is join point a point

Is Join Point a Point? a pointcut and advice mechanism for making - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Is Join Point a Point? a pointcut and advice mechanism for making aspects more reusable Hidehiko Masuhara University of Tokyo joint work with Yusuke Endoh and Aki Yonezawa 1 A secret of AspectJ AspectJ is based on join points A sceret

  1. Is Join Point a Point? a pointcut and advice mechanism for making aspects more reusable Hidehiko Masuhara University of Tokyo joint work with Yusuke Endoh and Aki Yonezawa 1

  2. A secret of AspectJ • AspectJ is based on join points • A sceret of AspectJ: join points are not points, but regions points t regions t – makes aspects hard to maintain • We propose an AOPL in which join points are points 2

  3. Aspect-oriented programming enables modularization of crosscutting concerns [Kiczales et al.1997] Display – e.g., logging, security, error handling update(FigureElement) display offers a mechanism: elements FigureElement join points, pointcut & advice Figure moveBy(int,int) Point Line Logging getX() getP1() after() returning(Str m): getY() getP2() call(readLine) { setX(int) setP1(Point) Logger.log(m); setY(int) setP2(Point) } base program aspects 3

  4. Join point, pointcut & advice in AspectJ Base: reads user’s inputs in several modules Logging: record all inputs from the console • Join points=actions like method calls, execs... • Pointcut: selects jps Main A Console • Advice: runs on selected jps readLine “john” after() returning(String x) : doSome call(String *.readLine()) { readLine Logger.log(x); “1” } 4

  5. Aspect maintainability: most changes are adapted by pointcuts Changes in aspect spec./base prog.  • log getenv as well after() returning(String x) : after() returning(String x) : after() returning(String x) : after() returning(String x) : • exclude calls from (call(String *.readLn()) (call(String *.readLine()) call(String *.readLine()) { call(String *.readLine()) ??? || call(String *.getenv())) || call(String *.getenv())) LogBrowser Logger.log(x); || call(String *.getenv()) { • rename readLine to } && !within(LogBrowser) { && !within(LogBrowser) { Logger.log(x); Logger.log(x); Logger.log(x); readLn } • log onSubmit as well } }  modifications to pointcuts to cope with changes 6

  6. Aspect maintainability: some changes can advice specifiers not be adapted by pointcuts (not pointcuts) Logging inputs from console & GUI widgets needs two advice decls. provide inputs thru i.e., can not be adapted callback methods by pointcuts Main A Console Field after() returning(String x) : readLine call(String *.readLine()) { Logger.log(x); “john” } onSubmit(“1”) before(String x): exec(* *.onSubmit(String)) && args(x) { Logger.log(x); } 7

  7. Another example: returning null vs. throwing exceptions r = find(...); after() returning (Result r): if (r==null) call(find)&&if(r==null) { handle not found case Logger.log(); process the result } try {r = find(...);} after() throwing (NotFound): catch (NotFound e) { call(find) { handle not found case Logger.log(); } } process the result 8

  8. Problem summary & analysis • Generalization: can not advise “beginnings of X and ends of Y” by one decl. – active / passive parameter passing – returning error values / throwing exceptions – direct style / continuation passing style (in FPL) • Reasons: Main Console – join points are regions w/ entry and exit – pointcuts select only join points – advice decls. specify entry or exit 9

  9. Proposal: AOP mechanism based on point-in-time join points • Overview • Aspect maintainability with point-in-time join points • Design issues of pointcuts and advice • Formalization 10

  10. AOP mechanism based on point-in-time join points • A join point is a point in time • New join points that represent ends of actions • New pointcuts that select new join points Main Console advice(String x) : call jp return (String *.readLine()) readLine && args(x) { return jp Logger.log(x); proceed x; “john” } 11

  11. Aspect maintainability with point-in-time join points: logging readLine & onSubmit • One advice decl. can log both – return values from readLine – parameters to onSubmit Main A Console Field advice(String x) : readLine (return(String *.readLine()) “john” || call(void *.onSubmit(String x))) onSubmit(“1”) && args(x) { Logger.log(x); proceed x; } 12

  12. Aspect maintainability with point-in-time join points: returning null vs. throwing exceptions r = find(...); if (r==null) advice(): ( return (find) && handle not found case args(r) && if(r==null)) || do with the result throw (find,NotFound) { Logger.log();proceed; try {r = find(...);} } catch (NotFound e) { handle not found case one advice decl. } for two do with the result 13

