introduction to documentation learning points confident

Introduction to Documentation Learning Points Confident to carry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to Documentation Learning Points Confident to carry out good museum documentation Understand the reasons why we need documentation Aware of resources available and how they can be used Confident to set up/review own procedures

  1. Introduction to Documentation Learning Points Confident to carry out good museum documentation Understand the reasons why we need documentation Aware of resources available and how they can be used Confident to set up/review own procedures Understand Documentation requirements of Accreditation

  2. Why do we need Documentation? Accountability Usability Need to know what you have, where it came from, where it is, why you have it.

  3. To acquire or not acquire? Cost Conservation Storage Ethics Other museums Hazards Relevance Usability Duplication Handling and reference collections

  4. To acquire or not acquire? ACE Collections Development Policy template 1.5 The museum recognises its responsibility, when acquiring additions to its collections, to ensure that care of collections, documentation arrangements and use of collections will meet the requirements of the Museum Accreditation Standard. This includes using SPECTRUM primary procedures for collections management. It will take into account limitations on collecting imposed by such factors as staffing, storage and care of collection arrangements.

  5. Accession Numbers MDA Code MYTWN, TEGNM MYTWN:2015.1 MYTWN:A1 MYTWN:1 MYTWN:ARC1 Sub/part numbers .1 a,b,c

  6. Cataloguing follows on from Accessioning Accessioning (basic WHAT, WHO, WHEN) Accountability Cataloguing (detailed WHAT, WHY, WHERE) Usability

  7. Cataloguing Fields Accession number Object Name Number of Items Classification Brief description Acquisition – Date, Method, Source Production - Place, Year, Maker Associated information Materials Measurements Inscriptions Other id Location in your store Image References Cataloguer and date White = SPECTRUM requirement

  8. Classification Systems SHIC (Social History Industrial Classification) ICOM Costume Natural History Taxonomy British Museum Materials MYTWN:ARC1

  9. SHIC Codes 1 Community life 2 Domestic and family life 3 Personal life 4 Working life 2 Domestic and family life 2.0 General 2.1 Domestic and family administration and records 2.2 House structure and infrastructure 2.3 Heating, lighting, water and sanitation 2.4 Furnishings and fittings 2.5 Household management 2.6 Food, drink and tobacco 2.7 Family wellbeing 2.8 Hobbies, crafts and pastimes 2.9 Domestic life not elsewhere specified

  10. Loans In Establish the purpose for which a loan is being requested l l Enable at least the same care of the borrowed object as if it were part of the permanent collections l Include written agreements signed by both borrower and lender before the loan commences, as appropriate to the collection l Ensure that the terms and condition of loan are adhered to l Ensure that all loans are for fixed periods l Ensure a written record of the loan is retained l Enable effective control of the loan process l Enable the provision of information about the borrower and the loan as requested by the lender l Provide insurance or indemnity cover for the loan period l Ensure that up to date information about the location of borrowed objects is maintained l Ensure that up to date information about the security of borrowed objects is maintained l Ensure that up to date information about the physical well being of borrowed objects is maintained, including the environment and condition of the objects

  11. Loans Out l Ensure that all loan requests are assessed according to the institution's policy l Ensure that there are written agreements signed by both borrower and lender before the loan commences l Ensure that the loan is for a finite period l Ensure that the institution maintains and retains a record of all loans, including details of the borrower, the venues, the loan period and the purpose of the loan l Enable effective control of the loan process l Ensure that the borrower confirms their intent and ability to provide an acceptable level of care, security and safekeeping for the object and to conform to the conditions of loan specified l Ensure that the loaned objects are covered by insurance or indemnity as appropriate for the duration of the loan

  12. Documentation for Accreditation 2.1 Satisfactory arrangements for the ownership of collections 2.2 Collections Development Policy 2.3 Documentation Policy 2.5 Documentation Plan 2.7 Documentation Procedures

  13. Documentation for Accreditation 2.1 Satisfactory arrangements for the ownership of collections Accountability/WHAT Total Number of Items Owned Total Number of Items on Loan

  14. Documentation for Accreditation 2.2 Collections Development Policy Accountability/WHAT/WHY/HOW Attach copy of policy and approval Explain how made publicly available Policy to include l Statement of purpose l Overview of current collections l Future themes and collecting l Themes and priorities for rationalisation and disposal l Information on the legal framework for acquisition and disposal Use ACE template

  15. Documentation for Accreditation 2.3 Documentation Policy Accountability/WHAT/WHY Attach copy of policy and approval Policy aims to l improve accountability for collections l maintain at least minimum professional standards in documentation procedures and collection information l extend access to collection information l strengthen the security of the collections

  16. Documentation for Accreditation 2.5 Documentation Plan Accountability/Usability/WHAT/WHERE/WHEN/HOW !Only if backlog! Backlog = 'items without secure ownership or information records, and that may not be recorded within the museum’s accession register' If backlog exists, have to provide plan (with targets) as to how and when this will be cleared Going into accreditation with a backlog is fine, as long as you have a plan

  17. Documentation for Accreditation 2.5 Documentation Plan There are four stages to clearing a backlog: 1. Ensure all documentation procedures are in place and used. 2. Produce an inventory, either at object or group level, of material identified as a potential backlog (2 years to complete). 3. Use this inventory to check whether any items identified as part of the backlog have previously been accessioned and subsequently lost/misplaced/mis-assigned. At the end of this stage you will know the actual size of your backlog. 4. Undertake SPECTRUM procedures for those items within the backlog selected for retention within the primary collection. Items within the backlog which are not appropriate for accessioning and long-term retention, for example within a handling collection, can be considered for disposal (5 years to complete).

  18. Documentation for Accreditation 2.7 Documentation Procedures Accountability/Usability/HOW ‘The primary SPECTRUM procedures must be in place in the form of a documentation procedural manual that is available for inspection on request’ Documentation Procedural Manual (not just on the shelf but in use and known about – part of induction process where relevant) How is manual communicated to workforce?

  19. OBJECT ENTRY PROCEDURE An Entry Form must be filled in for all objects entering and being left at the museum. This includes objects being left for identification and those offered as gifts. Blank Entry Forms are kept ********** The white copy of the form is filed in the Museum Entry Form file, kept at **********, in Entry Number order. The pink copy is given to the depositor as a receipt and the yellow copy stays with the object. Objects left for identification or as possible gifts are left (with their yellow form) in a designated area, or passed directly to the curator. It is the responsibility of the curator to process identifications and gifts within a month of receipt (See Acquisition). When an identification has been completed or an offer of gift is declined the depositor is contacted and asked to come and collect their object. The object should be placed in the designated area ready to hand back. When the depositor collects their object the pink, yellow and white copies of the Entry Form should be signed by both the depositor and a representative of the museum to say they have received the object back. The depositor retains the pink copy. The signed white and yellow copies are retained in the Entry Form file.

  20. OBJECT ENTRY PROCEDURE Object arrives at museum Complete Entry Form White copy stays in file Pink copy to depositor Yellow copy with object Object left in designated area for curator Object processed Object accessioned (See Acquisition Procedure) Offer of gift refused Identification completed Depositor contacted Object returned to designated area for collection Depositor comes to collect object Depositor does not come to collect object Entry Form signed by depositor and museum Post back to depositor After four months White copy stays in file Pink copy to depositor Yellow copy stays in file Dispose of object (see Object Exit) Accession Object (see Acquisition) Yellow copy of Entry Form placed in file


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