LODZKIE In the centre of Poland, in the centre of Europe
Basic information Location: the centre of Poland Area: 18,2 thousand km2 Population: 2.55 mln 6 place in the country 140 people per km2 64 % of people live in the cities
Basic information Administrative zoning - 24 poviats - 177 communes Capital of the Region – Lodz Main cities in the region: - Piotrków Trybunalskii - Sieradz - Skierniewice - Tomaszów Mazowiecki - Bełchatów - Zdu ń ska Wola - Radomsko - Wieruszów - Wielu ń
Basic information Lodz – the capital of the region approx. 747.000 inhabitants 3rd largest city in Poland
Basic information Lodz – the capital of the region A city of long-term industrial traditions dating back to the 19th century Large academic centre Centre of the development of new technologies and industry as well as modern financial institutions
Economy – Why it is worth investing in the Lodzkie Voivodeship Industry Main industrial centres - Lodz - Piotrkowski-Belchatowski District Main branches of the industry: - Textile industry and production of clothes - Food and building industry - Pharmaceutical industry - Production of ceramic tiles
Economy – Why it is worth investing in the Lodzkie Voivodeship Services Main centres - Central poviats of the region Main branches - outsourcing - Business Processes Offshoring - Accountancy, Finances - Logistical centres - Fairs - Film production
About us The Marshal’s Office in Lodz is the administrative body of the Lodz Region. - The Lodz Region is the highest in rank selfgovernment body. - The Lodz Region acts as The Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Programme for the Lodz Region 2007-2013 -The Lodz Region is carrying out the Loris Plus Project within its Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) with the general goal to elaborate a strategic framework that increases the innovativeness and competitiveness of enterprises in the Region through the optimisation of infrastructures and regional innovation policy.
About us The Lodz Region is currently a partner in 5 INTERREG IVC projects: - PLUSTEX – Policy Learning to Unlock Skills in the TEXtile sektor - InnoMot – Improving Regional Policies promoting and motivating non- technological Innovation in SMEs -INNOPOLIS – Innovation Policy in University City Regions - EURIS – European Collaborative and Open Regional Innovation Strategies - RENREN – Renewable Energy Regions Network Finished projects: - B3 Regions – Regions for Better Broadband Connection - MKW – Making Knowledge Work
„P olicy L earning to U nlock S kills in the TEX tile sector” - PLUSTEX HIGH-QUALITY, SPECIALTY, HIGH-TECH TEXTILES AND NICHE PRODUCTS good practice in the development of textile-clothing sector, examples from the Lodz Region in co-operation with the Technical University of Lodz - Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design
„ P olicy L earning to U nlock S kills in the TEX tile sector” - PLUSTEX Textile-clothing industry in Poland concentrates in several textile centres, most important of which is Lodz region. . •The strength of european textile-clothing sector (including Polish industry) results from the high quality of its products and let us be optimistic as to its future. •Further development of the sector depends on implementing high-quality, specialty, high-tech textiles and niche products. •To achieve that aim it is necessary to intensify cooperation between research centres and industry.
„ P olicy L earning to U nlock S kills in the TEX tile sector” - PLUSTEX In the Lodz Region lots of advanced products, often addressed to niche recipients have been worked out thanks to effecive cooperation between research units and companies. Here are some of the good practices in that area: Selected projects realized at Technical University of Lodz within consortia created by the Advanced Technologies Centre of Human Friendly Textiles PRO HUMANO TEX
- ”A firefighter suit of new generation with a textronic system monitoring physiological parameters”- the first prototype of textronic clothing in Poland was created (research is now continued within the project FIREGUARD 2015) - Consortium of participants: - Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design of Technical University of Lodz, - Central Institute for Labour Protection- National Research Institute, Department of Personal Protective Equipment - ARLEN S.A. Projekt współfinansowany ze ś rodków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego
Unia europejska Projekt współfinansowany ze ś rodków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego A new generation of filtration materials with nanofibers and modifiers realized by Advanced Technologies Centre PRO HUMANO TEX . Consortium of participants: -Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design of Technical University of Lodz, -Central Institute for Labout Protection- National Research Institute, Department of Personal Protective Equipment -Filter-Service S.C.
Biogratex ”- Biodegradable fibrous products Biodegradable dressing materials Biodegradable dressing materials
Seamless compression knitted fabrics, produced in „High Tech” technology: compression hosiery products compression products used in burn scars therapy, Protective bands for sportsmen The specific property of clothing used in compression therapy is exerting pressure on the patient's body. Compression therapy is based on the assumption that pressure decreases the amount of collagen emitted during the formation of scar tissue, preventing the formation of thick, hypertrophic scars
Technical University of Lodz Technical University of Lodz Department of Clothing & Textronics Department of Clothing & Textronics Virtual model of the body or scan data; individual clothing design Diagram of industrial Clothing construction by engineering methods production of elastic, mass customized clothing based on scans Basic patterns, clothing simulation, corrections of human body and of the virtual model; client acceptance virtual simulation Making up of a single clothing model in industrial conditions Ready clothing article delivered to the client
Technical University of Lodz Technical University of Lodz Department of Clothing & Textronics Department of Clothing & Textronics 3D Fit V5R2 – – main assumptions: main assumptions: 3D Fit V5R2 • virtual prototyping, • checking, if the cloths fit well, • confirmation of construction, • collection view.
Thank you for your attention, Marshal’s Office in Lodz Regional Policy Department Av. Pilsudskiego 8 90-051 Lodz Monika Urbaniak e-mail: monika.urbaniak@lodzkie.pl Tel. 0048 42 663 31 02