leem advisory board meeting

LEEM Advisory Board Meeting ACCELERATING An Environmentally - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LEEM Advisory Board Meeting ACCELERATING An Environmentally Sensitive Electricity FUTURE September 1, 2015 Wayne State University Detroit, MI Agenda WELCOME & Introductions 10:30 Updates 11:00 Project #991 Wrap Up

  1. LEEM Advisory Board Meeting ACCELERATING An “Environmentally Sensitive Electricity” FUTURE September 1, 2015 Wayne State University Detroit, MI

  2. Agenda WELCOME & Introductions 10:30  Updates 11:00   Project #991 Wrap Up  Commercialization Milestones  I-Corps Pilots/HCS 11:30  Lunch 12:00  Validation 12:30  LEEM 3.0 2:30  Next Steps 2:45  Adjourn 3:00 

  3. Updates Since Last Meeting

  4. #991 Wrap Up Accomplished or exceeded all project objectives  on time and on budget LEEM Additions & Improvements  Expansion Market Research  Technology Transfer Roadmap 

  5. LEEM 2.5 Technical Improvements Include …  Coverage  Prime Mover/Fuels  Generation Cost/Generator-Fuel Probability Distribution Functions  Outputs


  7. LEEM 2.5 (Today) Location within MISO, NYISO & Date and PJMISO Time Tag ISO, NERC Region & eGRID Sub-Region ISO s Database EIA Tag CPN Fuel Price PM-FT Heat Archive Rate Tag LMP LMP Power Generation Cost of PM-FT Air Market & eGRID CO2, NOx, SOx, Hg, Pb Marginal Generator PM-FT PM-FT Emission rate LEEM 2.5 LEEM 3.0 LMP = Locational Marginal Price Emission rate CPN = Commercial Pricing Node (lb/kWh) PM-FT = Prime Mover-Fuel Type ISO = Independent System Operator

  8. Stochastic Approach

  9. Heat Rate – Generator Type Probability Distribution Functions 0.25 Heat Rate (MMBtu/MWh) ST-DFO ST-SUB 0.2 ST-NG CA,CT-NG 0.15 Probability 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 Heat Rate (MMBtu/MWh)

  10. Fuel Price – Fuel Type Probability Distribution Functions 0.2 Fuel Price ($/MMBtu) 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 Probability 0.1 0.08 0.06 DFO(RFC) 0.04 SUB(RFC) 0.02 NG(RFC) 0 0 5 10 15 20 Fuel Price ($/MMBtu)

  11. Generation Cost – Generator Type Probability Distribution Functions 0.35 Generation Cost ($/MWh) ST-DFO(RFC) 0.3 ST-SUB(RFC) 0.25 ST-NG(RFC) Probability 0.2 CA,CT-NG(RFC) 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Generation Cost ($/MWh)

  12. LMP = f (space, time)

  13. Day-Ahead hourly LMPs for Chicago, Detroit & Buffalo

  14. LMP to LME LEEM methodology takes this granular information on  LMP as f(time,space) and calculates LME Locational Marginal Emissions

  15. Pilot with HCS – HEPTA Control Systems Chrysler Building – Campus Martius, Detroit   Suite of over 50 Buildings Control (RT) and Carbon Footprint 

  16. Chrysler Building (Side A & B) Power Demand 8/21/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 21:36 One Campus Martius Building Power Demand (Side A 8/20/2015 20:24 8/20/2015 19:12 (kW) on 08/20/2015 8/20/2015 18:00 8/20/2015 16:48 8/20/2015 15:36 8/20/2015 14:24 Date/Time 8/20/2015 13:12 & B) (kW) 8/20/2015 12:00 8/20/2015 10:48 8/20/2015 9:36 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 3:36 8/20/2015 2:24 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 0:00 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Power Demand (kW)

  17. 8/21/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 21:36 8/20/2015 20:24 Chrysler Building (Side A & B) CO2 Emission (lb) 08/20/2015 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 18:00 8/20/2015 16:48 Chrysler Building CO2 Emission (lb) 8/20/2015 15:36 8/20/2015 14:24 8/20/2015 13:12 Date/Time 8/20/2015 12:00 8/20/2015 10:48 8/20/2015 9:36 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 3:36 8/20/2015 2:24 CO2 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 0:00 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Pollution Emission (lb)

  18. 8/21/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 21:36 8/20/2015 20:24 Accumulated CO2 Emission (lb) Chrysler Building (Side A & B) 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 18:00 8/20/2015 16:48 8/20/2015 15:36 8/20/2015 14:24 Accumulated CO2 Emission (lb) Date/Time 8/20/2015 13:12 8/20/2015 12:00 8/20/2015 10:48 8/20/2015 9:36 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 7:12 Accumulated CO2 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 3:36 8/20/2015 2:24 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 0:00 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Pollution Emission (lb)

  19. Chrysler Building (Side A & B) Pollution Emission (lb) 180 One Campus Martius Building CO2 Emission (lb) C… 160 Pollution Emission (lb) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0:00 1:12 2:24 3:36 4:48 6:00 7:12 8:24 9:36 10:48 12:00 13:12 14:24 15:36 16:48 18:00 19:12 20:24 21:36 22:48 0:00 Date/Time 0.000016 Hg & Pb Emission (lb) 0.4 H NOx & SOx Emission (lb) 0.000014 NO G 0.35 x Pollution Emission (lb) 0.000012 Pollution Emission (lb) 0.3 0.00001 0.25 0.000008 0.2 0.000006 0.15 0.000004 0.1 0.000002 0.05 0 0 0:00 1:12 2:24 3:36 4:48 6:00 7:12 8:24 9:36 10:48 12:00 13:12 14:24 15:36 16:48 18:00 19:12 20:24 21:36 22:48 0:00 0:00 1:12 2:24 3:36 4:48 6:00 7:12 8:24 9:36 10:48 12:00 13:12 14:24 15:36 16:48 18:00 19:12 20:24 21:36 22:48 0:00 Date/Time Date/Time

