june 1 2020 harish rao ph d p e qep v ace 2020 technical

June 1, 2020 Harish Rao, Ph.D., P.E. QEP V-ACE 2020 Technical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

June 1, 2020 Harish Rao, Ph.D., P.E. QEP V-ACE 2020 Technical Program Chair Technical Council Chair (2019-2020) 6/1/20 1 A. Where are we? B. Virtual presentation types C. Information for presenters D. Questions 6/1/20 2 Adapting to

  1. June 1, 2020 Harish Rao, Ph.D., P.E. QEP V-ACE 2020 Technical Program Chair Technical Council Chair (2019-2020) 6/1/20 1

  2. A. Where are we? B. Virtual presentation types C. Information for presenters D. Questions 6/1/20 2

  3. • Adapting to COVID-19 – Shift from in- person to virtual meeting • Virtual Delivery via Cadmium’s EventScribe website with both live stream and on-demand presentations • Providing new guidelines and tasks for presenters 6/1/20 3

  4. 1. Livestream Presentations On-demand Presentations 2. Virtual ACE 2020 Live Events • Keynote Session • Critical Review • Technical and Student Poster Session with live Q & A • YP Breakfast Club • Career Panel • Women's Professional Development Presentation • Student Keynote Presentation • Environmental Challenge International (ECi) Presentations • Annual Business Meeting of the Membership • Technical Sessions – 17 total (10 Panels; 7 Platform) 6/1/20 4

  5. 6/1/20 5

  6. Tuesday, June 30, 2020 1:30 PM – 3:15 PM 794240-Panel 2A - PFAS and the Emerging Air Emissions Nexus (Linda Kemp) 3:00 PM – 4:45 PM 840008-Panel 1M - Air Quality Issues Surrounding COVID-19 (Flint Webb) 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM 840009-Panel 9H - AERMOD Modeling System Updates with U.S. EPA (Sergio Guerra) 5:30 PM – 7:15 PM 813117-Panel 5G - Accelerating Building Decarbonization in the San Francisco Bay Area (Axum Teferra) Wednesday, July 1, 2020 9:30 AM – 11:15 AM 809066-Platform 4G - Partnership Practices in Sustainability and Circular Economy (Chih Chao) 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Platform 1N - Air Pollution Control Technologies (Nathan Schindler) 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM 807159-Panel 1A - EPA Priorities for 2020-2021 (Dave Jordan) 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Platform 1L - Zero Waste Innovation, Plans, and Programs (Chih Chao) 1:30 PM – 3:15 PM 785766-Panel 3I - New Source Review (NSR): Issues and Recent Developments (Gary Saini) 3:00 PM – 4:45 PM 803531-Panel 6L - How Does It Work? – Climate Risk and Adaptation (Ross Beardsley) 3:30 PM – 5:15 PM 839385-Panel 3K - Advancing Clean Marine Technologies to Reduce Health Risk from Sea Port Operations (Brian Bunger) Thursday, July 2, 2020 9:00 AM – 10:45 AM Platform 4K - Beneficial Use of Landfill Gas: Opportunities and Challenges (David Greene) 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Platform 4D - E‐Enterprise for the Environment: Impact on Industrial Reports (Julia Gamas) 1:30 PM – 3:15 PM 795213-Panel 3B - Ammonia Monitoring in Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems: An Overview of Current Methods, Technology, and Certification Protocols (Bhaskar Chandan) 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM Platform 8I - Environmental Considerations in Electrical Generation and Other Industries (Jordan Haywood) 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Platform 7M - California Air Quality Issues, Fenceline Monitoirng & Air Monitoring Studies (David Long) 5:30 PM – 7:15 PM 809831-Panel 7A – Changing Landscape of Air Quality Measurements Near Industrial Sources and Reporting in Real Time (Paul Roberts) Note: Schedule & Sessions subject to change. Current as of 6/1/20 6/1/20 6

