lake parkw ay sth 794 extension study

Lake Parkw ay (STH 794) Extension Study: SEWRPC Preliminary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lake Parkw ay (STH 794) Extension Study: SEWRPC Preliminary Recommendations Preliminary Recommendations 1 Public Meeting February 29, 2012 #201903 Study Background Study Background y y g g SEWRPC Study of extension of Lake Parkw ay

  1. Lake Parkw ay (STH 794) Extension Study: SEWRPC Preliminary Recommendations Preliminary Recommendations 1 Public Meeting – February 29, 2012 #201903

  2. Study Background Study Background y y g g SEWRPC Study of extension of Lake Parkw ay (STH 794) from its y y ( ) current terminus at Edgerton Avenue to STH 100. • Requested by Milw aukee County and Cities of Cudahy, Oak Creek, St. Francis, and South Milw aukee. Study to determine w hether to: • Add extension to regional transportation plan; and • Request that WisDOT conduct preliminary engineering Request that WisDOT conduct preliminary engineering and environmental impact study. 2

  3. Advisory Committee Advisory Committee y SEWRPC Study is guided by an Advisory Committee charged w ith y g y y g making preliminary and final study recommendations: Patricia Jursik, Chair Supervisor, 8th District, Milwaukee County Board Frank Busalacchi Director, Department of Transportation and Public Works, Milwaukee County Paul Cesarz Supervisor, 9th District, Milwaukee County Board Tony Day Mayor, City of Cudahy Marina Dimitrijevic Supervisor, 4th District, Milwaukee County Board Allan M. Foeckler Mayor, City of Oak Creek Mark Honadel State Representative, 21st Assembly District, State of Wisconsin Ghassan Korban Commissioner, Department of Public Works, City of Milwaukee Christopher J. Larson State Senator, District 7 Al Richards Mayor, City of St. Francis Jon Richards State Representative, 19th Assembly District, State of Wisconsin Christine Sinicki Ch i ti Si i ki State Representative, 20th Assembly District, State of Wisconsin St t R t ti 20th A bl Di t i t St t f Wi i Thomas Zepecki Mayor, City of South Milwaukee 3

  4. Study Process Study Process y SEWRPC Alternative designs for Lake Parkw ay extension developed g y p by SEWRPC staff, guided by Advisory Committee. Advisory Committee review ed alternative designs and identified a preferred design. p g SEWRPC staff then evaluated the preferred design. • Potential benefits, costs, and impacts. Based upon evaluation, Advisory Committee made preliminary recommendation that Lake Parkw ay be extended from Edgerton Ave. to STH 100. Preliminary recommendations are being presented to the public for comment. • Comments accepted through March 15, 2012. p g , 4

  5. Preliminary Recommendations Preliminary Recommendations y SEWRPC Alignment g • Edgerton Ave. to Raw son Ave.  Adjacent to Union Pacific Railroad (UPR) rail line, partly ( ) , p y w ithin UPR rail right-of-w ay and We Energies right-of-w ay. • Raw son Ave. to Forest Hill Ave.  Outside but adjacent to We Energies right-of-w ay. • Forest Hill Ave. to STH 100  Continues adjacent to UPR rail right-of-w ay. 5

  6. Preliminary Recommendations Preliminary Recommendations SEWRPC (continued) (continued) (continued) (continued) • Urban divided roadw ay  4 travel lanes, 2 auxiliary lanes, a median, and a multi-use trail. • Designed for speed limit of 40 miles per hour, similar g p p , to existing Lake Parkw ay. • Would require an overall right-of-w ay w idth of about 130 feet.  Reductions to right-of-w ay w idth may be possible betw een major arterial roadw ays. 6

  7. Preliminary Recommendations Preliminary Recommendations SEWRPC (continued) (continued) (continued) (continued) Roadw ay Crossing Treatments y g • Access restricted to main arterial roadw ays. Roadway Crossing Potential Crossing Treatment Layton Avenue (CTH Y) Add southbound on-ramp to existing half interchange Edgerton Avenue Replace current connection with northbound on-and off-ramps Grange Avenue No access College Avenue (CTH ZZ) Overpass with “jughandle” ramp access Rawson Avenue (CTH BB) Grade-separated interchange Drexel Avenue Grade-separated interchange Forest Hill Avenue Overpass with no access Puetz Road Grade-separated interchange Ryan Road y Cul-de-sac on each side of Lake Parkway y STH 100 At-grade intersection west of Pennsylvania Avenue 7

  8. Layton Ave./Edgerton Ave. Layton Ave./Edgerton Ave. y y g g SEWRPC Access provided by: p y • Constructing southbound on-ramp at Layton Ave. • Constructing northbound on- and off-ramps d ff at Edgerton Ave. 8

