isd sd based ed i incident ent m mana nagem ement nt best

ISD SD-based ed I Incident ent M Mana nagem ement nt: Best - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ISD SD-based ed I Incident ent M Mana nagem ement nt: Best st Pract ctice ces s for Jurisd sdicti ctional Emergency cy Mana nager ers Jon Bodie, Emergency Manager Frisco Independent School District EMAT Leadership Symposium

  1. ISD SD-based ed I Incident ent M Mana nagem ement nt: Best st Pract ctice ces s for Jurisd sdicti ctional Emergency cy Mana nager ers Jon Bodie, Emergency Manager Frisco Independent School District EMAT Leadership Symposium February 25, 2020 Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  2.  Awareness of legal requirements for ISDs  Insight into proven incident management processes used by Frisco ISD for K-12 Objectives for school emergencies Today  Awareness of low-cost/no-cost tools that can enable any district to effectively prepare for, respond to and recover from K-12 incidents – with minimal training Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  3. Fris isco I ISD D 2002 - Presen ent • 2002: 10,850 students (19 campuses) • 2020: 62,801 students (72 campuses) • Frisco ISD Security Department: Security Director, Emergency Manager, 7 Security Specialists Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  4. Pr Prep eparedness I Ini nitiatives es  2019-20 District Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan o Jurisdictional EOP format, consistent with TxSSC and REMS TAC guidance  Campus Emergency Operations Plans o Template-based, with how-to guide  Standardization of procedures o Incident Command System (ICS) o Standard Response Protocol (SRP) o Standard Reunification Method (SRM) Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  5. Pr Prep eparedness I Ini nitiatives es • SafeSchools Learning Management System: Online compliance trainings • Scenario-based Active Shooter trainings for staff • Monthly all-hazard Emergency Management webinar trainings • Bi-annual in-person EM training sessions for Principals and Assistant Principals (July and February) • On-demand EM trainings Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  6. Prep Pr eparedness I Ini nitiatives es  Drill standardization with realism elements Standardized emergency drill o requirements Lockdown drills during o passing periods Lockdown drills during lunch o Blocked exits o Missing student o 8 drills in the first 45 days o Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  7. Mitigation Efforts  NWS StormReady designation (1 of 7 ISDs)  Physical security features including Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)  Integration of ICC 500 standards Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  8. Pr Prevent ention & & Mi Mitigation S Step eps  Joint campus drills: Police/Fire-EMS, Public Health Department  STOPit: 2-way anonymous reporting app with video/photo capability  TEC 37.108 Safety and Security Audits (28 per year)  TEC 37.115 Threat assessment program (Salem-Keizer model) Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  9. What t Are S School Districts ts Req equired T To Do By L y Law? Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  10.  Texas Education Code (TEC) statutes related to emergency management  Primarily components & sub-components Texas of TEC Chapters 37 & 38 Statutes  Other TEC statutes related to safety & security functions  Additional TGC and TAC statutes Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  11. Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) DAR Tool District Audit Report Tool  Due at end of each 3-year audit reporting cycle  Current cycle ends August 31, 2020  Five sections  22 pages, 45 questions, now includes references to TEC statutes for each question  Available on TxSSC website landing page Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  12. TEC 37.108  Multi-Hazard Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) o Must address all five EM phases o EM training for employees including substitutes o Employee access to telephones o Comms adequate for emergencies o Mandatory drills o Coordination with local stakeholders  Safety & Security audits o 3-year cycle following TxSSC procedures, results to Board + TxSSC Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  13. TEC 37.108 (continued)  Multi-Hazard EOP: o Disclosure rules o Must be reviewed annually o Required EM training for employees o Plan for train derailments (1000 yds) o Board input re: Security audit results o Visitor management procedures o Polling place policies o Clear chain of command Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  14. TEC 37.108 (continued)  Multi-Hazard EOP: o Physical and psychological