Join your Building/Townhouse Committee 2020 TENANT ELECTIONS
Agenda Agenda 1. Welcome and introduction 2. Why we are here today 3. Tenant Engagement System 4. How to join your committee 5. Thinking about becoming a Community Representative? 6. April 22 , 2020: Selection of Community Representatives 7. Questions 2
Gr Ground r ound rules ules • Listen to others and allow them to speak. • Respond respectfully. • Observe the Tenant Charter principles: • Respect • Community collaboration • Accountability • Integrity • Accessibility 3 DRAFT - Confidential, not for distribution
Why we here today Talk about the: • The Tenant Engagement System • How you can participate • How to join your committee • How to become a Community Representative • How Community Representatives will be selected on April 22 , 2020 DRAFT - Confidential, not for distribution 4
3. City level Tenant .....-, _____________ A .././...../... Community Action Table. their community at the Tenant elected or selected to represent townhouse level structure are Tenants from every building or 2. Community level System Engagement ftuMt Tenants are selected through an • • • TCHC tenants f�tit ,. .. ····· II II ../......./.../ 1. Building or townhouse level Oversight Committee. City-wide Tfnant-Stafg Governance application process to make up the Addressing tenant priorities to build vibrant communities 1�-------------- ..`
Building Building/T /Townh wnhous ouse e Committee Committee Selection process: Open to all tenants, including those living in direct and private managed communities, and the Interim Seniors Housing Unit. Membership: A minimum number of tenants are required to form a committee. There is no limit to how many people can participate. Term: Three year term ending on April 15, 2023. Representation at the Tenant Community Action Table: Committee selects two members. 6
Ov Over erview view of of pr process ocess 1. Open call meetings to establish committees: February 3, 2020 to March 9, 2020 February 3, 2020 to March 23 , 2020 2. Nomination period for anyone interested in becoming a Community Representative: February 3, 2020 to April 21 , 2020 at 11:59 p.m. 3. Connecting with committee members: April 22 , 2020 4. Selecting and voting forCommunity Representatives:
How you can participate 8
Tenant Committee enant Committee Memb Member er role ole over erview view In your role as a committee member at the building/townhouse level, you will: • Work with tenants, Community Representatives, staff and partners to monitor and implement the local Community Action Plan.* • Maintain an open and ongoing dialogue with all tenants in the community. • Engage and encourage members of the community to get involved. • Keep tenants informed. • Hold quarterly community meetings. • Represent the community and address tenant priorities. • Advocate for the community. * In 2019 tenants and staff worked on developing Community Action Plans which outline key activities and solutions in response to the top three priorities identified by tenants in 2018 9
Community Community Repr epresenta esentativ tive Role ole Ov Over erview view In addition to your role at the building/townhouse level, if you are selected by the committee as a Community Representative, you will: • Actively participate at the Tenant Community Action Table and attend meetings. • Work with members of the Tenant Community Action Tables, staff and key stakeholders to exchange ideas and identify solutions and strategies that address tenant priorities. • Allocate resources to address tenant priorities. • Share minutes from meetings. DRAFT - Confidential, not for distribution 10
Expectations Expecta tions 4. Adhere to a Terms of Reference and Code of 1. Adhere to the Toronto Community Conduct aligned with Housing’s Tenant Charter values: respect, principles and values of the community collaboration, accountability, Tenant Charter including all integrity, accessibility requirements for accessibility under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2. Adhere to Toronto Community Housing’s Human Rights, and TCHC’s Human Rights, Harassment and Fair Access Harassment and Fair Access Policy Policy. 5. Participate in a 3. Adhere to the core principles and mandatory training and an orientation session on values of the Tenant Engagement applicable Toronto System Community Housing policies 11
How TCHC supports Community Representatives? TCHC supports Community Representative by: • Delivering mandatory training and provide learning and capacity building opportunities. • Providing tools and resources to carry out roles and responsibilities. • Removing barriers to participation such as providing food and transportation reimbursement, translation and interpretation, etc. • Providing support with Tenant Action Funds applications. 12
How to join the committee? Sign the committee declaration form today to: • Confirm that you are a tenant, co-tenant, dependent of tenant(s), in the building or townhouse community where you would like to join the committee; • Confirm you are 16 years of age and registered on the household lease at the building/ townhouse community where you live; • Agree on the terms of reference and standards of conduct; • Provide permission to use name and photos in publications, for general tenant engagement purposes and/or to enhance community engagement and communications. 13
Who can become a Community Representative? A Community Representative candidate must be: • be a committee member, seconded by another tenant committee member in the building or townhouse community where he/she is running. You can nominate yourself; • The tenancy of the candidate must be in good standing; Note: Permanent full-time staff of Toronto Community Housing, Resident Key Persons, Rooming House Representatives and any of their family members living within the same household cannot participate. 14
Tenancy in good standing A tenancy in good standing means: a) The tenant/household has no arrears on their lease with Toronto Community Housing or, if there are arrears, they have a signed agreement with Toronto Community Housing to repay the arrears and are in compliance with that agreement. b) Toronto Community Housing is not taking any legal action against the tenancy (for example, it has not filed an application against the tenancy at the Landlord and Tenant Board). c) There have been no reported acts by the tenant, their household or guests, on or in relation to TCHC property, that constitute a serious violation of a federal, provincial or municipal law. d) There have been no reported anti-social behaviors, which constitute an ongoing a disturbance caused by the tenant, their household or guests that interferes with the reasonable enjoyment of the unit or complex for its reasonable uses by the landlord or tenants and which has not been resolved through tenancy management. 15
Nom Nomina ination tion For orm Each nomination form must be signed by the candidate, which will indicate his/her: • Acceptance of the nomination. • Agreement on the terms of reference and standards of conduct. • Permission for the use of photos and their names, as required for tenant election materials, publications or for the purpose of enhancing community engagement and communication. Submit your nomination form today or no later than March 23 , 2020 at 4 p.m. Staff will confirm receipt of your nomination and confirm your eligibility. 16
Candidates Campaign - Connecting with Committee Members What you need before you get started on your campaign • Help your committee members understand why you would make a good Community Representative. • Develop key messages. • Be mindful of your conduct during the campaign period: TCHC will not tolerate negative campaigning. • There are resources available to you. • Seek volunteers and track your supporters. • Learn about the issues in your community and know your audience. • Share your vision on April 22 , 2020, when committee members will be selecting the two Community Representatives. • The campaign period ends on April 21 , 2020 at 11:59 p.m. 17
April 22 , 2020: Selection of Community Representatives What committee members need to know: • Committee members select two tenants to sit at the Tenant Community Action Table (the Community Representatives) • Candidates for Community Representative will be given an opportunity to share their vision and tell the committee members why they are interested • If unable to attend, committee members must sign a proxy form to another committee member to vote on their behalf • Results are documented in a poster template and posted in communities 18
Thank y hank you ou Your new journey starts now #Your Community Your Say
Mo More in e infor ormati ation on toro to ronto ntohous housing. a/ten tenante antelecti ction ons 416-981-4435 Stay c St con onne nect cted ed @TOhousing @TorontoCommunityHousing @TorontoCommunityHousing @torontohousing 20
Ques Questions? tions? 21
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