  9. College Ave. Jughandle Ramp Access College Ave. Jughandle Ramp Access g g g g p p SEWRPC Access provided by: p y • Jughandle ramp access to College Ave. • Lake Parkw ay extension on structure over C ll College Ave. A 9

  10. Typical Interchange – Drexel Ave. Typical Interchange – Drexel Ave. yp yp g g SEWRPC Access provided by: p y • Grade-separated Interchange • • Lake Parkw ay Lake Parkw ay extension on structure over Drexel Ave. 10

  11. Evaluation of Preliminary Recommended Evaluation of Preliminary Recommended SEWRPC Lake Parkw ay Extension Lake Parkw ay Extension Lake Parkw ay Extension Lake Parkw ay Extension Benefits of implementing Lake Parkw ay extension: p g y • Reduction in Traffic Congestion  Reduced volumes on adjacent north-south arterials.  Some increased volumes on east-w est roadw ays y used to access extension. • May no longer need tw o planned w idenings:  Pennsylvania Ave. from 2 to 4 travel lanes betw een Pennsylvania Ave. from 2 to 4 travel lanes betw een Raw son Ave. and Milw aukee Ave.  13th Street from 2 to 4 travel lanes betw een Raw son Ave. and Puetz Road. • Improvement in Accessibility  Reduced travel time from 15 minutes to 10 minutes betw een STH 100 and Layton Ave. 11

  12. Evaluation (continued) Evaluation (continued) ( ( ) ) SEWRPC Benefits (continued): ( ) • Improvement in Safety  Overall reduction of vehicular crashes is expected.  Betw een intersections extension is expected to  Betw een intersections, extension is expected to have half the crash rate of Pennsylvania Ave.  At intersections, through traffic on extension w ould have minimal conflicts w ith crossing traffic due to mostly grade-separated interchanges. 12

  13. Evaluation (continued) Evaluation (continued) ( ( ) ) SEWRPC Right-of-w ay Impacts: g y p • Limited acquisition: 1 residence, Lake Parkway no commercial/industrial/ Evaluation Measure Extension institutional structures. Residential structure es de t a st uctu e 1 1 acquisition/relocation • Disruptions (w ithin 200 feet): 56 residential units, 12 commercial/ Right-of-way 118 industrial structures. acquisition (acres) • Environmental impacts: some Primary environmental primary environmental corridors/ 41 corridors impacted w etlands/recreational land, but (acres) no secondary environmental y Wetlands impacted Wetlands impacted 27 corridors, isolated natural (acres) resource areas, or prime Park/recreational agricultural land. land impacted—Oak 20 Creek Parkway y • Utiliti Utilities: need to relocate some d t l t (acres) electric and gas facilities. 13

  14. Evaluation (continued) Evaluation (continued) ( ( ) ) SEWRPC Other Potential Issues: • Along General Mitchell International Airport  Lake Parkw ay extension w ould need to follow Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and ( ) Milw aukee County height restrictions. 128 th Air Refueling Wing of Wisconsin National Guard •  Potential security concerns relating to their  Potential security concerns relating to their facilities w ould need to be addressed should extension proceed to implementation.  Potential to relocate secured access to facilities from Grange Avenue to other Airport entrances. 14

  15. Evaluation (continued) Evaluation (continued) ( ( ) ) SEWRPC Capital Costs (year 2010 dollars): p (y ) • SEWRPC staff w orked w ith WisDOT and utility company staffs to develop cost estimates. Item Capital Costs Construction $192.8 million Right-of-Way 5.7 million Utility Relocation 8.7 million Total $207.2 million 15

  16. Next Steps Next Steps p SEWRPC Public comments on preliminary recommendations p y accepted through March 15, 2012. • SEWRPC staff w ill prepare record of public comments and present it to Advisory Committee. Advisory Committee w ill consider w hether additional alternatives and/or analyses need to be considered. Advisory Committee w ill then make final recommendation: Advisory Committee w ill then make final recommendation: • Whether to recommend extension of Lake Parkw ay to STH 100 and:  To request addition of Lake Parkw ay extension to T t dditi f L k P k t i t regional transportation plan; and  To request that WisDOT conduct preliminary engineering and environmental impact study for engineering and environmental impact study for Lake Parkw ay extension. 16

  17. How to Submit a Comment How to Submit a Comment SEWRPC Comments accepted through March 15, 2012. p g , At public meeting: • Written comment form in lobby • Oral comment to court reporter in lobby Follow ing public meeting: • • Email: LakeParkw ay@ Email: LakeParkw ay@ sew rpc org sew • Online comment form: w w w .sew ay • Mail: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission P.O. Box 1607, Waukesha, WI 53187-1607 • Fax: (262) 547-1103 17

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