inverse pressure gradient estimation from pc mri velocity

Inverse pressure gradient estimation from PC-MRI velocity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Inverse pressure gradient estimation from PC-MRI velocity measurements reducing the effect of errors in segmentation David Nolte, Cristbal Bertoglio, Axel Osses, Roel Verstappen Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile

  1. Inverse pressure gradient estimation from PC-MRI velocity measurements — reducing the effect of errors in segmentation David Nolte, Cristóbal Bertoglio, Axel Osses, Roel Verstappen Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile Computational Mechanics & Numerical Mathematics, University of Groningen

  2. Motivation: Cardiovascular flow ∙ Arterial blood pressure very important for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases ∙ Examples: stenosis, heart valve insufficiency Stenosis of the aorta: Low pressure High pressure ∙ Surgery if pressure drop critical ∙ Pressure measurements are invasive : catheters equipped with pressure probes Stenosis ▸ non-invasive methods? Blood velocity 1 / 20

  3. Phase-Contrast MRI PC-MRI: measure flow velocities with magnetic resonance imaging 2D slices PC-MRI measures blood velocity 3D data velocity pressure Navier-Stokes equations ∙ Estimate pressure gradient from partial measurements with PDE-constrained optimization 2 / 20

  4. PDE-constrained Optimization Approx. 2D slice Data Assimilation 3D geometry ̃ Ω measurements NSE model: obtain 3D+time flow field ( 퐮 , 푝 ) 3 / 20

  5. PDE-constrained Optimization Forward model: Navier-Stokes equations. Incompressible, unsteady, laminar flow; blood as Newtonian fluid 휌휕 퐮 in ̃ 휕푡 + 휌 ( 퐮 ⋅ ∇) 퐮 − 휇 Δ 퐮 + ∇ 푝 = ퟎ Ω in ̃ ∇ ⋅ 퐮 = 0 Ω + Initial and boundary conditions Solver: ∙ Convection-dominated, complex flow → Fractional step-scheme (Chorin-Temam) ∙ Semi-implicit, skew-symmetric convection term ∙ Backflow stabilization at outflow boundaries ∙ FEM with ℙ 1 ∕ ℙ 1 elements for velocity/pressure + streamline–diffusion stabilization 4 / 20

  6. PDE-constrained Optimization ∙ Inflow and outflow BCs a priori unknown ▸ Parameters 휃 ∈ ℝ 푝 need to be estimated from measurements! ∙ Initial condition: assume 퐮 ( 푡 = 0) = 0 ∙ Minimize discrepancy between model prediction and measurements 푁 ∑ 1 1 2 2 ̂ | | 휃 − 휃 0 | | 푍 푘 − 퐻푋 푘 ( 휃 ) | | 휃 = 햺헋헀 헆헂헇 0 + | | 푃 −1 Γ −1 2 2 휃 푘 =1 – 푋 푘 ( 휃 ) =  ( 휃, 푋 푘 −1 ( 휃 푘 −1 )) ∈ ℝ 푛 : model state at time 푡 푘 – 푍 푘 ∈ ℝ 푚 : velocity measurement at time 푡 푘 – 퐻 ∈ ℝ 푛 × 푚 : observation operator – 휃 0 ∈ ℝ 푝 : initial guess of parameters – 푃 0 ∈ ℝ 푝 × 푝 : initial parameter covariance matrix – Γ ∈ ℝ 푚 × 푚 : covariance of measurements 5 / 20

  7. PDE-constrained Optimization Method: Reduced-order Unscented Kalman Filter (Moireau & Chapelle, 2011) ∙ Sequential method For 푘 = 1 , ..., 푁 푇 : 휃 푘 = 햺헋헀 헆헂헇 퐽 푘 ( 휃 ) 휃 퐽 푘 ( 휃 ) = 1 푘 + 1 2 2 | 휃 − 휃 푘 −1 | | | | 푍 푘 − 퐻푋 푘 ( 휃 ) | | | ̂ 푃 −1 Γ −1 2 2 ̂ ∙ 푃 푘 ( Cov ) updated recursively from deterministic particles ▸ Reduced rank of state covariance: rank( ̂ 푃 푘 ) = 푝 ▸ Assume initial uncertainty only present in parameters ∙ ROUKF requires 푝 + 1 particles, i.e., 푝 + 1 forward evaluations per time step 6 / 20

