how does hash join work in postgresql and its derivates

How does Hash Join work in PostgreSQL and its derivates Yandong Yao - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How does Hash Join work in PostgreSQL and its derivates Yandong Yao Pivotal Greenplum team Hash join in PostgreSQL What is JOIN An SQL join clause - corresponding to a join operation in relational algebra - combines columns

  1. How does Hash Join work in PostgreSQL and its derivates Yandong Yao Pivotal Greenplum team

  2. Hash join in PostgreSQL

  3. What is JOIN An SQL join clause - corresponding to a join operation in relational algebra - combines columns from one or more tables in a relational database. -- Wikipedia


  5. Examples student table score table id name age id stu_id subject score 10 Jack 25 1 10 math 95 12 Tom 26 2 10 history 98 13 Ariel 25 3 12 math 97 4 15 history 92 CREATE TABLE student(id int, name text, age int); CREATE TABLE score(id int, stu_id int, subject text, score int); INSERT INTO student VALUES (10, 'Jack', 25), (12, 'Tom', 26), (13, 'Ariel', 25); INSERT INTO score VALUES (1, 10, 'math', 95), (2, 10, 'history', 98), (3, 12, 'math', 97), (4, 15, 'history', 92);

  6. JOIN Examples set enable_mergejoin to off; set enable_hashagg to off; JOIN Types Examples Inner JOIN SELECT name, score FROM student st INNER JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id Left JOIN SELECT name, score FROM student st LEFT JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id Right JOIN SELECT name, score FROM student st RIGHT JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id Full JOIN SELECT name, score FROM student st FULL JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id Semi JOIN SELECT id, name FROM student st WHERE EXISTS (SELECT id FROM score WHERE stu_id = Anti JOIN SELECT name FROM student st WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT stu_id FROM score where score.stu_id = Explain shows join type

  7. JOIN # SELECT * FROM score; # SELECT * FROM student; id | stu_id | subject | score id | name | age Examples ----+--------+---------+------- ----+-------+----- 1 | 10 | math | 95 10 | Jack | 25 2 | 10 | history | 98 13 | Ariel | 25 3 | 12 | math | 97 12 | Tom | 26 4 | 15 | history | 92 ANTI JOIN Semi JOIN id | name name name | score name | score name | score name | score ----+------ ------- ------+------- -------+------- ------+------- -------+------- 10 | Jack Ariel Tom | 97 Tom | 97 Tom | 97 Tom | 97 12 | Tom (1 row) Jack | 95 Jack | 95 | 92 | 92 (2 rows) Jack | 98 Jack | 98 Jack | 95 Jack | 95 (3 rows) Ariel | Jack | 98 Jack | 98 (4 rows) (4 rows) Ariel | (5 rows)

  8. JOIN implementation algorithms ● Nested Loop ● Merge Join ● Hash Join

  9. Hash join has two phases ● Build phase : build hash table on the smaller table after applying possible local predicates, which is called inner table. ● Probe phase : scan tuple from another table and probe hash table for matches based on criteria, this ‘another’ table is called outer table

  10. Let us start from inner join SELECT name, subject, score FROM student st INNER JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id Outer table QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------- Hash Join (cost=35.42..297.73 …) Inner table Hash Cond: ( = s.stu_id) -> Seq Scan on student st (cost=0.00..22.00) -> Hash (cost=21.30..21.30 rows=1130 width=8) -> Seq Scan on score s (cost=0.00..21.30) (5 rows) Left table Right table

  11. Inner join: build phase nbucket · · 10, Jack, 25 SELECT * FROM student; · id | name | age · ----+-------+----- 13, Ariel, 25 10 | Jack | 25 · 13 | Ariel | 25 12 | Tom | 26 · 12, Tom, 26 · SELECT name, subject, score FROM student st INNER JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id

  12. Inner join: probe phase Hash table for student Score table · id | stu_id | subject | score · 10, Jack ----+--------+---------+------- · 1 | 10 | math | 95 · Jack | math | 95 13, Ariel 2 | 10 | history | 98 Jack | hist | 98 · 3 | 12 | math | 97 Tom | math | 97 · 12, Tom 4 | 15 | history | 92 · SELECT name, subject, score FROM student st INNER JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id

  13. Full outer join Hash table for student Score table · id | stu_id | subject | score · 10, Jack ----+--------+---------+------- · Jack | math | 95 1 | 10 | math | 95 Jack | hist | 98 · 13, Ariel 2 | 10 | history | 98 Tom | math | 97 · | hist | 92 3 | 12 | math | 97 Ariel | · 12, Tom 4 | 15 | history | 92 · SELECT name, subject, score FROM student st INNER JOIN score s ON = s.stu_id

