additional compensation training

Additional Compensation Training Ryan Bernarduci George Hibbler - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Additional Compensation Training Ryan Bernarduci George Hibbler Learning Objectives What is additional compensation? Navigating to the Additional Compensation Application Who can receive additional compensation? Setting

  1. Additional Compensation Training Ryan Bernarduci George Hibbler

  2. Learning Objectives • What is additional compensation? • Navigating to the Additional Compensation Application • Who can receive additional compensation? • Setting Up an Email Notification • Identify the critical components of Regulation 05.58.01. • Additional Compensation Queue • Gaining access to additional compensation • Searching for an Existing Transaction • SAR Coordinator and approval roles • Demonstration: Enter a new additional • Understanding the workflow compensation transaction • Understanding workflow roles • Describe the limitations and salary thresholds.

  3. What is additional compensation? Mary Additional Compensation is payment for task-based, short-term effort (< 12 months) that is clearly outside the scope of, or in addition to : • Employee’s regular job responsibilities as described in the employee’s position description • For faculty a Statement of Faculty Responsibility SFR) (for faculty Training Material 3

  4. ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION APPLICATION Additional Comp Request • View current Addl Comp requests • Enter NEW Addl Comp requests My Addl Comp Pending User Email Preference • Set email preference to receive or Approvals not to receive addl comp request • View Addl Comp in approvers notices. queue • Approve pending Additional Compensation requests Additional Compensation Rpts • Generate Addl Comp • Active Queue Reports • Historical Queue Reports • Course Report • Employee Queue Reports • Approval Report *The term “workflow” is the progressive movement of a payment request through the approval process. Training Material 4

  5. Who can receive additional compensation? This regulation applies to most Mary additional compensation paid to: • NC State University faculty, • senior academic & administrative officers (SAAOs), • EHRA non-faculty professionals, • SHRA staff, • and County Operations Support Staff (COSS) through the University Payroll Office. Training Material 5

  6. R EGULATION : 05.58.01 – A DDITIONAL C OMPENSATION P AID T HROUGH THE U NIVERSITY Section 4: 1. Introduction Base Salary, Salary Supplements, and Addl Comp – Defines base salary and the accompanying supplements that make up the totals base salary are used calculate addl comp amounts. 2. Scope Section 5: REG 05.58.01 Limitations – Describes the pay limitations of EHRA (9-mos and 12- 3. Exclusion mos) employees in regards to addl comp requests. 4. Base Salary, Salary Supplements, and other Additional Compensation Section 6: EHRA non-Faculty Professionals and SAAOs – Describes addl comp governance regarding EHRA non-Faculty and SAAOs 5. Limitations Section 7: Faculty – Describes the addl comp earning capacity for full-time and 6. EHRA non-Faculty Professionals and SAAOs part-time, 9-12-month faculty that are paid through sponsored projects, and for summer salary and summer instructional for nine- month faculty . 7. Faculty Section 8: 8. Payment of Additional Payment of Additional Compensation – Describes the timing of requests Compensation and payments, approvals, and the method of payments and deductions. 6 Training Material

  7. Gaining Access to Additional Compensation Application SAR Coordinator • Access to the Addl Comp system is granted by the Security Access Request (SAR) coordinator. SAR access is granted to individuals based on their role. OUC Designation Workflow Description SAR Central Roles SAR Campus Roles Employee OUC Initiator NCH HR CAMPUS Adl Py Reqstr Addl Comp Initiator (Payee) Employee OUC Employee Home Department Department NCH HR CAMPUS Adl PyAprvDept Addl Comp Dept. Head Approval (Payee) Supervisor (Home Dept.) Project ID OUC Initiating Department Supervisor NCH HR CAMPUS Adl PyAprvDept Addl Comp Dept. Head Approval (Paying) (Paying Dept.) Project ID OUC College/Division Research Office Addl Comp Research Ofc. Approval NCH HR CAMPUS Adl PyAprvResOfc (Paying Dept.) (Paying) Employee OUC College/Division Business Office Addl Comp Business Ofc. Approval NCH HR CAMPUS AdlPyAprvBusOfc (Paying Dept.) (Paying) Addl Comp Home Dean Approval Home Dean Employee OUC (Paying) (Paying Dept.) NCH HR CAMPUS Adl PyAprvHmDean Addl Comp VC/Provost Approval NCH HR CAMPUS Adl PyAprvVCPrvt Employee OUC (Paying) Vice Chancellor/Chancellor (Paying Dept.) Training Material 7

