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Leading Brown County Leading Brown County A Strategic Renewal of g - PDF document

Brown County 2020: A Vision For The Future Leading Brown County Leading Brown County A Strategic Renewal of g Leading Brown County: Take A a s Take-Aways Consistency. Underlying Community Values, Strengths and Issues are consistent

  1. Brown County 2020: A Vision For The Future Leading Brown County Leading Brown County A Strategic Renewal of g

  2. Leading Brown County: Take A a s Take-Aways • Consistency.  Underlying Community Values, Strengths and Issues are consistent over time  LBC is rooted in recent planning efforts, as well as Vision 2010 and previous planning work  Some Opportunities (and Strategies) may change more frequently • Interconnectedness.  All “sectors” are important and interconnected, and contribute to overall success • Change Happens. Change Happens  Strategies can and should link sectors together to help focus energy and guide change in the desired direction • Use this tool (please!)

  3. Leading Brown County: P rpose of Updated Report Purpose of Updated Report Review of County’s Recent Planning Efforts 1.  Countywide Needs and Assets Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2008 Over 550 residents gave their opinions through a county-wide survey in 2007-2008; 7 key stakeholder group interviews regarding concerns, priorities, and resources  Brown County 2020: A Vision for the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2009 Over 100 residents in 9 focus groups worked together in 3 public meetings and turned the Needs and Assets Inventory into Vision 2020  Leading Brown County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2014 A Strategic Renewal of Brown County 2020: A Vision for the Future Update County Assets Needs and Opportunities Update County Assets, Needs and Opportunities 2 2. Renew Resident Interest in the Vision 3.  Generate conversation and enthusiasm for the Vision  Build on our successes as we approach 2020!

  4. 2000 2010 Comm nit Accomplishments 2000-2010 Community Accomplishments • Brown County Community Library • Brown County YMCA • Brown County Partnership B C t P t hi • Brown County Community Foundation • 2-1-1 Information and Referral Service • Brown County Law Enforcement Center • Brown County Law Enforcement Center • Career Resource Center

  5. 2010 2020 Comm nit Accomplishments 2010-2020 Community Accomplishments • Brown County History Center • Salt Creek Trail (Phase I) • Access Brown County (Door-to-Door Public Transportation) • ADA Studies and County Plan • Indiana Arts and Entertainment District Designation • Home Repair Grants (2) • Community Volunteer Network • Mountain Bike Trails • EMA-EMS Building • Brown County Playhouse (Reopening) • Howard F. Hughes Community Center

  6. Approach Approach • Steering Committee (August 2013)  Structured the approach and discussions  Translated the Vision into language that can be implemented  Identified 8 community values that are consistently named in local studies  Identified 8 community values that are consistently named in local studies • Eight Sector Discussion Groups (September 2013 - July 2014)  Validate and update Vision 2020 analysis, a date a d update s o 0 0 a a ys s, challenges and possible new directions • Additional Public Opinion (August 2014 - December 2014)  Add to, update, and strengthen analysis, challenges, and new directions

  7. Eight Comm nit Eight Community Values Val es Collaborative Collaborative Secure Secure Supporting partner-based public/private leadership that Investing in dependable safety, accessible housing and effectively plans and meets community goals basic public infrastructure Creative Creative Learning Learning Promoting arts and history while continuing to embrace a Supporting quality educational and training programs that unique heritage and cultural arts destination are essential for individual well-being and gainful employment Sustainable Healthy Balancing development with responsible stewardship of the natural environment and human settlement Encouraging a spiritual and wellness lifestyle and increasing available affordable health care Entrepreneurial Neighborly Seeking economic growth opportunities that respect the natural, cultural and historical legacy with private initiative Promoting activities that develop and support friendly and engaged residents engaged residents.

  8. Comm nit Community Vision Vision From Brown County 2020: A Vision for the Future C Community Vision: it Vi i We are a naturally inspired, culturally rich, caring, and welcoming community.

  9. Comm nit Community Promise Promise Leading Brown County C Community Promise: it P i “We commit to the endearing quality of a pastoral place and a considerate lifestyle for residents and visitors through sharing of assets centered on natural beauty active outdoor recreation and a natural beauty, active outdoor recreation, and a unique arts, history and cultural heritage, all within rural village and neighborhood settings.” rural village and neighborhood settings.

  10. Four Community Themes . . . Eight Sectors / Stakeholder Groups Eight Sectors / Stakeholder Gro ps Environment Environment Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership • Environment & Quality of Life • Civic Participation & Government • Arts, History and Cultural Heritage, & Entertainment Development Development Services Services • Infrastructure & Economic Development I f t t & E i D l t • Health, Wellness & Family Services • Housing • Safety • Education & Workforce Development • Education & Workforce Development

  11. Contents of Report* Contents of Report* 1. Introduction and Background Understanding 2. Recognizing Our Community Culture, Brand and Aspiration 3. Knowing Our Community Challenges and New Directions 3. Knowing Our Community Challenges and New Directions 4. Advocating Our Strategic Initiatives for Meaningful Community Leadership y p 5. Communications Strategy 6 6. Appendices Appendices *Leading Brown County, October 28, 2014

  12. Leadership: Ci ic Participation & Go ernment Civic Participation & Government Challenges g Formation of community-government partnerships • Civic involvement and leadership Civic involvement and leadership • New funding sources •

  13. Leadership: Civic Participation & Government Ci ic Participation & Go ernment Beginning Initiatives g g Prepare a collaborative public-government, county-town • strategic plan g p Implement a public-private leadership and volunteer • development strategy Revise the county zoning ordinance to reflect the county • comprehensive plan and current community priorities Pursue initiatives to cover emergency services costs and • gain untaxed lands financial support C Cooperate with regional improvement initiatives i h i l i i i i i •

  14. Four Community Themes - Eight Sector/Stakeholder Gro ps Eight Sector/Stakeholder Groups The goal of the Community themes and stakeholder groups is to see how d t k h ld i t h to best work together to improve our community. Given our limited time today we have only presented a small portion of the strategic renewal of Brown County 2020 A Vi i 2020: A Vision for the Future, i.e., f th F t i Leading Brown County. Please see the complete report for additional information. Download the report from the Brown County Community Foundation website: http://browncountygives.org/bcgives/resources/

  15. W h a t c a n YOU YOU happen happen do to make Next Steps … Ne t Steps this ?

  16. Ne t Steps Next Steps … UP! UP! Step Just Volunteer through the Brown County Community Foundation Volunteer through the Brown County Community Foundation Volunteer Network: http://browncountygives.org/bcgives /

  17. Leading Brown County g y Thank You! Thank You! Any questions?


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