  20. 8/21/2015 0:00 DECO.RVRRGE2 Gh & Pb Emission Rate 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 21:36 8/20/2015 20:24 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 18:00 Campus Martius Building) Emission Rates (lb/MWh) on 08/20/2015 (5 min intervals) DECO.RVRRGE2 CPN (Closest CPN to One 8/20/2015 16:48 8/20/2015 15:36 (lb/MWh) 8/20/2015 14:24 Date/Time 8/20/2015 13:12 8/20/2015 12:00 8/20/2015 10:48 8/20/2015 9:36 8/21/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 21:36 DECO.RVRRGE2 CO2 Emission Rate 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 20:24 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 3:36 8/20/2015 18:00 8/20/2015 2:24 8/20/2015 16:48 H G 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 15:36 8/20/2015 0:00 (lb/MWh) 2.00E-04 1.80E-04 1.60E-04 1.40E-04 1.20E-04 1.00E-04 8.00E-05 6.00E-05 4.00E-05 2.00E-05 0.00E+00 8/20/2015 14:24 Date/Time 8/20/2015 13:12 Emission Rate (lb/MWh) 8/20/2015 12:00 DECO.RVRRGE2 NOx & SOx Emission Rate 8/21/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 10:48 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 9:36 8/20/2015 21:36 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 20:24 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 18:00 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 16:48 8/20/2015 3:36 (lb/MWh) C… 8/20/2015 15:36 8/20/2015 2:24 8/20/2015 14:24 8/20/2015 1:12 Date/Time 8/20/2015 13:12 8/20/2015 0:00 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 8/20/2015 12:00 Emission Rate (lb/MWh) 8/20/2015 10:48 8/20/2015 9:36 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 3:36 O… 8/20/2015 2:24 N 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 0:00 5 4 3 2 1 0 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 Emission Rate (lb/MWh)

  21. Campus Martius Building) on 08/20/2015 (5 min at DECO.RVRRGE2 CPN (Closest CPN to One 8/21/2015 0:00 PM-FT Probability as a Marginal Unit (All 14 8/21/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 22:48 8/20/2015 21:36 8/20/2015 21:36 PM-FT Probability as a Marginal Unit (PM-FTs with ST- BIT 8/20/2015 20:24 8/20/2015 20:24 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 19:12 8/20/2015 18:00 8/20/2015 18:00 intervals) 8/20/2015 16:48 8/20/2015 16:48 GT-DFO ST-DFO 8/20/2015 15:36 ST-LIG GT-NG ST-NG 8/20/2015 15:36 Non-Aero Probability) 8/20/2015 14:24 PM-FT) Date/Time 8/20/2015 14:24 Date/Time 8/20/2015 13:12 8/20/2015 13:12 8/20/2015 12:00 8/20/2015 12:00 8/20/2015 10:48 CA-CT-DFO 8/20/2015 10:48 CA-CT-NG 8/20/2015 9:36 IC-DFO 8/20/2015 9:36 ST-BIT CS-NG 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 8:24 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 7:12 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 6:00 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 4:48 8/20/2015 3:36 8/20/2015 3:36 8/20/2015 2:24 8/20/2015 2:24 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 1:12 8/20/2015 0:00 8/20/2015 0:00 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Emission Rate (lb/MWh) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Emission Rate (lb/MWh)

  22. Commercialization Milestones Awareness/Promo   LEEM: Connecting Energy Consumption to Real Time Emissions Impacts (Webinar 4/17/15; 90 Participants)  Accelerating the Future of Environmentally Sensitive Electricity (Symposium 5/19/15; 30 Attendees; Chicago)  Recent interactions with EPA …. CLEAN POWER PLAN Pilots Underway   Hepta Control Systems/Bedrock Real Estate (Detroit)  Wayne State University/Siemens (Detroit)  WattTime/EcoMotorWorks (Chicago) New Startup Company: Energy Emissions Intelligence LLC (E2i)   To commercialize LEEM  In negotiation with Wayne State University for license  Hope to open for business in next few months

  23. Funding Recent NSF Grant  Urban Water Center  Upcoming Proposals   Great Lakes Protection Fund  Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation Energy Emissions Intelligence LLC 

  24. I-Corps at NEXTEnergy May to June 2015  Carol Miller, Guoyao Xu, Chris Theriot, Steve Miller, Gavin McCormick  Customer Discovery   84 customer discovery interviews (utility , energy policy , and corporate landscapes)  Strong interest across market segments in LEEM’s transparency and ability to time-shift energy to lower emissions. No one rejected the concept Value Proposition   Means to differentiate from competition and engage customer on sustainability issues  Concrete and measurable sustainability and green marketing tool  Appeals to customers motivated by interest rather than current ‘pain point’  Appeal for LEEM to increase significantly when EPA regulates carbon emissions Initial Target Customers   Energy managers/energy management software-hardware companies  Grid-connected devices/software integrators

  25. Pilots


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