Karina Gookin, MS4 UC Irvine School of Medicine
I grew up in Norwalk, California with parents who were raised with limited access to healthcare. As such, I have a strong interest in underserved medicine and the development of greater access to quality healthcare. Therefore, I chose to work with the UC Irvine Outreach Clinic, a clinic providing primary care services to uninsured patients, for my project.
USDA definition of Food Insecurity: ◦ Households that are “uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food” 14.5% of households, 39 million individuals were food insecure in 2012 Higher percentage in Latino and low-income households In Orange County, CA, 12.2% food insecure
Associated with increased hospitalizations and postponing needed health care, regardless of access to care Associated with chronic conditions, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes Associated with poor glycemic control in diabetics ◦ Food availability, emotional distress, difficulties with diet management Associated with decreased consumption of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and nutrients
UC Irvine’s student-run free clinic based out of Lestonnac Free Clinic in Orange, CA Provides no-cost primary care services to uninsured patients Primarily Spanish- speaking Latino patients below the federal poverty line
Used 2-question survey adapted from USDA 18- question food insecurity survey Each UCIOC patient was asked to answer often true, sometimes true, or never true to the following two statements over the last 12 months: ◦ Statement 1: “I worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more.” ◦ Statement 2: “The food that I bought just didn’t last and I didn’t have money to get more.” Surveys conducted orally and provided in Spanish and English
Large percent of UCIOC patients experienced food insecurity in the last 12 months ◦ Supports data showing increased food insecurity in Latino and low-income households Currently developing map with up-to-date information about food banks and community food resources Will discuss possibility of storing non-perishable food items with UCIOC board at August meeting Limitations to study ◦ Small number of patients, unknown demographics, screening tool but not level of food insecurity Survey able to be easily implemented into patient care for quick screening
National Medical Fellowships California Community Service-Learning Program Dr. Emily Dow, site and faculty mentor All of the student volunteers at the UC Irvine Outreach Clinic, especially the floor managers and Spanish translators Thank you!!
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