  8. Geometric Uncertainties ∙ Inverse problem is set up and solved in domain extracted from medical images Issue: ∙ Uncertainty associated to vessel wall position, at least of order of image resolution ∙ Standard no-slip boundary conditions can introduce large errors in estimated pressure drop! ▸ numerical experiments to investigate effects! 7 / 20

  9. Numerical Experiments Geometries: ∙ 3 stenoses with 40%, 50% and 60% obstruction ∙ Reference geometry ∙ ‘approximate‘ geometries with walls shifed inward by Δ = ퟣ 헆헆 ( 10% ) and Δ = ퟤ 헆헆 ( 20% ) Figure: 60% stenosis, reference and 20% wall error Reference solution: solve Navier-Stokes on true domain with BCs: ∙ Outflow condition: homogeneous Neumann, zero-stress ∙ Inflow condition: pulsating plug flow: 퐮 = 퐔 sin( 휔푡 ) ∙ No-slip on walls 8 / 20

  10. Numerical Experiments: Reference ∙ Reference solutions. 푅푒 = 2500 at inlet at peak time ∙ velocity magnitude (top row), pressure (botom row) 40% stenosis 50% stenosis 60% stenosis ∙ Number of elements: ∼ 3 − 4 × 10 6 9 / 20

  11. Numerical Experiments Synthetic Measurements: ∙ Generated by interpolating reference solution to coarse measurement meshes , defined at selected planes ∙ 2 planes: (A) inlet cross-section, (B) lengthwise intersection ∙ Image resolution: 퐻 = 1 & ퟤ 헆헆 (simulation: ℎ ≈ ퟢ . ퟤퟧ 헆헆 ) ∙ Temporal resolution: Δ 푇 = ퟤퟢ 헆헌 (simulation: Δ 푡 = ퟣ 헆헌 ) 10 / 20

  12. Numerical Experiments: No-slip results Parameter estimation: ∙ Given measurements at INLET , approximate (erroneous) geometry, estimate plug flow parameter 퐔 ∙ Pressure drop: 훿푝 푘 = | Γ 푖 | ∫ Γ 푖 푝 푘 − 1 1 | Γ 푛 | ∫ Γ 푛 푝 푘 11 / 20

  13. Numerical Experiments: No-slip results Parameter estimation: ∙ Given measurements at INLET , approximate (erroneous) geometry, estimate plug flow parameter 퐔 ∙ Pressure drop: 훿푝 푘 = | Γ 푖 | ∫ Γ 푖 푝 푘 − 1 1 | Γ 푛 | ∫ Γ 푛 푝 푘 reference Δ = 10% Δ = 20% 40% stenosis 50% stenosis 60% stenosis pressure drop (mmHg) 10 30 100 20 5 50 10 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 time (s) time (s) time (s) 11 / 20

  14. Numerical Experiments: No-slip results ∙ measurements only at inlet ∙ Velocity errors:  푘 = ‖ 퐮 푘 −  퐮 푘 푟푒푓 ‖ 퐿 2 ( ̃ Ω) Δ = 10% Δ = 20% 40% stenosis 50% stenosis 60% stenosis 퐿 2 velocity error 200 100 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 0 0 time (s) time (s) time (s) ∙ HUGE errors in 훿푝 ; plug flow parameter recovered with good precision, within 0.5% 12 / 20

  15. Numerical Experiments: No-slip results ∙ Add measurements in interior! ∙ Error in 휃 : 10 − 20% and 25 − 50% Δ = 10% Δ = 20% reference 40% stenosis 50% stenosis 60% stenosis 훿푝 (mmHg) 40 6 15 4 10 20 2 5 0 0 0 −2 velocity error 200 100 0 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 time (s) time (s) time (s) 13 / 20

