Katerina Kratzmann, 22 October 2015
Current situa+on q UNHCR: almost 60 million people worldwide were affected in 2014 (19.5 refugees, 38.2 IDPs, 1.8 asylum seekers) q In 2014, the EU accepted a rather small number; 86% stay in third countries q Rising number of asylum applications in 2015: q EU: 551.265 applications incl. 07/15 q AT: 46.133 applications incl. 08/15 q Nationalities 2015: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq (EU & AT)
Causes of migra+on Theory: Manifold – not only ONE reason Makro-, Mikro-, and Mesolevel Division of voluntary and forced migration General: Pushfactors: bad economics; lack of education and work; week social systems ; war and natural desaster. Pullfactors: good economical conditions; work , security; good social systems; liberal migration policies; family and networks.
Situa+on in the neighbouring countries
Forced or voluntary? Why do we ask this question? The Mandate: UNHCR, IOM, etc The rights of the person concerned: „real refugees“ contra „false asylum seekers“ Who are these people to us? Victims or perpetrators Forced and voluntary cannot be strictly divided!
Challenges and Chances Reactions of the population: Challenge: anti-migrant sentiments, discrimination and fear of „foreign infiltration“ Chance: great solidarity (Westbahnhof), increase understanding Politization of the phenomenon: Challenge: migrants as threat; „right wing shift“ Chance: Youth active and keen Labour Market integration: Challenge: qualification (recognition non-academic); networks Chance: Boost for economy; change of demographic landscape Social systems: Challenge: drain on the social systems Chance: support for the social system (tax) Main challenges: Accommodation and Health
Proposed solu+ons I Refugee crisis is the symptom – not the cause! Important first step EU: “Search and Rescue” Migrants use smugglers due to a lack of alternative (legal) channels for migration; Combat human trafficking to a greater extent (less by military intervention and „destroying ships“ and more by „anti-trafficking missions“) People need legal ways to come to the EU: More resettlement with higher quotas Humanitarian visa, student visa, family reunification Temporary Protection Comprehensive approach in terms of migration policy including target groups wishes!
Proposed solu+ons II Global: Support UNHCR and WFP & neighbouring countries North-South dialogue (about shared responsibility) Early Warning System EU: Human Rights of migrants: Piority No.1 Joint EU asylum authority (including fund) Transit countries: asylum centres; dialogue Turkey; assistance Western Balkan Support at “Hot Spots” (IT and GR) Mutual recognition of asylum decisions Shifting from disembarkation to accepting responsibility for asylum application Suspending „Carrier sanctions“ Relocation EURAP (Resettlement Admission Programme)
IOM ac+vi+es IOM is present at „PoE“ in Greece and Italy in order to collect data, procede first assistance and referrals IOM Emergency Response Plan (Macedonia, Serbia) Serbia: Transport at the green border (e.g. from Miratovac to the registration camp 15km away) New registration centre in Gevgelija (Macedonia) – 4000 registrations daily „Rapid Vulnerability Assessment“ in Macedonia 20 containers in Croatia Online platform: http://migration.iom.int/europe
Arrival Mediterranean As of 15.10.2015 Country of Arrival Arrivals Deaths 137,313 Italy 2,814 (Central Med route) 105 Malta 278 472,754 (Eastern Med Greece route) 25 (Western Med and 2,819 Spain Western African routes) 612,991 3,117 Estimated Total
EU distribu+on Absolute (Jan.-Jun. 2015) Per 1.000 inhabitants (Jan.-Jun. 2015) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 50.000 100.000 150.000 Ungarn 6,78 Deutschland 171.785 Österreich 3,30 Ungarn 66.785 Schweden 2,97 Frankreich 32.155 Deutschland 2,12 Italien 30.535 Malta 1,89 Schweden 28.985 Zypern 1,09 Österreich 28.325 Belgien 1,04 Vereinigtes Königreich 15.105 Bulgarien 1,02 Belgien 11.725 Luxemburg 1,01 Niederlande 9.745 Dänemark 0,72 Bulgarien 7.330 Griechenland 0,58 Spanien 6.655 Niederlande 0,58 Griechenland 6.240 Italien 0,50 Polen 4.130 Frankreich 0,48 Dänemark 4.080 Finnland 0,48 Finnland 2.610 Irland 0,32 Irland 1.480 Vereinigtes Königreich 0,23 Zypern 920 Spanien 0,14 Malta 810 Polen 0,11 Tschechische Republik 780 Estland 0,09 Rumänien 735 Lettland 0,08 Luxemburg 570 Tschechische Republik 0,07 Portugal 430 Litauen 0,05 Lettland 155 Slowenien 0,05 Litauen 135 Estland 115 Portugal 0,04 Slowakei 105 Rumänien 0,04 Quelle: Eurostat, Kroatien 100 Kroatien 0,02 [migr_asyappctza] Slowenien 100 Slowakei 0,02 13 und [demo_gind].
Contribu+ons to WFP 2015 1 USA 1,318,309,693 2 United Kingdom 259,250,386 3 Canada 200,418,017 4 European Commission 176,618,511 5 Japan 168,004,571 6 Germany 131,815,161 7 UN CERF 85,395,255 8 Netherlands 84,380,431 9 Norway 67,071,212 10 Pakistan 61,106,599
War in Syria In the beginning, peaceful protests in the course of the Arab spring in early 2011 – Aim: democratization of Syria (against President Assad) Quick escalation towards armed conflict of various groups (incl. ISIS and foreign fighters) – Aim: religious and ethical issues Today: Government troops and supporters fight against many different opposition groups ca. 200.000 deaths between 03/11 and 04/14; 4 million refugees; 9 millionen IDPs
Defini+on Flüchtling GFK “ aus wohlbegründeter Furcht, aus Gründen der Rasse, Religion, Nationalität, Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten sozialen Gruppe oder der politischen Gesinnung verfolgt zu werden, außerhalb seines Heimatlandes befindet und nicht in der Lage oder im Hinblick auf diese Furcht nicht gewillt ist, sich des Schutzes dieses Landes zu bedienen; oder wer staatenlos ist, sich infolge obiger Umstände außerhalb des Landes seines gewöhnlichen Aufenthaltes befindet und nicht in der Lage oder im Hinblick auf diese Furcht nicht gewillt ist, in dieses Land zurückzukehren.“
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