just practices of compensation

Just Practices of Compensation Eileen Cull Valdez S eptember 27, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Just Practices of Compensation Eileen Cull Valdez S eptember 27, 2019 1 Why implement the process? Helps to educate: Pastors Finance Councils Pastoral Councils The responsibilities of the Church The responsibilities of the

  1. Just Practices of Compensation Eileen Cull Valdez S eptember 27, 2019 1

  2. Why implement the process?  Helps to educate:  Pastors  Finance Councils  Pastoral Councils The responsibilities of the Church The responsibilities of the employee The value of work The value of the worker 2

  3. Components of the Process  Job Descriptions  Job Analysis  Job Factors  Score Sheet  Classification System  Salary Ranges 3

  4. Job Analysis  Factors (8) and Levels (6)  1 Responsibility to Represent the Church and/ or to Model Its Mission  2 Job Knowledge  3 Leadership  4 People S kills  5 S upervision of Others  6 Confidentiality  7 Mental Demands  8 Physical Requirements 4

  5. How do I compensate employees?  Job Analysis Score Sheet  Salary System 5

  6. Next S teps  Who’s interested?  Regional Meetings  Parishes with schools  Parishes without schools  Let me know:  evaldez@ dmdiocese.org 6



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