ipin competition 2016

IPIN competition 2016 Track 3: Smartphone based (off-site) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IPIN competition 2016 Track 3: Smartphone based (off-site) Sponsored by Chaired by J. Torres, F. Seco, R. Montoliu, A. R. Jimnez Organized by International Conference EvAAL on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation Track3:

  1. IPIN competition 2016 Track 3: Smartphone based (off-site) Sponsored by Chaired by J. Torres, F. Seco, R. Montoliu, A. R. Jiménez Organized by International Conference EvAAL on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation

  2. Track3: Smartphone-based (off-site) The goal: • • To localize a pedestrian walking under realistic conditions: in several multi-floor buildings • using a conventional smartphone and its available signals (WiFi, • inertial, magnetic, GPS, pressure, light,...) Competitors: • Calibrate their algorithms with some logfiles data recordings • with inserted ground truth marks (~1000 marks) Compete using new unreferenced logfile data • Award: • TECNALIA awards a € 1.500 cash prize to the winner •

  3. Challenges (1/2) • Multiple buildings : CAR (ID 10) UAH (ID 20) UJIB (ID 30) UJITI (ID 40) 1 floor 4 floors 6 floors 4 floors • Multiple sources of information : WiFi RSS, Inertial data (Accelerometer and • Gyroscope), Magnetic, GPS, AHRS, Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Sound intensity and Light intensity • Continuous motion & recording : Different sampling time (WiFi every~6s), • Acc (~50Hz), different for others •

  4. Challenges (2/2) • Realistic walking style: • Mainly forward, also lateral/backwards, turns 90º& 180º, elevators/stairs, giving way to other people. • Limited info of buildings: • Multiple WiFi AP, but position of each AP is unknown . • Geo-referenced floor-map bitmaps (no vector format)

  5. Competitors Viet Cuong Ta Inria/U.Hanoi (France) Yair Beer Block Dox (UK) S. Knauth HFTS (Germany) Toni Fetzer Filipe Meneses FHWS (Germany) U. Minho (Portugal)

  6. Results: Recording Ground Truth • UAH Route3: • Logfile 7(signals captured with a Samsung S4 phone) Some ground-truth points of route 3 (UAH) Sample video of route recording

  7. Results: Evaluating results Example of competitor’s trajectory estimation & error w.r.t GT

  8. Results: Building & Floor Identification Errors => 50 m penalty

  9. Results: Building & Floor Identification Errors => 15 m penalty

  10. Results: Position estimation errors (1/3)

  11. Results: Position estimation errors (2/3) Cumulative Error Distribution Function (CDF) Percentage (%) 8.8m Who is who? 7.8m 7.3m 5.8m Position Error (m)

  12. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric

  13. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric 3 rd 7.826 m

  14. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric 3 rd 7.826 m Yair

  15. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric 2 nd 7.317 m 3 rd 7.826 m Yair

  16. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric 2 nd 7.317 m UMinho 3 rd 7.826 m Yair

  17. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric 1 st 5.846 m 2 nd 7.317 m UMinho 3 rd 7.826 m Yair

  18. Results: Position estimation errors (3/3) Podium: # Competition metric 1 st 5.846 m HFTS 2 nd 7.317 m UMinho 3 rd 7.826 m Yair

  19. The winner of Track 3 IPIN 2016 is….. A. Koukofikis and S. Knauth unsere Glückwünsche! International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)

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