kenya is located in east africa

Kenya is located in East Africa, which lies on the Equator The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Kenya is located in East Africa, which lies on the Equator The population of Kenya is 47.5 million. (2019 Census) This is Kenyas flag: Kenya is officially called the Republic of Kenya. The capital of Kenya is Nairobi. The people who live

  1. Kenya is located in East Africa, which lies on the Equator

  2. The population of Kenya is 47.5 million. (2019 Census)

  3. This is Kenya’s flag: Kenya is officially called the Republic of Kenya.

  4. The capital of Kenya is Nairobi.

  5. The people who live in Nairobi come from many different cultures. There are many churches, mosques, temples and gurdwaras in the city. Nairobi is a modern city with thousands of businesses and companies.

  6. The second biggest city in Kenya is Mombasa. It is a seaport city that was first built around the year 900 AD.

  7. Lake Victoria is the largest fresh water lake in the continent of Africa. It stretches across three countries – Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

  8. Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya at 5199m high!

  9. Almost everyone in Kenya speaks more than one language! The two official languages in Kenya are English and Swahili, although there are around 60 languages spoken in different parts of the country.

  10. The Maasai Mara National is a savannah with grass and scattered. It is home to The Big 5: lion, leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros, and elephant.

  11. Kenya was a colony of the United Kingdom from 1920 until 1963 when it gained its independence. A colony is a country that is taken over by another country. This happened when explorers left Europe in ships hundreds of years ago. Today in Britain, many of us have relatives who grew up in former colonies.

  12. Sport is popular in Kenya. Kenya is perhaps best known for its long distance runners, with many becoming Olympic champions. Kip Keino won 11 medals and broke world records records for running.

  13. Scientists think Northern Kenya and Tanzania may have been the original birthplace of humans! The bones of one of the earliest human ancestors ever found were discovered in Kenya.

  14. Kenya is a huge country with 47.5 million people. Wow! Did you know Kenya is also home to rhinos and lions?


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