  16. Slip/Transpiration BCs ∙ Instead of no-slip boundary conditions: allow for some slip and transpiration on the vessel wall ̃ Γ 푤 14 / 20

  17. Slip/Transpiration BCs ∙ Instead of no-slip boundary conditions: allow for some slip and transpiration on the vessel wall ̃ Γ 푤 ∙ Slip & transpiration BCs : on ̃ 퐧 ⋅ [ 휇 ∇ 퐮 − 1 푝 ] ⋅ 퐧 + 훽 퐮 ⋅ 퐧 = 0 Γ 푤 , (2) 푑 −1 푑 −1 ∑ ∑ on ̃ 퐧 ⋅ [ 휇 ∇ 퐮 − 1 푝 ] ⋅ 퐭 푘 + 훾 퐮 ⋅ 퐭 푘 = 0 Γ 푤 , (3) 푘 =1 푘 =1 where 훽 , 훾 are coefficients controlling the slip and transpiration. ∙ BC is consistent with Poiseuille flow; 훽 , 훾 known explicitly 14 / 20

  18. Slip/Transpiration BCs ∙ Instead of no-slip boundary conditions: allow for some slip and transpiration on the vessel wall ̃ Γ 푤 ∙ Slip & transpiration BCs : on ̃ 퐧 ⋅ [ 휇 ∇ 퐮 − 1 푝 ] ⋅ 퐧 + 훽 퐮 ⋅ 퐧 = 0 Γ 푤 , (2) 푑 −1 푑 −1 ∑ ∑ on ̃ 퐧 ⋅ [ 휇 ∇ 퐮 − 1 푝 ] ⋅ 퐭 푘 + 훾 퐮 ⋅ 퐭 푘 = 0 Γ 푤 , (3) 푘 =1 푘 =1 where 훽 , 훾 are coefficients controlling the slip and transpiration. ∙ BC is consistent with Poiseuille flow; 훽 , 훾 known explicitly ∙ General case: estimate parameters 14 / 20

  19. Numerical Experiments: Slip/transpiration results ∙ Measurements: inlet and interior slice ∙ parameters : slip 훾 , transpiration 훽 , plug flow 퐔 15 / 20

  20. Numerical Experiments: Slip/transpiration results ∙ Measurements: inlet and interior slice ∙ parameters : slip 훾 , transpiration 훽 , plug flow 퐔 slip Δ = 10% slip Δ = 20% no-slip Δ = 10% no-slip Δ = 20% reference 40% stenosis 50% stenosis 60% stenosis 40 6 훿푝 (mmHg) 15 4 10 20 2 5 0 0 0 −2 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 time (s) time (s) time (s) 15 / 20

  21. Numerical Experiments: Slip/transpiration results ∙ Measurements: inlet and interior slice ∙ parameters : slip 훾 , transpiration 훽 , plug flow 퐔 slip Δ = 10% slip Δ = 20% no-slip Δ = 10% no-slip Δ = 20% reference velocity error 200 100 0 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 time (s) time (s) time (s) ∙ accuracy plug flow parameter: 1 − 10% and 10 − 25% for Δ = 10% and 20% 16 / 20

  22. Numerical Experiments: Slip/transpiration results ∙ Accuracy with slip/transpiration much beter than no-slip model for severe stenoses ∙ Plug-flow parameter overestimated with slip/transpiration ▸ increase weight of measurements at the inlet to obtain beter plug flow estimates? 17 / 20

  23. Numerical Experiments: Slip/transpiration results ∙ Accuracy with slip/transpiration much beter than no-slip model for severe stenoses ∙ Plug-flow parameter overestimated with slip/transpiration ▸ increase weight of measurements at the inlet to obtain beter plug flow estimates? slip Δ = 10% slip Δ = 20% weighted slip Δ = 10% weighted slip Δ = 20% reference 6 30 훿푝 (mmHg) 10 4 20 2 5 10 0 0 0 −2 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4 time (s) time (s) time (s) 17 / 20


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