely involv olved ed in techni nica cal l non- gynae ae preparat aration ion work rk.

  16. C&G &G AS ASSESSORS SORS TRAI AININ NING: G: Profession onal al qua ualif ification cation requi uired red: City y & Guild lds s Diploma ma in Cervica cal l Cytol ology ogy (or equiv ivalent) alent) Work rkpla lace ce Assessor r Requi uirements rements – Quali alified ed BMS occupat upationa ionally ly comp mpeten ent t in areas eas of expertis tise they will be assessing ng in this quali alificati ication on. Respons onsibl ble e for estab abli lishment hment and nd maint ntena enance ce of train aining ing and d contin tinuin uing g educa cation tion progra ramm mme for lab staff in collabo labora rati tion on with consultant sultant path thol ologis ogist. t. They will observe, e, recor ord, d, discuss, s, provide e cons nstru truct ctiv ive critici icism, m, advise e and d guide de learner rner in order to conf nfirm rm that t the assessmen ent t criter eria ia have been met et.

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