  14. JOIN SQL semantics vs. JOIN imp types explain SELECT * FROM bigger_table LEFT JOIN smaller_table ON … Hash Left Join Hash Cond: ( = -> Seq Scan on bigger_table b -> Hash -> Seq Scan on smaller_table s (5 rows) explain SELECT * FROM smaller_table LEFT JOIN bigger_table ON … Hash Right Join Hash Cond: ( = -> Seq Scan on bigger_table s -> Hash -> Seq Scan on smaller_table b (5 rows)

  15. Semi join: stop with first match Hash table for score on stu_id student table · · id | name | age 1,10, math,95 2,10, hist,98 ----+-------+----- · 10 | Jack | 25 · 10 | Jack 3,12,math,97 13 | Ariel | 25 12 | Tom · 12 | Tom | 26 · 4,15,hist,92 · SELECT id, name FROM student st WHERE EXISTS (SELECT id FROM score WHERE stu_id =

  16. Anti join: emit tuple when there is no match Hash table for score on stu_id student table · · id | name | age 1,10, math,95 2,10, hist,98 ----+-------+----- · 10 | Jack | 25 · 3,12,math,97 13 | Ariel 13 | Ariel | 25 · 12 | Tom | 26 · 4,15,hist,92 · SELECT id, name FROM student st WHERE id NOT EXISTS (SELECT stu_id FROM score)

  17. What about if inner table is too big to fit into memory? Grace Hash Join Hybrid Hash Join

  18. Partition phase for inner table of hybrid hash join Multiple hash table batches Inner table · · · Batch 0 · · Batch 1 Persistent to files build … Batch n-1 Persistent to files

  19. Partition phase for outer table of Hybrid hash join Outer table Multiple batches · · · Batch 0 · · Batch 1 Stage 1 … Batch i Batch n-1

  20. Join phase of Hybrid hash join: for later batches Multiple batches · · · Batch 0 · · stage 2 · · · Batch 1 rebuild · · s2 … Batch i s2 Batch n-1

  21. How to determine number of buckets & batches Setting Planner statistics ntuple per bucket Plan_rows work_mem Plan_width (NTUP_PER_BUCKET) tuple size with nbuckets ntuples overhead work_mem Single batch if Inner rel bytes Buckets cost est. < Otherwise : work_mem size per bucket nbuckets nbatches ) Inner rel bytes ( Buckets cost work_mem

  22. How about if batch 0 is too big? · Inner table · · Batch 0 Too much to fit into memory · Batch 1 … Batch k Batch n-1

  23. Double batches: n -> 2n Re-calc batches according to 2n · · Inner table · · · · Batch 0 Batch 0 · · Batch 1 Batch 1 … Batch k expand Batch k Batch n Trigger expand … Batch n-1 … Batch 2n-1

  24. Observation: batch expands result in tuple movement · · · Batch 0 · Batch 1 So tuples might move to … Current batch later batches, as we build Batch k hash table from inner batch file, and scan outer batch Batch n+k file. Batch 2n-1

  25. Batch i might result in batch expand again · · · Batch 0 · Batch 1 … Current batch · · Batch i · rebuild · · Batch 2n-1

  26. Then expand batches again, and more tuple movements · · · Batch 0 · Batch i Batch 1 … Batch n+i Current batch Batch i expand Batch 2n+i Batch 3n+i Batch 2n-1 Batch 4n-1

  27. Skew optimization overview Optimization if outer table has non uniform distribution , ● so that most common values (MCV) will be processed in batch 0

  28. Skew optimization: prepare skew hash table !"#$_&'& ∗ 0.02 pg_statistic of outer table Inner table MVC stats ,-./01' + '3,4_5"/, · · · NULL · · · · · NULL Number of MCVs · · · · memory allowed · · NULL · · NULL Skew hash table Skew hash table 1. Determine size 2. Create empty table with hash value 3. Populate skew hash table

  29. Skew optimization: probe skew hash table · Outer table · · · Skew hash table · MCV · Batch 0 · · Main Hash table · · … Batch i Batch n-1

  30. Parallel Join ∅

  31. Hash join in Greenplum

  32. Basically many PostgreSQL nodes

  33. A transparent distributed database with ACID

  34. MPP shared nothing arch

  35. Key Greenplum concepts ● Distribution policy: controls how to distribute tuples to each segments ○ Hash distribution ○ Random distribution ○ Replicated tables ○ Customized hash function ● Motion : transfer data between different segments ○ Gather ○ Redistribution ○ Broadcast

  36. Hash join for tables with ‘same’ distribution CREATE TABLE student(id int, name text, age int) distributed by (id); CREATE TABLE score(id int, stu_id int, subject text, score int) distributed by (stu_id); SELECT name, subject, score FROM student s INNER JOIN score ON = score.stu_id ;

  37. Hash join for tables with different distribution CREATE TABLE student(id int, name text, age int) distributed by (id); CREATE TABLE score(id int, stu_id int, subject text, score int) distributed by (id); SELECT name, subject, score FROM student s INNER JOIN score ON = score.stu_id ;


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