isprm assembly of delegates

ISPRM ASSEMBLY OF DELEGATES ! Approval of Minutes of the Berlin - PDF document

ISPRM Assembly of Delegates May 29 th to June 2 nd Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MINUTES Assembly of Delegates Wednesday June 1 st , 2016 15:00 18:30 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Agenda item timing 1. Introduction 10 a. Welcome & last minute

  1. ISPRM Assembly of Delegates May 29 th to June 2 nd Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MINUTES Assembly of Delegates Wednesday June 1 st , 2016 – 15:00 – 18:30 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Agenda item timing 1. Introduction 10’ a. Welcome & last minute information by the Secretary b. Approval of the Agenda c. Approval of the Minutes of the previous Assembly of Delegates 2. Report from the President 15’ a. Main Achievements 3. Report from the Secretary a. Membership report 4. Finance 15’ a. Financial report b. 2016 Budget c. Voting of motions 5. Statutes, Policies & Procedures 15’ a. Amendments b. Voting of motions 6. Elections and awards 45’ a. Election and Voting Procedures: Secretary, Treasurer, Vice president b. Elections Executive Committee: Representatives of the National Societies (Europe- Eastern Mediterranean-Africa; Asia-Oceania, Americas) c. Approval of the Awards and Nominations Committee composition d. Motions e. Announcements of election results Handover from outgoing President Jianan Li to incoming President Jorge Lains 10’ a. Introduction from Jorge Lains, ISPRM President ------------------- BREAK --------------------- 10 ’ 7. Upcoming congresses 3 5’ a. Presentation of bidders for 2020 b. Presentation of Site Selection Report c. Voting d. 2017 report 8. Other business 10 ’ a. Central office update 9. Photo session 15’ Appendix A: ISPRM 2016 - Assembly of Delegates slide set

  2. ISPRM Assembly of Delegates May 29 th to June 2 nd Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1. Introduction a. Welcome & last minute information by the Secretary F. Gimigliano welcomed the participants and thanked them for joining. The meeting is held in accordance with the statutes and policies and procedures of the ISPRM. b. Approval of the Agenda There were no comments on the modified agenda and it was approved. c. Approval of the Minutes of the previous Assembly of Delegates The minutes of the Berlin Germany, 2015 Assembly of Delegates were approved. 2. Report from the President b. Main Achievements J. Li welcomed the participants to the last AoD of his term as a President and presented his Presidential report. He outlined his appreciation to the LOC for organising such an interesting congress. He noted the main achievements of his term including:  Reform of the ISPRM committee structure to make it more efficient, including the merger of the Award & Nominations committees and Clinical Science & Research committees and creating a new committee the Council of Past Presidents to give Past Presidents the opportunity to be actively involved in the society. He thanked all committees for their hard work throughout the past two years.  Improving the governance of the P resident’s Cabinet to ensure the smooth running, including regular meetings of the President’s Cabinet to allow for group decisions.  Facilitation of PRM in developing countries through the organisation of the Summit for developing countries . It is part of the ISPRM mission to support developing countries. Conferences have been organised for the past two years with the aim of developing a platform for these countries to have access to knowledge.  ISPRM Ambassador Program  The implementation of CME certified training courses oriented with technology .  Further efforts to promote cooperation with other international healthcare stakeholders.  The launch of a new journal . The Editor in Chief has been appointed as Nachum Soroker and the first group of papers is now to be submitted for the first edition to be launched.  Increase of financial assets and ever improving financial status over the last 2 years. J. Li ended by thanking J. Olver for his major contribution to ISPRM throughout his tenure as treasurer for the past 6 years. He also gave his appreciation and thanked the ISPRM President ’s Cabinet, Executive Committee and Assembly of Delegates.