  8. Understanding the Workflow *Division Research Office (3 rd Approver): this approver will be inserted into the workflow if it is a research based earnings code (i.e. 600, 601, & 602 series). *Home Dean / Chancellor (5 th ): this approver will be inserted into the approval workflow only when the addl comp request exceeds one of the three salary thresholds (i.e. 20% 33.33, 90%). Training Material 8

  9. Initiator Initiator (boots on the ground) • College/Division/Department expert • Reviews and determines if the addl Initiator comp request from the dept. should be processed. • (EE Home Dept.) Gets prior approval before starting a transaction • This should always be the paying (initiating) dept. Training Material 9

  10. 1 st Approver 1 st Approver 1 st Approver Home Department Supervisor/Head Home Dept. • Employees Home Department Determines if the employee supporting Supervisor the additional work has the bandwidth (Paying Dept.) for the project. Training Material 10

  11. 2 nd Approver 2 nd Approver 2 nd Approver Initiating Department Supervisor/Head Initiating Dept. • Employees Home Department Determines if the employee supporting Supervisor the additional work has the bandwidth (Paying Dept.) for the project. Training Material 11

  12. 3 rd Approver 3 rd Approver 3 rd Approver College/Division Research Office Division Research • Verifies that the funding and project Office ID’s match the earnings code selected. (Paying Dept.) *Division Research Office (3 rd Approver): this approver will be inserted into the workflow if it is a research based earnings code (i.e. 600, 601, & 602 series). *Home Dean / Chancellor (5 th ): this approver will be inserted into the approval workflow only when the addl comp request exceeds one of the three salary thresholds (i.e. 20% 33.33, 90%). Training Material 12

  13. 4 th Approver 4 th Approver 4 th Approver College/Division Office Division Business • Confirms that the funding and project ID’s match the earnings code Office selected. (Paying Dept.) Training Material 13

  14. 5 th Approver 5 th Approver Home Dean / 5th Approver Chancellor (only if Home Dean / Chancellor the additional • Required when the thresholds are compensation exceeded. exceeds 20%, 33.33%, or 90% threshold) (Paying Dept.) *Division Research Office (3 rd Approver): this approver will be inserted into the workflow if it is a research based earnings code (i.e. 600, 601, & 602 series). *Home Dean / Chancellor (5 th ): this approver will be inserted into the approval workflow only when the addl comp request exceeds one of the three salary thresholds (i.e. 20% 33.33, 90%). Training Material 14

  15. Final Approval Final Approval • Reviews if the transaction thresholds Final Approval are exceeded Human • Determines if the appointment, EC/TRC’s, employee classification and Resources the appropriate attachments (UHR) correspond with the transaction • Approval required to process payment Training Material 15

  16. Limitations and Salary Thresholds Currently all types of additional compensation paid by the University that are not included in the employee’s base salary are considered additional compensation for the purpose of calculating additional compensation maximums, if you have an FTE 0.75 or greater. Thresholds • 20% threshold (In contract) • 33.33% threshold (Out of Contract) • 90% per/pay period from sponsored funds (i.e. Ledger 5) • Flat rate payments (3 days or less) • Annual leave restrictions • FLSA Non Exempt (Hourly Employees) Training Material 16

  17. Navigating to Additional Compensation Carl 12 Training Material 17

  18. Training Material 18

  19. User Email Preference Carl Training Material 19

  20. Training Material 20

  21. Setup Email Notification 21 Training Material

  22. My Addl Comp Pending Approval (Queue) Carl Training Material 22

  23. Training Material 23

  24. Navigating to My Additional Comp Pending Approval (Queue) 35000 000000000 2 Joe Smith Training Material 24

  25. Searching for Existing Additional Compensation Transactions Carl Training Material 25

  26. • Search Functionality Enter the Employee ID, • Allows the user to search then click the search and view currently existing button transactions. • What to look for • The “Initiator” should determine if the employee is List of previously entered addl comp requests reaching the cumulative % limitations by sorting on “Work Begin Date.” • Check for possible duplicate transaction. Click the “Transaction ID to view a specific 3759 4122 2 transaction 6 Training Material 26


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