safety during Response and Recovery phases o Provisions for safety of students in portables o Emergency planning for students with disabilities o Immediat ate notification of signif ific icant threat to health/safety o Professional development training: Suicide prevention, psychological safety, grief-informed/trauma-informed care o Training in psychological first aid: Safety & Security Committee members, Guidance & Counseling staff, educators o Safety & Security Committee: Meeting dates & names of members o Active shooter policy Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  15. TEC 37.1081 & 37.1082 Both statutes related to EOP noncompliance: o Failure to submit EOP to TxSSC o Failure to make corrections identified by TxSSC Progressive disciplinary action: o Public hearings by Board of Trustees o TEA Commissioner appoints a conservator o TEA Commissioner appoints a Board of Managers Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  16. TEC 37.109  Establishment of a Safety and Security Committee (SSC) o Emergency management representative o Local PD, Sheriff and/or ISD Police representative o President of Board of Trustees o Member of Board of Trustees (other than President) o Superintendent o One or more designees of Superintendent, including teacher o 2 parents or guardians o Other District leadership positions  SSC guides EOP development and EOP maintenance Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  17. TEC 37.109 (continued)  “The Committee shall…” o Assist with development and maintenance of EOP o Make recs to Board re: EOP updates o Support S&S audits, review audit reports submitted to TxSSC o Consult with local LE o Meet 3x/year (once in summer) o Apply TGC Chapter 551 Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  18. TEC 37.113 and 37.114  37.113 - Parent notifications as s soon a as p possible ble regarding bomb threats or terroristic threats  37.114 - Emergency evacuations and mandatory emergency drills, NTE 8x per semester * Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  19. TEC 37.114 Clarifications Re: 37.114 - Mandatory school drills  Lockdown, Lockout, Shelter, Evacuate, Hold  TEA Commissioner cannot require districts to conduct more than eight drills per semester (but more than 8 are allowed)  Districts must comply with Texas Department of Insurance mandatory fire exit drills o 1 fire drill in each month with 10 or more instructional days, including summer programs SOURCE: Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  20. TEC 37.115  Establishment of Threat Assessment & Safe and Supportive Schools programming (threat assessment teams)  TxSSC-issued guidance just released (1/22/20)  Support systems addressing school climate, social/emotional domain, behavioral and mental health  Rules, policies and procedures for TA team establishment, operations & reporting  Program consistent with “model” TxSSC policies/procedures Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  21. TEC 37.115 (continued)  Teams must complete threat assessment training  Data collection & reporting of team activities  Parental consent required for ISD delivery of mental health care services  Immediate reporting to Superintendent for threats of harm to self or others  Suicide prevention measures Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  22. TEC 37.115 (continued)  Threat assessment data reporting o Occupation of those on TA team o Training provided to those on team o No. and types of threats reported to the team o Outcome of each student assessment by team o Data reporting: Disciplinary actions or referrals to LE or MH, total students assessed, students in foster care, homeless, military dependent, pregnant or parent, limited English proficiency, migratory child, citations, arrests, use of restraints, DAEP, referrals to MH, ISS/OSS, 15+ absences, Juvenile court referrals Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  23. TEC 38.030 Traumatic Injury Protocol  Bleeding control stations in easily accessible areas  TEA-approved training on use of the bleeding control kits for SROs and staff  Annual Stop The Bleed instruction for students Grade 7 and higher Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  24.  TEC 37.218 (c)  Sharing of visual depictions of sexual conduct  TEC 37.2121 (d)(1)(2)(3)  MOU’s, Interlocal Agreements, Mutual Aid Agreements Additional  TEC 38.022 (a) and (d) Statutes  Visitor management, sex offender policy  TEC 38.351  Suicide prevention  TEC 42.168 (b)(1)(2)(3)(4)  District safety allotment Frisco Independent School District Security Department

  25. TxSSC Legislative Video Library Frisco Independent School District Security Department


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