Lands ndscapi ping f ng for or L Learne ners Holly Hovis, Botanist, Bruneau Field Office Supporting Text
“The front ont l line nes of of the he ba battle for n natur ure a are not not i in n the A Amazon on rain n for orest or or the A Alaskan n Wilde derness; the front ont lines are our ur ba backyards ds, medians, parking ng lot ots, and nd element ntary s school ools.” .” ~ Thom homas R Raine ner a and C nd Claudi udia West, Plant nting i ng in a n a Po Post-wild ild W World ld. .
These are t the he for orgot gotten n small spa paces tha hat w whe hen n restor ored t d to n o natur ural land ndscape pes ha have t the he pot potent ntial to o col ollectively pr prov ovide signi nificant ha habitat be bene nefits f for or bo both h wildl dlife and d HUMANS. And nd the hese spa paces are whe here we ha have real influence, not ot in n far-flung w ng wild d ar areas as.
Big g Benefits for or S Stude dent nts • Bet Better er g grades es • Dec ecrea eased ed s stres ess • Impr prov oved m mot otivation on • Bet Better er over erall b beh ehavior • Impr prov oved m memory • Increa eased ed h hea ealth • Env nviron onmental a awarene ness and s d stewardshi hip • Pride de i in s n schoo hool
Wha hat i is ha happe ppening ng na nationa nally with s school oolyard d hab abitat at? New Yor ork C City, Phi hilade delphi phia, & & Newark – Trus ust f for or P Publ ublic Land a nd and nd Parks for or P Peopl ople. F Five com ompl plete pl playgr ground ound ov overha haul uls a and 2 nd 20 mor ore ov over the he ne next 5 y years.
Wha hat i is ha happe ppening ng na nationa nally with s school oolyard d hab abitat at? Den enver er, C Co. - Learni ning ng Lands ndscape pes P Progr ogram – Partne nershi hip p with h Uni niversity of of Col olor orado, do, A Archi hitectur ure a and nd Planni nning ng Depa partment nt. Over 1 15 y years, trans nsfor ormed 9 d 96 publ public element ntary s school hools in D n Denv nver.
Wha hat i is ha happe ppening ng na nationa nally with s school oolyard d hab abitat at? San n Franc ncisco, o, C CA. - Educ ducation O on Out utside de. Suppor upports a strong ong school hool di district ga garde den n pr progr ogram t tha hat ada dapt pts to o cha hangi nging ng ne needs ds of of school hools. Raises funds unds a and t nd trains ns teache hers t to t o teach h out outside de.
Suc uccessful Progr ograms ha had: d: • Diversified d and of d often n non non-tradi ditional fundi unding ng • Large ge pa partne nershi hips ps • No Non-pr prof ofit or or f formalized d alliances that suppo pported the he school ool di district • Clear gui uide delines for s scho hool ol pa participation on • Int ntensive invol olvement in school ool a and c d com ommun unity in t n the he de design pr n proc ocess
Teachi hing G ng Garde dens ns a at the he B Bur ureau u of of L Land M nd Mana nage gement nt Ethnobot hnobotany G Garde den
Teachi hing ng Garde dens ns at t the he Bur ureau of u of L Land M nd Mana nage gement nt Ethnobot hnobotany G Garde den
Teachi hing ng Garde dens ns at t the he Bur ureau of u of L Land M nd Mana nage gement nt Sa Sage-gr grous ouse H Habi bitat D Demons onstration G on Garde den
Teachi hing ng Garde dens ns at t the he Bur ureau of u of L Land M nd Mana nage gement nt Sa Sage-gr grous ouse H Habi bitat D Demons onstration G on Garde den
Teachi hing G ng Garde dens ns a at the he B Bur ureau u of of Land M nd Mana nage gement nt Sa Sage-gr grous ouse H Habi bitat D Demons onstration on Ga Garden
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Roosev evel elt E Elem emen entary, B Boise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Roosev evel elt E Elem emen entary, B Boise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Roosev evel elt E Elem emen entary, B Boise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Sage ge Int nterna nationa onal S School hool, B Boi oise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Sage ge Int nterna nationa onal S School hool, B Boi oise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Hawthor horne ne E Element ntary School hool, B Boi oise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Hawthor horne ne E Element ntary School hool, B Boi oise
School hoolyard H d Habi bitats in n Sout outhw hwest I Ida daho ho Hawthor horne ne E Element ntary School hool, B Boi oise
Out utdoor door C Classroom ooms in n Alaska Nuna unaka Valley Element ntary School hool, A Anc nchor horage ge
Out utdoor door C Classroom ooms in n Alaska Nuna unaka Valley Element ntary School hool, A Anc nchor horage ge
Out utdoor door C Classroom ooms in n Alaska Alaska Native C Cul ultur ural C Cha harter Element ntary S School hool, Anc nchor horage ge
How ow t to ge o get started… d… .
In de n developm opment nt: G Gui uide de a and t nd traini ning ng for or creating ng na native ga garde dens ns f for or school hools and ot nd othe her c com ommuni unity spa paces i in n sout outhw hwest I Ida daho. ho. Partne nershi hip p effor ort by by US Fish a h and nd Wildl dlife S Service, Bur ureau of u of Land M nd Mana nage gement nt, Ida daho ho Depa partment nt of of Fish a h and G nd Game, B Boi oise S School hool District, Chi hinde nden Garde den n Club, ub, Ida daho ho Native P Plant nt S Soc ociety, and B nd Boi oise P Parks and R nd Recreation D on Depa partment nt.
The S e Step eps… Allow for 1 1 to 1. 1.5 5 years prior to implementation* Basic Steps: • Form team and partners • Solicit input from school community • Create design • Present design to school and district operations staff for approval • Develop schedule and coordinate with operations staff for irrigation installation • Write grant proposals • Fundraise
The S e Step eps… Once funding is awarded: • Refine plant list based on availability and order plants • Remove any existing sod • Install hardscaping such as boulders and seating – hire a professional. • Add topsoil if needed • Install irrigation – If you are working with the Boise School District, the irrigation must be installed by them, not a contractor. • Plant (ideal times are either April/May or September/October) • Protect plantings with temporary fencing • Develop interpretive signs
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