las vegas stadium authority

Las Vegas Stadium Authority Financial Oversight Overview Financial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Las Vegas Stadium Authority Financial Oversight Overview Financial Oversight The Stadium Authority oversees a number of bank trusts and accounts related to the stadium project and Authority operations Staff collects and reviews bank

  1. Las Vegas Stadium Authority Financial Oversight Overview

  2. Financial Oversight • The Stadium Authority oversees a number of bank trusts and accounts related to the stadium project and Authority operations • Staff collects and reviews bank account statements each month • Staff tracks transactions using spreadsheets to monitor monthly activity and account balances • Staff reviews monthly stadium project funding notices and ties out payments to submitted invoices as well as relevant bank statements

  3. Las Vegas Stadium Project Trust Held at US Bank, the Stadium Project Trust holds construction-related funds and distributes funds designated by StadCo and the Stadium Authority to pay monthly project costs Stadium Authority 44.5% Share Submitted Stadium Project Directive to Pay Chicago Title Stadium Project Costs Las Vegas Stadium Project Costs Monthly Costs Project Trust StadCo 55.5% Share

  4. Las Vegas Stadium Project Trust The trust houses eight accounts and subaccounts where funds are deposited and held until they are needed to pay monthly project costs Authority Tax Authority Bond Authority Contribution Proceeds Subaccount Proceeds Subaccount Trust Account Stadium Authority StadCo Credit Facility StadCo Cost Overrun StadCo Contribution Subaccount Subaccount Trust Account NFL G-4 Facility PSL Contribution StadCo Subaccount Trust Account

  5. Stadium PSL Trust Held at Bank of America, the PSL Trust manages funds generated from Personal Seat Licenses Authority PSL- Unsold PSL StadCo PSL Sourced Proceeds Revenues Purchaser Deposit Clearing Account Account Account Purchased PSL Holding Account Revenues Purchased PSL Trust PSL-Sourced Unreleased Revenues Proceeds Account Subaccount Released Subaccount PSL Cost and Expense Subaccount

  6. Other Accounts Debt Reserve Accounts LVSA Operating Account Hold the investment portfolios for the funds Used to pay Stadium Authority operating expenses. dedicated to the Year 1 and Year 2 stadium Funds are transferred in from Clark County bond debt reserve. Treasurer funds as needed. Clark County LVSA Stadium Reserve Operating Account 2018A Bond Proceeds Clark County Stadium Reserve Tax Revenues Clark County Stadium Reserve Replenishment

  7. Other Financial Tracking Data • PSL Purchases • PSL Balances • Room Tax Collections and Allocations • Bond Interest Transfers

  8. Funding Notice Reconciliations • Review Project Invoices and Other Documents in Funding Notice • Ensure Proper Documentation • Tie Out Monthly Payments to Invoices • Tie Out Monthly Payments to Bank Statements • Coordinate with Clark County to Ensure Bond Compliance

  9. Las Vegas Stadium Authority Financial Accounts Overview


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