Introduction to English Linguistics 5: Grammar and Syntax II
Cognitive Grammar Understands language as an abstract symbolic system directly rooted in the same cognitive processes used for other thought processes and thus not routed through a syntactic subsystem. Syntactic Schools Generative (or Transformational) Grammar A linguistic model postulating an innate set of syntactic rules fsom which all linguistic utterances are generated, involving a transformation fsom an underlying deep structure to the apparent surface structure . [Deep Structure] → [Subsystem] → [Surface Structure]
Syntactic Schools Generative (or Transformational) Grammar A linguistic model postulating an innate set of syntactic rules fsom which all linguistic utterances are generated, involving a transformation fsom an underlying deep structure to the apparent surface structure . [Deep Structure] → [Subsystem] → [Surface Structure] Cognitive Grammar Understands language as an abstract symbolic system directly rooted in the same cognitive processes used for other thought processes and thus not routed through a syntactic subsystem.
Generative Grammar Phrase Structure Rules Rules for parsing syntactic structures, defining the constitution of phrases with a view to finding structural correspondences across languages. S → NP VP: A sentence consists of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase . NP → (Det) (A) N (PP): A noun phrase consists of a noun preceded by the optional elements determiner and adjective and followed by the optional element prepositional phrase. NP Noun phrase AP Adjective phrase VP Verb phrase PP Preposition phrase AdvP Adverbial phrase Det Determiner Deg Degree word Aux Auxiliary verb Con Conjunction S Sentence
(Generative) Syntactic Constituents (Cf. parts of speech.) Label Description N Noun V Verb ▶ Lexical A Adjective P Preposition ▶ Can head a phrase Adv Adverb T Tense C Complementizer Det Determiner ▶ Nonlexical Deg Degree word ▶ Cannot head a phrase Aux Auxiliary verb Con Conjunction ▶ Pronoun ≡ N without specifier or complement ▶ Possessive ≡ N
X-Bar Theory Models all phrases as specifier-head structures by positing a projected head, raising specifiers above the level of complements. Multiple Branching Schema X-Bar Schema XP XP X ′ (specifier) (specifier) head (complement) head (complement)
X-Bar Theory Models all phrases as specifier-head structures by positing a projected head, raising specifiers above the level of complements. Multiple Branching Schema X-Bar Schema NP NP N ′ Det Det N PP a N PP a house P NP P ′ house NP of N N ′ P cards of N cards
X-Bar Theory Models all phrases as specifier-head structures by positing a projected head, raising specifiers above the level of complements. Multiple Branching Schema X-Bar Schema NP NP N ′ Det Det N PP a N PP a house P NP house P NP of N of N cards cards X ′ level only required in phrases with both specifier and complement.
X-Bar Theory Models all phrases as specifier-head structures by positing a projected head, raising specifiers above the level of complements. Multiple Branching Schema X-Bar Schema NP NP N ′ Det Det N PP a N PP a house P N house P N of cards of cards (You may also omit XP where it’s just a head, but I won’t here.)
X-Bar Phrase Structure Full Schema Compact Schema NP NP Det N ′ Det N the N the law law
X-Bar Phrase Structure Full Schema Compact Schema AdvP AdvP Deg Adv ′ Deg Adv rather Adv rather intently intently
X-Bar Phrase Structure Full Schema Compact Schema PP PP P ′ NP P NP P Det N ′ in Det N in the N the rain rain
X-Bar Phrase Structure Full Schema Compact Schema VP VP V ′ NP V NP V Det N ′ read Det N read a N a book book
X-Bar Phrase Structure Full Schema Compact Schema PP PP P ′ Deg P ′ Deg hardly P NP hardly P NP N ′ on Det on Det N the N the level level
X-Bar Phrase Structure (Full Schema) NP N ′ Det the N PP sound P ′ NP N ′ P Det of the N surf
X-Bar Phrase Structure (Compact Schema) NP N ′ Det the N PP sound P NP of Det N the surf
X-Bar Sentence Structure (Full Schema) TP T ′ NP N ′ T VP N +pst V ′ NP You N ′ V NP ate N ′ N N lunch my
X-Bar Sentence Structure (Compact Schema) TP NP T ′ N T VP You +pst V NP ate NP N N lunch my
X-Bar Auxiliary Structure (Full Schema) TP NP T ′ N ′ T VP N did V ′ NP You V NP N ′ eat N ′ N N lunch my
X-Bar Auxiliary Structure (Compact Schema) TP NP T ′ N T VP You did V NP eat NP N N lunch my
X-Bar Sentence Structure (Full Schema) TP T ′ NP N ′ T VP N -pst V ′ NP We V N ′ Det miss the N PP sound P ′ NP N ′ P Det of the N surf
X-Bar Sentence Structure (Compact Schema) TP NP T ′ N T VP We -pst V NP miss Det N ′ the N PP sound P NP of Det N the surf
X-Bar Yes/No-Movement (Full Schema) CP C ′ TP V C NP T ′ are +q N ′ T VP N V ′ -pst NP you N ′ V t N Tarzan
X-Bar Yes/No-Movement (Compact Schema) CP C ′ TP V C NP T ′ are +q N T VP you -pst V NP t N Tarzan
X-Bar Wh- Movement (Full Schema) CP AdvP C ′ Adv ′ C TP Adv V T ′ NP +q where is N ′ NP T VP N ′ V ′ N -pst AdvP Adv ′ N food V my t Adv t
X-Bar Wh- Movement (Compact Schema) CP C ′ AdvP Adv C TP where V NP T ′ +q is NP N T V ′ N food -pst V AdvP my t Adv t
P . S. Langeslag
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