Ir Irish sh-Amer erica can n Hist stor ory Th y Throug ough Song Song and Pop opula ular C Cultur ulture Acade demy of Lif ifelo long Learnin ing Dr. Meaghan Dwyer-Ryan Departme ment t of f His History, Polit litic ical l Scie ience, and nd Philo Philosophy hy US USC Aike iken
Cours urse O Orga gani nizati tion March 2 2: T : The he Scot cotch- ch-Irish ish Mig Migrat ation ion an and t d the he Impa Impact ct on on Ame Americ ican Musica Musical S l Style les (A (App ppala alachia ia, , Blue luegr grass ass, Coun untry) March 9 9: S : Son ongs of gs of T Troub ouble, S , Strif ife, , an and S d Succ uccess: ss: From m the F Fami amine S Ship hip t to C o Cit ity H Hall all March 2 23: 3: St. Pat Patrick’s Da ick’s Day in in Ir Irish A sh Ame merica ica March 3 30: 0: Fr From H om Har arrigan gan & & Hart to t o the he Dropk opkick ick Mur urph phys: T The Popula Popularizat ization ion an and M d Mode dernizat ization ion of Irish- ish-Ame merican ican M Mus usic
We Week k 1: The Sco cotch Irish sh
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Dan Emmett and the Virginia Minstrels
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