Local knowledge management for mangrove management in the south of Thailand Tanirat Tanawat and Pradit Boonplod tanirat@tei.or.th
Local knowledge management for mangrove management in the south of Thailand Presentation issue: 1. Introduction 2. Research methods 3. Finding • Local knowledge on mangrove management • Learning process of communities • Mechanisms and tools • Factors affected to the learning process 4. Summary and Recommendation
1. Introduction Study site • the coastal areas is a narrow stripe laying down from north to south with slopping to the west. • small communities that settlement and related closely to the mangrove and their folkway related closely to the mangrove resources • many of them have changed their main occupation to agriculture, but they do not Thailand have their all-year-long income, their coastal fishery as an additional career
1. Introduction Study site • taken advantage from the mangrove resource in different ways – being their household’s food sources for both plants and aquatic life – catch aquatic life for sale – use Nypa palm ( Nypa fruticans ) to sew together for housing – take some mangrove flora to be used as herbal plant – use woods in the mangrove for shelter building, local shop and fishing tools – income source for tourism services
1. Introduction • mangrove concession (1968-1991) mangrove became • The increase of the deteriorated shrimp farms, rubber and palm oil area impact to the folkway of coastal communities In the 2004 tsunami, Communities concern Mangrove protect and on the importance of reduce the serious mangrove damage Communities decided to Government change participate on mangrove Many organizations policies to promoted rehabilitation and promoted and supported the community base management supports the communities management with local knowledge
2. Research methods A. Local Knowledge “ a knowledge, ideas and beliefs accumulated in the community derived from the locals’ experiences as well as their adaption of external knowledge in order to live in harmony with existing area and resources, also having their development and transfer them from generation to generation .”
2. Research methods B. Knowledge Management external knowledge seeking, choose application Use define written recording sharing, learning knowledge public relations improve needed modification create, store internal knowledge
2. Research methods C. Study site • Four coastal communities in four Kapur bay locations along the Andaman Sea in the south of Thailand Naka coast 1) Baan Bang Hin in Kapur bay 2) Baan Bang Kuay Nok in Naka Kuraburi coast coastal area 3) Baan Bang Tib in Kuraburi Kor Khao island coastal area 4) Baan Muang Mai in Kor Khao Thailand island
2. Research methods D. Data providers • The quantitative research as a head or representative of the household resided or inhabited in the study sites. • The qualitative research, there were 2 groups 1) the community leader group: head of the village, religious leaders, members of the Tambon Organization Authority and the committee of conservation group 2) the guru group who know a lot about the community’s mangrove.
2. Research methods E. Data collection
3. Findings A. Local knowledge on mangrove management • divide into three groups 1) knowledge on mangrove ecosystem 2) knowledge on mangrove rehabilitation and conservation 3) knowledge on utilizing mangrove resources. • each community had a variety of knowledge as most of them were in similar issues except only some were different.
3. Findings • Knowledge that communities had in similar issues – mangrove ecosystem – utilization from mangrove resources • Knowledge that communities had in different issues – mangrove rehabilitation and conservation – utilization from mangrove resources
3. Findings • Knowledge gap or Additional knowledge from the surveyed Strengthening groups and 25% by a questionnaire community organizations Development of aquatic life bank 32% Increase the volume of aquatic life 32% Eco-tourism management 35% Sustainable utilization on mangrove resources 76% Mangrove cultivation technique for windbreak 85%
3. Findings • Knowledge gap or Additional knowledge from the focus Strengthening groups and group discussion community organizations Development of aquatic life bank Increase the volume of aquatic life Eco-tourism management Sustainable utilization on mangrove resources Mangrove cultivation technique for windbreak
3. Findings B. Learning process • Self-learning about mangrove: mostly a self-learning process that transferred from community’s gurus and external sources from the school General from the Grurus in people community Coastal from ancestors fishermen from the meeting / training / study tour from their own experience 0 20 40 60 80 100
3. Findings • Local communication and know-how transfer : from the gurus to community members such as – monthly meeting – every Friday’s ritual ceremony – mangrove rehabilitation activities – youth training and etc., – village broadcasting – small group discussion
3. Findings • some exchanges and knowledge learning about mangrove from external: – the local Mangrove Resources Development Station – external agencies and organizations – workshops and site visits – received national awards to become a best practice community
3. Findings C. Mechanisms and tools • Internal mechanism Religious leaders Local researchers Herbal medicine men Groupings within the community Coastal fishermen Academic one some Almost all Every community communities communities community
3. Findings • External mechanism Non-profit organization Mangrove development station Local authority organization Community networking one some Almost all Every community communities communities community
3. Findings D. Factors affected to local knowledge management Internal Factors External Factors - community leader - external agencies - relationship as relative - communication various way - area discussion - supporting the learning resource - To communicate and activity - promoting public participation in - connection of religion and education coastal resource management. - conflict of community. - Tourism activities and large - The new generation have educated development projects - Supporting as relief fried and reduce outside the community - coordination skill the potential of community - Bad attitude to government - local staffs are limited capacity department
4. Summary and Recommendation Summary – diverse local knowledge about mangrove – self-learning and received knowledge transfer from local gurus – supported the external exchange knowledge by external organization – have local gurus and a variety of diverse knowledge transfer
4. Summary and Recommendation Summary – key internal mechanism on knowledge management as coastal fishermen, team of local researcher, local conservation groups – interesting mechanism as the religious leader and academic – key external mechanism as the changes of national policy and non-profit organizations after the 2004 tsunami – the community leader, natural and man-made threats that can become both positive and negative impacts – external agencies and national policy as it could give a change to initiate a clear participatory resources management process
4. Summary and Recommendation Recommendation – communities should develop their capacities on collecting, editing and presenting their systematic local knowledge – religious concepts involved with natural resources management should be collected – knowledge exchange particular on any unique knowledge issues – should learn more about community's communication channels development
4. Summary and Recommendation Recommendation – priority on developing new young leaders – promote the youths and communities to be proud of their local knowledge – support for local knowledge management on mangrove management
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