lead research team

LEAD RESEARCH TEAM: Erin Francis-Cummings Myha Gallagher President - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LEAD RESEARCH TEAM: Erin Francis-Cummings Myha Gallagher President & CEO Senior Director of Research W E H A V E W O R K E D W I T H 2 0 0 + T R A V E L & T O U R I S M C L I E N T S Destination Analysts is a market research

  1. LEAD RESEARCH TEAM: Erin Francis-Cummings Myha Gallagher President & CEO Senior Director of Research

  2. W E H A V E W O R K E D W I T H 2 0 0 + T R A V E L & T O U R I S M C L I E N T S

  3. Destination Analysts is a market research company that offers businesses a breadth of insights , from the comprehensive understanding of target audiences and customer profile development, to ROI analysis and economic forecasts. Clients seek us out for unique and more deeply thoughtful analysis, our actionable storytelling of data, high quality and defensible findings, and progressive and open approach to research methodologies.


  5. THE RESEARCH 2020 2020 Survey 300 First Conducted Conducted of Meeting Launched Completed again this in June Planners in 2017 Surveys October

  6. AGENDA P L A N N E R P R O F I L E & Trends affecting the Future T H E I M PAC T O F T H E C OV I D - 1 9 PA N D E M I C The CVB/Meeting Planner Relationship C H A L L E N G E S & R E C OV E R Y Improving the CVB/Meeting Planner/Hotel Relationship M A R K E T I N G YO U R D E S T I N AT I O N F O R M E E T I N G S Marketing to Meeting Planners


  8. GENERATION & REGIONAL LOCATION Midwest Northeast 30.0% 19.3% Silent Generation 1.3% Baby Boomer 33.7% Gen X 43.3% Millennial 21.3% West Gen Z 0.3% 29.3% Southeast 0% 20% 40% 60% 21.3% Question: Which generation do you belong to? Source: Destination Analysts Question: Which area of the United States are you located in? Source: Destination Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300 Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  9. GROUPS THEY TYPICALLY PLAN FOR Corporate — Private sector businesses 53.3% National Association 34.7% Non-profit — Charity 22.7% International Association 20.3% Incentive 18.3% Regional Association 12.7% Question: Which types of these groups do you Government 12.7% most typically plan meetings for? (Select all that apply) Source: Destination Analysts Meetings State Association 12.0% Research Study. Base: Meeting & event School groups 10.7% planners. Sample size = 300 Religious organizations 9.7% Sports groups or sporting organizations 9.3% Hobby — Social organizations 8.0% Reunions 7.3% Ethnic/Multicultural groups or associations 6.3% Entertainment groups 3.7% Military 3.0% Fraternal organizations 0.7% 0% 20% 40% 60%

  10. C U R R E N T LY W O R K I N G W I T H C V B S 38% CORPORATE Yes, 42.7% 55% THIRD-PARTY No, 57.3% ASSOCIATION 59% Question: Are you currently working with any Convention & Visitors Bureaus? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  11. C U R R E N T LY W O R K I N G W I T H C V B S 48% BABY BOOMER Yes, 42.7% GEN X 45% No, 57.3% MILLENNIAL 30% Question: Are you currently working with any Convention & Visitors Bureaus? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300


  13. AV E R AG E N U M B E R O F L I V E M E E T I N G S C A N C E L L E D 5.5 5.6 6.9 CORPORATE THIRD-PARTY ASSOCIATION Question: Since the Coronavirus situation emerged, how many live/in-person meetings or events has your organization or clients cancelled? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  14. T I M I N G O F C A N C E L L E D M E E T I N G S January 2.2% February 4.1% March 53.0% April 70.0% May 70.0% June 65.2% July 59.3% August 50.7% September 55.6% October 43.0% November 32.6% December 18.9% January 2021 10.4% February 2021 5.6% March 2021 3.3% April 2021 or later 3.7% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Question: In which months were any of these cancelled live meetings or events originally scheduled to take place? ? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 270