  3. ISPRM Assembly of Delegates May 29 th to June 2 nd Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3. Report from the Secretary a. Membership report F. Gimigliano presented the membership report for 2016 showing 403 individual members and 53 national societies. The individual members that are part of those societies are 38’030 to date. She reminded that all members through their National Society are considered as individual members and invited the National S ociety’s representatives to encourage their members to register on the website with the promotional code and renew their membership every year. It is important to access the members’ only area on the website, as this is where all relevant and important information and communication (such as the information about the AoD) are shared. She outlined that a Twitter account and a Facebook page are also set up to communicate with members. 4. Finance a. Financial report J. Olver shared the 2015 audit report conclusion that the statements and account are in good standing. He explained the audit report is a review prepared according to the society’s status as a NGO, it is described as a limited audit. There was discussion within the Audit and Finance committee to request a full audit in the coming year, including an audit of the management process of Kenes. The quote of such service is to be provided by Kenes. The full audit might be delayed to 2017 dependent on the 2016 budget. J. Olver presented the financial report for 2015 showing a total income of €120‘815, a t otal expenditure of €99‘702 and an o perating profit of €21‘113. He noted that the Berlin congress income of 30’000€ was received on 23 May 2016. J. Olver reminded that as agreed by the PC, the Kenes executive’s services fee increased by 10’0 00 € . J. Olver outlined that the framework for decision making on funding requests form committees was used for the first time by the CRDR committee to support the attendance of a colleague from Nepal to the AOSPRM congress. J. Olver noted that this process is working smoothly. b. 2016 Budget J. Olver presented the budget for 2016. He highlighted that there is confidence in reaching the €85’000 for membership, however income from the 2 016 congress is likely to be lower than budgeted, it is likely the target for this congress will not be reached and there will be little or no income to ISPRM. J. Olver also highlighted donations and sponsorship, he outlined it was agreed within the Audit & Finance Committee to put an amount to €40’000 to challenge the society. He mentioned that L. Gorringe and J. Lains are making efforts to bring in some sponsorship funds. Finally, it was noted that ISPRM has received €19’000 from previous Summits for Developing Countries in China. It was noted that 25’000 EUR is budgeted f or committee funding. ISPRM also invested 34’000 EUR from the International Education Development Fund to develop a new education platform, which is part of the strategy to increase donations and sponsorship.

  4. ISPRM Assembly of Delegates May 29 th to June 2 nd Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia J. Olver concluded that the 2016 budget will r esult in an income of 17’000 EUR. J. Olver then presented the draft budget for 2017, explaining that this will be the responsibility of the next treasurer and this budget will need to be revised and accepted in December 2016 by the new P resident’s Cabinet . He expressed concern for the 2017 income, which is the reason this drafted budget is conservative. He added that it is difficult to get an accurate budget at this point, however, it currently shows an income of less than 1’000 EUR. J. Olver finished by presenting the membership evolution over the years from 2006. He also showed the increase in assets of 150’000 EUR between 2011 and 2016. Before presenting the voting of motions, J. Olver warmly thanked the Assembly of Delegates for their strong support during his years as Treasurer. c. Voting of motions J. Olver proposed the following motions: 1. To approve the 2015 financial documents and release the treasurer and the ISPRM Central Office of their liabilities Motion Seconded by J. DeLisa Motion approved No dissention 2. To approve the 2016 Budget J. Lains Seconded Motion approved No dissention 3. To investigate on a quote of a full finance and management process audit J. DeLisa Seconded Motion approved No dissention 4. To ask Kenes to provide a strategy on sponsorship and donations It was asked if Kenes had the expertise to provide service in sponsors and donations. L. Gorringe confirmed that Kenes has a long history in working with medical associations to generate funding and sponsorship. She also confi rmed that Kenes will work hand in hand with the President’s cabinet to develop and present a relevant strategy. F. Gimigliano Seconded Motion approved No dissention K. Sunnerhagen enquired why the financial surplus is so important. J. Olver explained that ISPRM had a deficit budget when he took over as a treasurer and that reserves can be consumed quickly when there is no income, thus the ideal is to have a buffer. He also noted that more money has been allocated to committees and educational projects over the past 2 years.

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