Network slicing: A key technology for 5G and its impact on mobile virtual network operators Athanasios Lioumpas, Ph.D. C y t a H e l l a s , R & D d e p a r t m e n t T h e s s a l o n i k i , G r e e c e 2 0 1 7
contents mobile virtual network operators (MVNO) ecosystem 1 challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 network slicing: a 5G key element 3 network slicing impact on MVNOs 4 conclusions 5
MVNO ecosystem 1 MNO 1 2 radio spectrum 3 core network elements e . g . , H L R , G M S C , G G S N 4 retail elements 5 e . g . , b i l l i n g , c u st o m e r c a r e
MVNO ecosystem 1 service MNO 1 provider 2 radio spectrum 3 core network elements e . g . , H L R , G M S C , G G S N 4 retail elements 5 e . g . , b i l l i n g , c u st o m e r c a r e
MVNO ecosystem 1 thin service MNO 1 provider MVNO 2 radio spectrum 3 core network elements e . g . , H L R , G M S C , G G S N 4 retail elements 5 e . g . , b i l l i n g , c u st o m e r c a r e
MVNO ecosystem 1 thin full service MNO 1 provider MVNO MVNO 2 radio spectrum 3 core network elements e . g . , H L R , G M S C , G G S N 4 retail elements 5 e . g . , b i l l i n g , c u st o m e r c a r e
MVNO ecosystem 1 Cyta is the only thin full full MVNO in Greece service MNO 1 provider MVNO MVNO 2 radio spectrum 3 core network elements e . g . , H L R , G M S C , G G S N 4 retail elements 5 e . g . , b i l l i n g , c u st o m e r c a r e
MVNO ecosystem 1 MVNO market size increases 1 2 3 4 Global MVNO market size, by region, 2012 - 2022 (USD Billion) * 5
MVNO ecosystem 1 MVNO market size increases 1 High variations of MVNO subscriptions over time 2 3 4 Global MVNO market size, by region, 2012 - 2022 (USD Billion) * 5 MVNO subscriptions (% of total)
MVNO ecosystem 1 MVNO market size increases 1 High variations of MVNO subscriptions over time Many “casualties” !!! 2 ( e n d o f b u s i n e s s w i t h i n m o n t h s f r o m l a u n c h ) 3 4 Global MVNO market size, by region, 2012 - 2022 (USD Billion) * 5 MVNO subscriptions (% of total)
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 1 low profit margins for MVNO MNO P r o f i t 2 m a rg i n s 3 4 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 1 low profit margins for MVNO MNO P r o f i t 2 m a rg i n s 3 4 initial contract with MNO 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 1 low profit margins for MVNO MNO P r o f i t 2 m a rg i n s 3 4 ability to be initial contract served by with MNO 5 multiple MNOs
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 1 low profit margins for MVNO MNO P r o f i t 2 m a rg i n s 3 4 ability to be initial contract optimization of served by with MNO wholesale/retail 5 multiple MNOs profits
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 initial contract with MNO deep knowledge of the market and the 1 competition 2 3 4 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 initial contract with MNO deep knowledge of the market and the 1 competition 2 realistic network/subscribers dimensioning 3 4 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 initial contract with MNO deep knowledge of the market and the 1 competition 2 realistic network/subscribers dimensioning 3 negotiation of wholesale prices 4 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 initial contract with MNO deep knowledge of the market and the 1 competition 2 realistic network/subscribers dimensioning 3 negotiation of wholesale prices 4 avoid getting blocked from services, e.g., 4G 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 ability to be served by multiple MNOs 1 MNO #1 MNO #2 redundancy 2 MNO #3 flexibility 3 . . . 4 MVNO power to negotiate wholesale prices MNO #N 5
challenges for MVNOs in legacy network architectures 2 optimization of wholesale/retail profits U s e r M N O p r o f i l e s w h o l e s a l e p r i c e s 1 MNO #1 2 Really hard with legacy technology MNO #2 3 4 MNO #3 5 MNO #N
network slicing: a 5G key element 3 1 2 3 4 5
network slicing: a 5G key element 3 Core Access E2E Optimization Services/Applications Network Network 1 2 3 4 5
network slicing: a 5G key element 3 Core Access E2E Optimization Services/Applications Network Network 1 UE based slicing (e.g., VIP users) Enhance the network slicing Service based slicing (e.g., video stream, smart home) concept Inter-slice resource allocation 2 3 4 5
network slicing: a 5G key element 3 Core Access E2E Optimization Services/Applications Network Network 1 UE based slicing (e.g., VIP users) Enhance the network slicing Service based slicing (e.g., video stream, smart home) concept Inter-slice resource allocation 2 Inter-slice resource allocation Core Slice#1 SGW- PGW- MME Control Control 3 SGW-Data PGW-Data UE Core Slice#2 PGW- MME+SGW-Control UE Control UE Service 4 RRH SGW/PGW-Data UE Service Core Slice#3 SGW- PGW- MME Control Control 5 RAN slicing Core slicing *Mobile-cord project
network slicing impact on MVNOs 4 optimization of wholesale/retail profits Core network in a box 1 core network evolution 2 network functions virtualization 3 all IP networks 4 5
network slicing impact on MVNOs 4 optimization of wholesale/retail profits legacy networks are monolithic in terms of QoS differentiation 1 2 3 Core netwo QoS rk 4 5 legacy network
network slicing impact on MVNOs 4 network slicing optimization of wholesale/retail profits enables a fully dynamic way of 1 network resource QoS allocation QoS 2 QoS 3 Core QoS 4 QoS QoS 5 QoS Network slicing
network slicing impact on MVNOs 4 optimization of wholesale/retail profits Network slicing and NFV are the ser vices/ap ps u ser p rofiles n etwork selection enablers for a 1 modular dynamic network QoS 2 QoS QoS 3 Core QoS 4 QoS QoS 5 QoS multi-operator network slicing
conclusions 5 5G technologies will: 1 • improve user QoS experience 2 • help telcos to maximize revenue 3 • boost the creation of new business models 4 5 Athanasios Lioumpas, Ph.D. C y t a H e l l a s , R & D d e p a r t m e n t ath an asios.liou mp as@h q .c y ta. g r
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