Kevin David and John Bruce
A national network devoted to promoting student success among community college students, particularly students of color and low-income students Promotes success by: 1. guiding evidence-based institutional change, 2. influencing public policy, 3. generating knowledge, and 4. engaging the public
2011- 2012 was TCC’s 5 th year as a member of ATD Structure of ATD at TCC during 2011-2012: ◦ Six intervention teams: 1) Academic Strategies, 2) Advising, 3) African American Male Student Success, 4) Developmental Math, 5) Developmental Reading, and 6) New Student Orientation ◦ Three support teams: 1) Data Team, 2) Research Team, and 3) Communications Team ◦ One Lead Team to guide entire initiative (faculty and dean co-lead) ◦ One Core Team to vet interventions for scalability
P&IR met with all intervention team leaders to ensure sound data collection and develop analysis plans ◦ Intervention review form used to clarify goals, target population(s), expected outcomes, and assessment tools P&IR produced eight reports for ATD in 2011-2012 ◦ One for each intervention and one institutional overview report ◦ Additionally, P&IR contributed to a report based on a student survey conducted by the Data Team
Inter erven ention Total al Studen udents Fall 2011 ATD % of f Fall 2011 Coho hort Partici cipa pant nts s ATD Coho hort (% out of f all (out of 3,622) ) partici cipan ants) s) Academ demic c Strat ateg egies es 1,489 1,079 (72.5%) 29.8% Advisi sing ng 484 284 (58.7%) 7.8% African can Ameri erican can Male e 37 6 (16.2%) 0.2% Studen udent Succe ccess ss Math Cours urse Redesi design 149 75 (50.3%) 2.1% MathPa Path 68 20 (29.4%) 0.6% Studen udent Orien entati ation 222 147 (66.2%) 4.1% All ATD Interv erven entions* ns* 2,173 1,384 (63.7%) 38.2% *Note: the total number of students participating is less than the sum of the students participating in each intervention because some students participated in multiple interventions.
Persist sistenc nce and Gradua uatio ion n Rates C or Better in Academic Strategies Did Not Enroll in Academic Strategies 100% 95% 90% 76% 80% 70% 63% 60% 50% 38% 40% 30% 17% 20% 9% 10% 0% Fall to Spring Fall to Fall Three-Year Grad Rate
Percent centag age of MathPa Path h Stude dent nts s Incre reasing sing At Least One Math Leve vel No Increase Moved Up At Least One Level 49% 51%
Persist sistenc nce Rates s for Afric rican an American rican Male Stude dents Fall 2010 AAMSST Cohort Fall 2010 Control Group 100% 88% 90% 80% 70% 63% 56% 60% 50% 40% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fall to Spring Fall to Fall
ATD structural changes for 2012-2013 ◦ Eliminated formal Data, Research, Communications, and Core Teams Added P&IR Data Consultant and Communications Officer to serve on each intervention team and Lead Team ◦ Four Lead Team Leaders (Faculty Leader, P&IR Director, Dean of Univ. Transfer/Workforce Programs, and AVPAA)
ATD structural changes for 2012-2013 cont. ◦ Building infrastructure to sustain ATD processes at TCC Three governance committees: Strategic Planning, Sustainable Leadership, and Budget and Finance First five years have been informative and productive, but lots of room for growth Ultimate goal: serve as an action research vehicle for promoting the use of data in decision making and a culture of evidence at TCC
TCC’s ATD website: TCC’s P&IR website:
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