Iteration in tracts James Waterman Department of Mathematics and Statistics The Open University Topics in Complex Dynamics Barcelona – October 3, 2017 James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 1 / 14
Outline The escaping set. Rates of escape and tracts. Slow escape within a tract. James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 2 / 14
The escaping set Definition Let f : C → C be a transcendental entire function, then the escaping set I ( f ) is I ( f ) = { z : f n ( z ) → ∞ as n → ∞} . Eremenko (1989) showed I ( f ) has the following properties: J ( f ) = ∂I ( f ) I ( f ) ∩ J ( f ) � = ∅ , I ( f ) has no bounded components. Eremenko’s conjecture: All components of I ( f ) are unbounded. James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 3 / 14
Fast escape First introduced by Bergweiler and Hinkkanen (1999) Definition The fast escaping set , A ( f ) = { z : there exists L ∈ N such that | f n + L ( z ) | ≥ M n ( R ) for n ∈ N } where M ( R ) = max | z | = R | f ( z ) | for R > 0 . ∂A ( f ) = J ( f ) A ( f ) ∩ J ( f ) � = ∅ All components of A ( f ) are unbounded by a result of Rippon and Stallard (2005). James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 4 / 14
Slow escape There exist points that escape arbitrarily slowly. Theorem (Rippon, Stallard, 2011) Let f be a transcendental entire function. Then, given any positive sequence ( a n ) such that a n → ∞ as n → ∞ , there exist ζ ∈ I ( f ) ∩ J ( f ) and N ∈ N such that | f n ( ζ ) | ≤ a n , for n ≥ N. This says that A ( f ) is always different from I ( f ) . James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 5 / 14
Tracts Definition Let D be an unbounded domain in C whose boundary consists of piecewise smooth curves. Further suppose that the complement of D is unbounded and let f be a complex valued function whose domain of definition includes the closure ¯ D of D . Then, D is a direct tract if f is analytic in D , continuous on ¯ D , and if there exists R > 0 such that | f ( z ) | = R for z ∈ ∂D while | f ( z ) | > R for z ∈ D . If in addition the restriction f : D → { z ∈ C : | z | > R } is a universal covering, then D is a logarithmic tract . Every transcendental entire function has a direct tract. James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 6 / 14
Examples exp(exp( z ) − z ) exp( z ) James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 7 / 14
More examples exp(sin( z ) − z ) exp(exp( z )) − exp( z ) James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 8 / 14
Logarithmic transform and the expansion estimate Let f ∈ B and suppose sing ( f − 1 ) ⊂ B (0 , 1) as well as f (0) . Hence any tract D , with boundary value assumed to be 1 , is logarithmic. We construct the logarithmic transform of f by considering the following commutative diagram, F log D H exp exp f z w where exp( F ( t )) = f (exp( t )) for t ∈ log D and H = { z : Re( z ) > 0 } . Lemma (Eremenko, Lyubich 1992) For z ∈ D as above, we have zf ′ ( z ) � � � ≥ 1 � � 4 π log | f ( z ) | . � � f ( z ) � James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 9 / 14
Slow escape in logarithmic tracts Lemma For a logarithmic tract D and r 0 sufficiently large so that M D ( r 0 ) > e 16 π 2 , A ( e 16 π 2 , M D ( r 0 )) . f ( A ( r 0 , 2 r 0 ) ∩ D ) ⊃ ¯ Theorem Let f ∈ B and let D be a logarithmic tract of f . Then, given any positive sequence ( a n ) such that a n → ∞ as n → ∞ , there exists ζ ∈ I ( f ) ∩ J ( f ) ∩ D and N ∈ N such that f n ( ζ ) ∈ D, for n ≥ 1 , and | f n ( ζ ) | ≤ a n , for n ≥ N. James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 10 / 14
Hyperbolic distance Definition Let D be the unit disc. The hyperbolic distance on D is � z 2 | dz | ρ D ( z 1 , z 2 ) = inf 1 − | z | 2 γ z 1 where this infimum is taken over all smooth curves γ joining z 1 to z 2 in D . James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 11 / 14
Annulus covering Lemma Let Σ be a hyperbolic Riemann surface. For a given K > 1 , if f : Σ → C \ { 0 } is analytic, then for all z 1 , z 2 ∈ Σ such that ρ Σ ( z 1 , z 2 ) < 1 � 1 + log K � 2 log | f ( z 2 ) | ≥ K | f ( z 1 ) | and 10 π we have f (Σ) ⊃ ¯ A ( | f ( z 1 ) | , | f ( z 2 ) | ) . James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 12 / 14
Slow escape Theorem Let f be a transcendental entire function and let D be a direct tract of f , bounded by ”nice” curves. Then, given any positive sequence ( a n ) such that a n → ∞ as n → ∞ , there exists ζ ∈ I ( f ) ∩ J ( f ) ∩ D and N ∈ N such that f n ( ζ ) ∈ D, for n ≥ 1 , and | f n ( ζ ) | ≤ a n , for n ≥ N. James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 13 / 14
Thank you for your attention! James Waterman (The Open University) Iteration in tracts October 3, 2017 14 / 14
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