likelihood consequences insignificant minor moderate

Likelihood Consequences Insignificant Minor Moderate Major - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Likelihood Consequences Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic No injuries First Aid Some First Aid required External Medical Extensive injuries Death or Major injuries No Enviro Damage Low Enviro Damage Medium Enviro Damage

  1. Likelihood Consequences Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic No injuries First Aid Some First Aid required External Medical Extensive injuries Death or Major injuries No Enviro Damage Low Enviro Damage Medium Enviro Damage High Enviro Damage Toxic Enviro Damage << $1,000 Damage << $10,000 Damage <<$100,000 Damage <<$1,000,000 Damage >> $1,000,000 Damage Almost Certain Expected in normal High High Extreme Extreme Extreme circumstances (100%) Likely Probably occur in most Moderate High High Extreme Extreme circumstances (10%) Moderate Might occur at some Low Moderate High Extreme Extreme stage (1%) Unlikely Could occur at some Low Low Moderate High Extreme future time (0.1%) Rare Only exceptional Low Low Moderate High High circumstances (0.01%)

  2. RISK CONSEQUENCE BEFORE CONTROLS CONTROLS AFTER CONTROLS 1. Slides are monitored by the trained staff with first aid qualifications at all times 2. Qualified Supervisors shall be continually monitoring all activities and FALL FROM TUBE constantly monitor the safety devices as Potential exists for persons to Likelihood = Moderate well as performing graze their skin on the tube EXTREME daily equipment MODERATE slides Neveplast surface or Consequence = Major safety checks sustain sprains/strains/broken 3. Persons using the bones by falling out of the tube slides are tube directed by staff in the safe manner of usage 4. All tubes are equipped with handles and braking mats are used on slides to control speed of participants

  3. 1. Participants are briefed on safe usage of tube slides and adhering to the rules should prevent such an incident from occurring SKIN GRAZE 2. In-house trained Likelihood = Moderate supervisors provided Potential exists for persons to HIGH LOW shall be continually graze their skin on the tube Consequence = Moderate monitoring all slides Neveplast surface activities and regularly review procedures 3. First Aid kit is available at all times 4. First Aid trained staff on hand at all times

  4. MINOR FALL 1. All areas are grassed Potential exists for persons to to help reduce fall Likelihood = Moderate fall while at the Enchanted intensity Adventure Garden HIGH 2. First Aid kit available MODERATE Consequence = Moderate establishment walking around at all times the tube sliding activities 3. First Aid trained staff on hand at all times Potential exists for persons to fall during all activities 1. Brief conducted by CUTS, ABRASIONS, SPLINTERS, slides operator prior LACERATIONS Likelihood = Moderate to each activity HIGH 2. First aid kits available MODERATE Potential exists for persons to Consequence = Moderate at all times sustain injuries requiring 3. First Aid trained staff treatment during all activities on hand at all times

  5. 1. Brief conducted by SPRAINS, STRAINS, BURNS Tube Slides operator Likelihood = Moderate prior to each activity Potential exists for persons to MODERATE 2. First aid kits available LOW sustain strains/sprains/during Consequence = Moderate at all times the tube sliding activities 3. First Aid trained staff on hand at all times 1. Brief conducted by supervisor on completion of each activity ENVIRONMENTAL (WEATHER) 2. Drinking water and Likelihood = Moderate sunscreen available at Potential exists for persons to HIGH LOW all times suffer heat exposure during Consequence = Moderate 3. First aid kit available the activity at all times 4. First Aid trained staff on hand at all times

  6. 1. Persons will always be in groups ENVIRONMENTAL (FLORA 2. Persons to stay on AND FAUNA) specified paths around the Potential exists for persons to Likelihood = Unlikely establishment be exposed to flora, snakes, EXTREME 3. Supervisor brief HIGH spiders and other biting insects Consequence = Catastrophic conducted prior to whilst conducting all aspects of each activity the activity 4. First aid kit available at all times 5. First Aid trained staff on hand at all times


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