JackpineGypsies Inc. Consideration to approve Resolution 2020-18 Annexation June 1, 2020
1216 Short Track Road
In accordance with State law, the City’s policy is to consider annexation under the following conditions: Conditions When a tax inequity exists because of the provision of urban services to a developing area; where When it is necessary that the City be allowed to exercise proper municipal powers to ensure orderly growth and development; Annexation is When the City is willing and able to provide urban services from considered which an adjacent area would benefit; When the development of an area may adversely affect the health and safety of the residents of the City; and When there exists a mutual interest between the City and a developing area. 3
“When a tax inequity exists because of the provision of urban services to a developing area” Fire Protection : The majority of the Sturgis Volunteer Fire (1) Department budget is funded by the Sturgis taxpayers through General Fund appropriations. Tax Inequity Roads: The properties’ impact on municipal roads is fully borne by the residents of Sturgis. This property is only accessible by municipal roads. This is not equitable to the taxpaying property owners of Sturgis. 4
From Exit 30: ~.9 miles of City maintained roads From Exit 32: ~2 miles of City maintained roads Property Access Source: https://jpg.clubexpress.com/
City streets are more than pavement
“When it is necessary that the City be allowed to exercise proper municipal powers to ensure orderly growth and development” (2) Understanding that the property owner has no intention of selling or developing the property, it is still important that, Orderly should any development occur, this development must be in line with the City’s codes for growth and development. growth and Annexation will allow the continued operation of the property to be orderly. There have been continued state MS4 violations development of debris on City roadways originating from this site, however, without the site being in the City limits, the City is not able to enforce these issues. 7
When the City is willing and able to provide urban services from which an adjacent area would benefit; The City already provides or can provide the following urban services: Fire protection are already provided by the Sturgis Volunteer Fire Department. Law Enforcement: In the event of a major incident or at the request of MCSO, the Sturgis Police Department, through mutual aid, would respond in support of Meade County Sheriff deputies. (3) Further, given the geographic area that MCSO is required to patrol, the City is uniquely positioned to offer law enforcement support to this property. Provision of As an example, in 2018 and 2019, there were 2 calls for service at the property that the Sturgis Police Department responded to. EMS service are already provided Urban Services Although the property owners often uses both Spearfish Ambulance and Sturgis Ambulance for onsite stand-by, it is only the Sturgis Ambulance which actually transports from the property to a hospital. For example, in 2018 and 2019, there were 3 transports from the property. The property is ~1.7 miles from the hospital and a mere .9 miles from the Fire Station. Domestic water: Availability as there is a main line that crosses the property Sanitary sewer: Two sewer main and one stub are available should the property owner wish to develop the connection. Solid Waste: Available upon annexation Streets: Access to the property is only available via City streets. 8
Site Plan
“When the development of an area may adversely affect the health and safety of the residents of the City;” The stormwater from the property flows into a natural drainage along Short Track Road (north side of the property). This drainage ties into the municipal stormwater system. Further, once within City limits, the Planning & Permitting (4) Department would ensure floodplain development compliance as required by FEMA. Health and This would help prevent erosion of sediments onto Moose Drive from the property. Safety of City Looking at the challenges that Pennington County faces with septic systems within the Hills, it is prudent to have a future path to residents bringing the property onto City sanitary sewer. The annexation would ensure that any potential future development would be planned to limit the impact it would have on neighboring properties 10
“When there exists a mutual interest between the City and a developing area” The property and the City have a “mutual interest” in being a part of the Sturgis community. The City would benefit from the success of the property in sales tax (5) and property tax revenue to offset costs to provide municipal services. Additionally, its events during the tourism season have the Mutual potential to bring visitors to the community. The properties already benefit by capitalizing economically on being Interest immediately adjacent to City limits. During the Rally, visitors to the City can be attracted to the properties’ events. The visitors to downtown Sturgis during the tourism season are potential visitors to the Jackpine Gypsies sponsored events and races. As a side note, the properties benefit from the City’s provision of passive marketing support at its Info Booths during the Rally. 11
The City’s annexation of the properties owned by Jackpine Gypsies Inc. are in the best interest of the City. This annexation target meets all five goals for identifying annexation targets. In summary, this annexation would provide: Fair sharing of the local tax burden Roads, fire protection Summary More orderly process to plan and continue future growth and development More efficient delivery of municipal services Garbage, sewer, water Public safety Health & Safety Ensuring FEMA floodplain compliance Mutual Interest Proximity to downtown – Sturgis as an economic hub 12
Activities include but are not limited to: F lat track racing Hill climbs Motocross Snowmobile Proposed Go-kart Current Uses Mini-sprint cars Lawnmowers to Continue Verticross ATV racing City regulations shall not prohibit these and other similar events which may be open to the public or may be private events.
During the 9-day Rally period – events and Proposed activities from 6 am to 2 am. Activity and From April 1 to November 1 Sunday – Thursday, 8 am to 10 pm Sound Limits Friday and Saturday, 7 am to 1 am Noise should be limited to the times of operation described herein.
Owner shall continue to maintain a dust mitigation system. City shall not issue a nuisance violation for dust control efforts as long as the system is properly operational and is used. Should the system not function properly, a warning shall be provided and the property owner shall be provided 14 days to make Proposed necessary repairs before a citation is issued. Should dust create a safety issue on any Dust Control roadway, repairs shall be required to be made immediately or events shall be postponed until mitigation can be made. Should individuals use the facility when it is not during an event hosted by the Owner and the dust control mitigation not be used, a citation may be issued to the individual and not to the Owner.
Proposed City can provide standby Ambulance service at Fire and JPG events, with a timely request and at the standard reimbursement rate under City Policy, Ambulance as part of this agreement. Services
City can provide a 10 x 10 space at Armory as part of this agreement, and Owner will notify City by January 15 of each year of this Proposed agreement by signing an Exhibit Lease FREE Agreement if Owner chooses to use that space. Failure to provide such timely notification, or Prime Vending failure to use and staff the space fully during the Space Rally period, shall eliminate City’s obligation to provide that space for Rally events during the remaining Term of this agreement.
City shall authorize an overnight occupancy of dry camping units camping before an event, not to exceed 100 individuals during a scheduled racing event. As a part of this agreement, Proposed however, both parties understand that any Camping future enforcement of state law or Guests Administrative Rules by the South Dakota Department of Health or other state government agency is not limited by this agreement of the parties.
The subject property shall be zoned HIGHWAY SERVICE upon recording of the Resolution for Annexation for the subject property. Thereafter Proposed any change in zoning shall be subject to the requirements of Title 18 of City Ordinances. Zoning Owner would be allowed to maintain unscreened outside storage as a prior non- conforming use under Title 18.
City will cooperate with Owner through another agreement to establish the agreeable terms and policies for the sales of Event tickets Proposed City at the subject property to be available on the Support for City website. Owner Consistent with City policy, use of City portable bleachers will be available for public events at On-Site the subject property. Activities Owner will have use of eight (8) City portable bleachers, without charge, for public events during the Rally at the subject property.
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