  7. Technology Logistics • Organize session and be ready at time scheduled • Update Abstracts and presenter profiles • Work with A&WMA- assigned staff who can assist chairs and presenters for each of the live events 6/1/20 7

  8. Use Cadmium to upload slides and record 1. audio, which will be combined into one on-demand presentation (recommended) Conduct session outside Cadmium (e.g., 2. zoom) and record the session; then post the recording in Cadmium as a link (may be a good option for panel sessions provided a quality video can be recorded) 6/1/20 8

  9. The main tasks assigned to poster authors in Poster Harvester (similar to manuscript submissions tasks) Upload your poster (single slide in pdf) 1. Record Audio for poster (opportunity to include 2. short oral presentation on the poster; length not to exceed 10 minutes) Note: Use the new login access key provided in the email notification to Poster presenters to correctly access Poster Harvester . Do not use the credentials you used for accessing Education Harvester for uploading manuscripts. 6/1/20 9

  10. Three main tasks will be assigned to Presenters in Harvester (similar to manuscript submissions tasks) Upload photo (.jpg or .png files) 1. Upload Presentation Slides (.pdf files) 2. “Record Audio - Presenter/Chair Intro” (10 -20 3. min for each presentation) or Upload video link (of entire recorded session stored on a server outside Cadmium, such as YouTube – likely best suited for Panel Sessions) 6/1/20 10

  11. Same three main tasks will be assigned to Session Chairs in Harvester (similar to manuscript submissions tasks) Upload photo (.jpg or .png files) 1. Upload Presentation Slides (can be .ppt or pdf files) 2. – Here the Chair can upload 1-4 slides to introduce the topic of the session and the presenters in the session. “Record Audio - Presenter/Chair Intro” (~5 -10 min 3. for Session Chairs) Use the uploaded slides to introduce the session topic to the audience, present session title, and biographical information on the presenters to give the audience enough information to want to listen to the speakers. 6/1/20 11

  12. Name Note: Your Tasks page may look a little different from what you see here 6/1/20 12

  13. 6/1/20 13

  14. Paper Title Author Name 6/1/20 14

  15. Paper Title Author Name Paper Title Author Name 6/1/20 15

  16. Paper Title 6/1/20 16

  17. Paper Title Click on each slide to start the recording process 6/1/20 17

  18. Stop recording when done with slide Paper Title 6/1/20 18

  19. Paper Title Save recording Paper Title 6/1/20 19

  20. For panel sessions, consider: Setting up a virtual meeting of the panel participants using Zoom 1. or other virtual meeting platform. Consider adding one or two other persons from the TCC or 2. topical experts to participate, listen and ask questions. (Not allowed to invite non-registrants to ACE technical program sessions) Run the panel session as you would normally, but record the 3. entire session, including questions and answers. Store the video file of the panel session in cloud storage or other 4. free (or other inexpensive) server and obtain a link to the file. 5. Use the Harvester task “Upload Video Link” to provide the link to the file of the panel session. Do not upload the mp4 file into Harvester . 6/1/20 20

  21. On-demand Session Chairs need to assist with the following Make sure you communicate with each presenter in your 1. platform session (or panelist in your Panel Session). Know exactly which presenter will be uploading the powerpoint 2. slides and recording the audio presentation. Know what role was entered in Harvester for the presenter. 1. Only the Chair, the primary author (or panelist) will be receiving the tasks notification. If the presenter has a different role in Cadmium (Co-author, co- 2. chair, presenter, etc.), let technical program team (techprogram@awma.org and harishgrao@gmail.com) know ASAP to get the credentials to the right person. The deadline for completing the tasks is June 17, 2020 3. 6/1/20 21

  22. If you have questions, contact ACE 2020 technical program team: • Lisa Moses, Volunteer Relations Coordinator (techprogram@awma.org) • Harish Rao, Tech Council Chair: (harishgrao@gmail.com) • Flint Webb (Tech Council Vice Chair): (c.flint.webb@leidos.com) For Cadmium issues, ask questions, leave comments or provide feedback (top right of your screen) 6/1/20 22


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