john hunter hospital an outcomes driven falls prevention

John Hunter Hospital An Outcomes Driven Falls Prevention Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

John Hunter Hospital An Outcomes Driven Falls Prevention Program Two years of progress Alison Cowling- Clinical Nurse Educator Sally Milson-Hawke- Director of Nursing/ Midwifery John Hunter Hospital Tertiary referral hospital for

  1. John Hunter Hospital An Outcomes Driven Falls Prevention Program Two years of progress Alison Cowling- Clinical Nurse Educator Sally Milson-Hawke- Director of Nursing/ Midwifery

  2. John Hunter Hospital • Tertiary referral hospital for Northern NSW • 680 beds • Large trauma centre/ 68 Rehabilitation beds • 182 admissions per day • Average length of stay 4.97 days

  3. Our Falls Prevention Journey- 2 years ago 6 SAC 2 FALLS 4.5 falls per 1000 occupied bed days

  4. Strategy One Increase supervision Hourly Rounding Competencies Post Falls Checklist Show your data

  5. Post Falls Checklist • Immediate medical follow up • Open disclosure with patient and family • Additional actions implemented to prevent further falls • Escalation process NUM, Manager of Nursing Service, DON/M

  6. Standardisation of Every Ward

  7. Standardisation of Every Ward

  8. Strategy Two Implementing the HNELHD Strategies Safety Huddles Why, Why, Why, Why Why? Common Cause Analysis

  9. To sustain change you need to be nimble What happened??? • Orientation • Patient Supervision • Screening & Care Plans

  10. Strategy Three Close Observation Bays Models of care for patients requiring additional supervision Removed Bedside Commodes Common Language for Mobility Aides

  11. Strategy Four Reinforce what’s right

  12. Excellence Coach for John Hunter Hospital Coaching Role Coaching Strategies Regular meetings with Executives Rounding, and action planning sessions with NUMs/MUMs Outcomes Driven Falls Prevention Staff rounding, inservicing and education Program Phase 4 sessions Presence ‘on the floor’; coaching Safety Huddles and assisting with falls prevention strategies

  13. Coaching strategies, tools and focus… • Common Cause Analysis • Supervision • Communication • Proactive Care • Sustainability

  14. Common Cause Analysis Common Cause Analysis Collate falls data Visually identify trends (common causes) Establish priority areas for change Incorporate priorities into facility-wide operating plan

  15. Common Cause Analysis Trimbey Healthcare If indicated Medication was associated “Ontario “Falls Risk with high falls Cognitive state Witnessed fall Modified Assessment risk given Stratify Falls Time since and Location of Activity at time (Anaesthetic, Age of patient Risk Screen” Time of fall last hourly Managemen fall of fall antipsychotic, completed rounding t Plan” antidepressant on completed , sedative, admission following hypnotic, Ontario opioid) > 60min OR unknown Other OR Unknown Outside room Inside room Transferring 2400 - 0400 0400 - 0800 0800 - 1200 1200 - 1600 1600 - 2000 2000 - 2400 None given Showering 15 - 30min 30 - 60min Mobilising Bathroom Confused < 4 hours > 4 hours Toileting < 15min 70 – 79 61 - 69 Other Alert < 60 > 80 Y N Y N Y N

  16. Common Cause Analysis- Themes Established Trimbey Healthcare If indicated Medication was associated “Ontario “Falls Risk with high falls Cognitive state Witnessed fall Modified Assessment risk given Stratify Falls Time since and Location of Activity at time (Anaesthetic, Age of patient Risk Screen” Time of fall last hourly Managemen fall of fall antipsychotic, completed rounding t Plan” antidepressant on completed , sedative, admission following hypnotic, Ontario opioid) Other OR Unknown Outside room > 60min OR Inside room Transferring 2400 - 0400 0400 - 0800 0800 - 1200 1200 - 1600 1600 - 2000 2000 - 2400 None given Showering 15 - 30min 30 - 60min Mobilising Bathroom Confused unknown < 4 hours > 4 hours Toileting < 15min 70 – 79 61 - 69 Other Alert < 60 > 80 Y N Y N Y N

  17. Common Cause Theme inspired changes… Theme Strategy Communication Documentation Bedside Clinical Handover Patient Care Boards Safety Huddles Supervision Close Observation Bay Safe Bedside Toileting Proactive Care Hourly Patient Rounding

  18. Communication Safety Huddles • Identify high risk patients Safety • Identify safety risks Staffing Patient Flow Equipment/Environment • Communicate risk reduction Business Continuity strategies I Introduction A Assessment issues S Situation C Cognition issues B Background T Treatment/ Care A Assessment/ Actions • Increase focus on safety tactics R Recommendations • Improve communication Look Back Look Forward Follow Up • Increase staff morale

  19. Communication Safety Huddles Stand up meeting at the Electronic Patient Journey Board Brief = No longer than 5-15 minutes Led by NUM/MUM or Team Leader Follow a structured format Attended at changeover of each shift Attended whenever a staff member needs to communicate an identified risk Attended following an incident to review the incident and communicate change

  20. Supervision Close Observation Bays (COB) A four bedded cubicle where patients with confusion and/or at high risk of falling are grouped together and staff are allocated to remain within the COB and within visual site of the patients at all times.

  21. Supervision Close Observation Bays (COB) One RN/RM allocated each shift to provide patient care within COB, 24/7. 2 nd Nurse allocated to go in and assist when patients require two person care within COB Staff must ‘tag -out/tag- in’ of the COB to ensure patients are never left unsupervised May be created at any time when two or more patients require close observation

  22. Proactive Care- Hourly Patient Rounding Maximises personalised, pre-emptive and proactive care offered to inpatients, minimising adverse events or lack of care relating to inpatients. Irregular and infrequent assessment of inpatients may increase the risk of not meeting patient care needs .

  23. Proactive Care (Purposeful) Hourly Patient Rounding Encourages patients to utilise nursing assistance Gives the opportunity to have needs addressed before they become a concern for the patient Keeps patients informed about and involved in their care Regularly evaluates the quality of essential care delivery Improves the safety and quality of patient care Creates trust and reduces patient anxiety by providing a known care giver and clear expectations for each interaction.

  24. Sustainability “By Your Side” Overarching aim: Decentralise care to the bedside Essentials of Care Project Piloted in Ward G1 (D Armitage, M Lockyer, J Galvin, T Conway, M Kulupach, T Hamilton, L Pitt, M Cherry, D Harper)

  25. Sustainability By Your Side Relocate all patient files to wall holders in patient rooms Remove chart holders from central desk area Provide writing space (desk) in patient rooms for staff Provide additional ‘Workstation on Wheels’ Reduces falls, unwitnessed falls and harm related to falls


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