  15. AV E R AG E N U M B E R O F L I V E M E E T I N G S P O S T P O N E D 4.1 3.4 5.3 CORPORATE THIRD-PARTY ASSOCIATION Question: Since the Coronavirus situation emerged, how many live/in-person meetings or events has your organization or clients postponed? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  16. M O N T H O F P O S T P O N E M E N T July 11.1% August 17.1% September 22.1% October 22.6% November 18.0% December 11.1% January 2021 15.2% February 2021 13.8% March 2021 24.0% April 2021 or later 60.8% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Question: In which months were any of these postponed live meetings or events rescheduled to? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 217

  17. T I M I N G O F C U R R E N T B O O K O F B U S I N E S S July 2020 3.3% August 2020 8.0% September 2020 14.0% October 2020 23.3% November 2020 19.0% December 2020 15.3% January 2021 27.3% February 2021 25.3% March 2021 34.7% April — June 2021 55.7% July — September 2021 45.0% October — December 2021 36.0% 2022 35.3% 2023 25.3% 0% 20% 40% 60% Question: Please tell us about the live meetings and events you currently have on the books. In which months and years do you have live meetings or events scheduled? (Select all that apply) Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  18. W O R K I N G E V E N T S S C H E D U L E D F O R N E X T 6 M O N T H S V I R T U A L M E E T I N G C O M P O N E N T F O R L I V E E V E N T S Maybe, 41.2% No, 45.0% Yes, 48.5% Yes, 55.0% No, 10.3% Question: Are you currently working on any meetings or events that are already Question: Will any of these live meetings have a virtual option for scheduled or being considered for the NEXT SIX (6) MONTHS? Source: Destination those that do not want to attend live? Sample Size = 165 Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300


  20. C O N C E R N A B O U T I N D U S T R Y ’ S R E C O V E R Y 10 - Extremely concerned 34.0% 9 10.3% 89% 8 22.0% 7 16.0% 6 7.0% 5 - Neutral 6.3% 4 1.7% 3 0.7% 2 1.0% 4% 1 0.3% 0 - Not at all concerned 0.7% 0% 20% 40% Question: Thinking about the current coronavirus situation, how concerned are you about the meetings industry recovering within the next twelve months? (Please answer using the scale below) Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  21. W H E N L I V E M E E T I N G S W I L L L I K E LY R E T U R N July 2020 0.7% August 2020 1.7% September 2020 5.0% October 2020 7.7% November 2020 4.3% December 2020 1.3% In the first half of 2021 47.7% In the second half of 2021 29.7% Sometime in 2022 or later 2.0% 0% 20% 40% 60% Question: If you were advising on the timing of holding a live/in-person meeting or event, which month would you say is the soonest they should consider holding their live event? (Select one) Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  22. W H E N M E E T I N G S B U S I N E S S W I L L R E T U R N T O N O R M A L September 2020 1.0% October 2020 1.3% November 2020 1.3% December 2020 0.3% In the first half of 2021 24.7% In the second half of 2021 39.0% Sometime in 2022 or later 32.0% 0% 20% 40% 60% Question: If you had to predict, in which month do you think the meetings and events business will return to normal (or near normal) levels? Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300

  23. F I R S T G R O U P S T O R E T U R N T O L I V E E V E N T S Sports groups or sporting organizations 32.7% Corporate — Private sector businesses 31.7% Religious organizations 27.0% Government 19.0% Hobby — Social organizations 18.0% Regional Association 17.0% State Association 15.7% Military 14.7% Reunions 13.7% Incentives 10.0% National Association 9.3% Non-profit — Charity 8.3% School groups 7.7% Fraternal organizations 6.0% Ethnic/Multicultural groups or associations 3.7% International Association 2.7% I don’t know/Uncertain 20.7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Question: Which types of these groups do you think will be THE FIRST TO COME BACK to live events? (Select all that apply) Source: Destination Analysts Meetings Research Study. Base: Meeting & event planners. Sample size = 300


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