  13. Design issues of pointcuts & advice with point-in-time join points convert parameters to introduced a special • Designed to support most features in AspectJ onSubmit into lowercase form proceed to pass proceed to a return jp – run code before or after a jp new params to jp can replace return values – replace parameters to a jp introduced another form after() returning(String x) : advice(String x) : – replace a return value from a jp to skip to the caller call(String *.readLine()) { return(String *.readLine()) advice(String x) : void around(String x) : && args(x) { Logger.log(x); – skip execution of a jp call(*.onSubmit(String)) call(*.onSubmit(String)) region-in-time String around() : advice(String x) : Logger.log(x); proceed x; } (AspectJ) && args(x) { && args(x) { • ...but difficult to support some: call(readLine()) { return(readLine()) String around() : advice() : call(readLine()) { } proceed(x.lower()); proceed x.lower(); point-in-time (ours) return proceed().lower(); && args(x) { skip “dummy”; – repeat execution of a jp call(readLine()) { } } region-in-time point-in-time } proceed x.lower() ; region-in-time return “dummy”; } – run code before and after a jp point-in-time } point-in-time } region-in-time 14

  14. Design issues of pointcuts & advice with point-in-time join points void around(): • Designed to support most features in AspectJ call(*.onSubmit()) { – run code before or after a jp String around(): int start=getTime(); – replace parameters to a jp call(*.readLine()) { proceed(); – replace a return value from a jp print(getTime()-start); return proceed()+proceed(); } } – skip execution of a jp region-in-time region-in-time • ...but difficult to support some: – repeat execution of a jp – run code before and after a jp proceed won’t come back in point-in-time 15

  15. Formalization of pointcut & advice based on point-in-time join points Writing a denotational semantics • of an untyped FPL + pointcut&advice • by using a continuation passing style (CPS) – a return = application to a continuation • simpler in terms of advice exec. – no longer has specifiers like “before” • suitable to explore advanced features – e.g., advising exceptions 16

  16. Semantics of advice execution: a sample session Execution trace: An expression: 1. creates a jp “call f with 1” let f(x)=x+x in f(1) 2. matches pointcut “call(f)” with advice: 3. evaluates “proceed x+1” advice(x):call(f){ 4. calls f with 2 proceed x+1; 5. creates a jp } “return from f with 4” advice(x):return(f){ 6. matches pointcut “return(f)” proceed x/2; 7. evaluates “proceed x/2” } 8. yields 2 17

  17. Semantics of advice execution: function call w/o advice • semantic function E : Exp → Env → Ctn → Ans return Ctn = Val → Ans call E [( E 0 E 1 )]ρκ = E [ E 0 ]ρ (λf. E [ E 1 ] ρ (λv. f (λv’.κ v’) v )) a function is denoted by a term of type Ctn → Val → Ans 18

  18. Semantics of advice execution: function call with advice • semantic function E : Exp → Env → Ctn → Ans can treat call & return Ctn = Val → Ans jps uniformly E [( E 0 E 1 )]ρκ = E [ E 0 ]ρ W A  κ’ v (λf. E [ E 1 ] ρ (λv. f (λv’.κ v’) v )) jp “call f” λv’. W A  ’ κ v’ advice weaver jp “return f” decls. 19

  19. Semantics of advice execution: weaver • W : Adv → Jp → Ctn → Ctn W [advice(x): p {E}] θκv = if p matchesθ then E [E] [v/x] κ elseκ v 20

  20. Semantics of advanced features (ongoing) • Uniform representation of exception throwing mechanisms – represents exception handlers as continuations – creates “throw” join point at throwing exceptions • Support for history sensitive pointcuts – similar approach to tracecuts [Walker00] – would subsume cflow • Interaction with tail call elimination – crucial in FPL – folding eta-expanded continuations 21

  21. Related work: extension to pointcuts and advice • Poincuts that capture return values: dflow [APLAS’03] , Arachne [Douence’05] – based on region-in-time join points • Fine grained jps: LoopsAJ [Harbulot’05] , Eos-T [Rajan’05] , bugdel [Usui’05] – based on region-in-time join points 22

  22. Related work: semantic models • Aspect • MiniMAO [Clifton’05] – operational + static semantics SandBox – region-in-time, around only [Wand’02] – region-in-time, • MiniAML & AspectML denotational [Walker’03] – backend (MiniAML): & direct style calclus of labeled terms; – semantic labels = point-in-time function for join points each of – frontend (AspectML): before/after/ region-in-time join points around 23


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