
Introduction Andy Vail, RDS NW Associate Director Programme Part - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Andy Vail, RDS NW Associate Director Programme Part I: Morning session - 10.00 am to 12.30 pm 10.00 am Introduction 10.10 am How the Research Design Service can help you 10.20 am Importance of Patient and Public Involvement

  1. Introduction Andy Vail, RDS NW Associate Director

  2. Programme Part I: Morning session - 10.00 am to 12.30 pm 10.00 am Introduction 10.10 am How the Research Design Service can help you 10.20 am Importance of Patient and Public Involvement 10.30 am Introduction to NIHR funding programmes (video) 10.50 am Questions – please use the chat facility 11.10 am Break 11.20 am The Supporting Network – Clinical Research Network (CRN) and Clinical Trials Units (CTU) 11.45 am The i4i funding programme 11.55 am Questions – please use the chat facility 12.10 pm End of morning session – stories from successful applicants (videos)

  3. Programme Part II: Virtual Marketplace - 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm For those who have signed up.

  4. The Research Design Service Thomas Allen, RDS NW Adviser @NIHR_RDSNW

  5. Research Design Service North West Provides advice on research design to researchers to develop high quality research proposals for national, peer-reviewed funding competitions for applied health or social care research.

  6. Example of funders where we can advise • National Institute for Health Research. • Medical Research Council. • Economic and Social Research Council. • Charities. Funding needs to be national and peer reviewed. Research needs to be in applied health or social care.

  7. Our expertise • Methodology including but not limited to: • quantitative, including statistical • qualitative • mixed methods • health economics • health psychology and behaviour change • specialist methodologies. • Specific funding programme application advice. See for more examples

  8. We can also help with • Identifying appropriate funding. • Finding collaborators and building an appropriate team. • Involving the public. • Formulating the research question. • “Grantsmanship.” • Signposting to specialised support. • Ethical and governance issues. • Getting the narrative right. • A critical read of your proposal. • And much more.

  9. Some of the other things we do • Developing Funding Proposals in Applied Health and Social Care events. • Pre-submission panels, three a year - open to clients. • Newsletters - see resources and events on website. • E-bulletin. • Videos. • Self-help resources. Find all our resources at - Sign-up for information and news -

  10. What happens when you contact us Complete an advice request form If eligible you will be allocated a case manager and/or you will be signposted to other sources of help Case manager will provide advice and/or other advisers will provide advice Depending on your requirements, you will be advised face-to-face via email, video conference or telephone.

  11. What we cover in your initial advice meeting Depending on your needs we may cover: • expectations • importance of the question • existing research / literature review • potential funding streams • study design • feasibility of recruitment strategy • track record of team • Public Involvement.

  12. RDS clients “Support from the RDS has been invaluable in guiding us through the complexities of the application process. The blend of structured meetings and one-to-one support was very helpful. The team also had excellent contacts with relevant expertise that could support our proposal.” Consultant Clinical Psychologist Hear from our clients at

  13. How to access the service 01524 593209 @ WWW @NIHR_RDSNW

  14. Public Involvement including the Public Involvement Fund Suzanne Parsons, RDS NW Specialist Public Involvement Adviser

  15. About Public Involvement • Research being carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them • Patients, potential patients, carers and people who use health and social care services • Offering advice as members of a study’s steering group, identifying research priorities, commenting on and developing research materials, co-applicant on bid, undertaking interviews with research participants etc What it’s not: • Recruitment of people as research participants

  16. Context - NIHR and Public Involvement “Our vision is for a • NIHR ‘Going the Extra Mile’ 2015 - 2025 population actively involved in and engaged with research to improve • UK Public Involvement Standards – health and wellbeing for developed by Chief Scientist Office themselves, their family (Scotland), Health and Care Research and communities” (NIHR Wales, the Public Health Agency (NI) Going the Extra Mile) and the NIHR (England)

  17. Public Involvement and Your NIHR Application • Patient and public involvement plans assessed by funding committee including patient and public members • Consideration of public involvement necessary both for stage 1 and 2 Applications should demonstrate evidence of: • Public involvement in developing the research application • Public involvement plans as part of the research

  18. How RDS NW can help – support for public involvement • Advisers/case managers – public involvement advice • Specialist Advisers - for extra help with complex issues • Public contributors on ‘mock’ panels • Resources on RDS NW webpage • RDS NW public involvement fund scheme

  19. The Public Involvement Fund • In receipt of advice from RDS North West • Developing proposal for national, peer-reviewed open call funding competitions for applied health or social care research • At any stage prior to final submission • In region of £350 per project • Light touch application process but needs to include clear plan about the planned public involvement activity

  20. What does it cover? • Setting up meetings with groups (e.g. venue, providing refreshments) • Zoom subscription • Reimburse patients, carers etc. for their time (e.g. thank you voucher) • Fees for a public collaborator (e.g. involve in writing grant) • Out-of-pocket expenses (e.g. travel, subsistence, carer costs) • Not to be used for the research itself

  21. Summary  Can you demonstrate sufficient public involvement in the development of the application? If not, consider applying to public involvement fund  What plans are in place for public involvement during the research?  Has a budget been included for public involvement during the research?  Is your plan English summary understandable?

  22. Targeting the right funding stream Professor Soo Downe, Senior Methods Lead

  23. NIHR funding programmes overview Broad research EME HS&DR HTA i4i PGfAR PDG PHR PRP RfPB SR area Public health Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Health services No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes and organisation Clinical Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes evaluation and translation Technology No No No Yes No No No Yes No No development Social care Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Types of EME HS&DR HTA i4i PGfAR PDG PHR PRP RfPB SR evidence Evidence No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes synthesis Evidence Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No generation Programmes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes of research

  24. Funding calls, amounts and length EME HS&DR HTA i4i PGfAR PDG PHR PRP RfPB SR Calls and competitions (number of opportunities to apply per year) Researcher-led 3 3 3 3 3 3 3* N/A 3 1* Commissioned 3 3 3 1* N/A N/A 3* 3* N/A N/A Themed Frequency as advertised EME HS&DR HTA i4i PGfAR PDG PHR PRP RfPB SR Funding amounts and periods Funding limit** No limit No limit No limit No limit No limit*** £100k No limit No limit**** £350k £400k## Period of No fixed No fixed No fixed Up to 3 No fixed 0-18 months No fixed No fixed Up to 3 years Up to 3 years funding period period period years# period*** period period**** * Subject to change. ** Applicants must fully justify all costs. *** Period and level of funding depends on nature of proposed work, in particular whether a fully powered evaluative is included – funding above £2.5 million will be unusual. Programmes terminating in feasibility studies will be unlikely to receive more than £500,000. **** Period and level of funding depends on the requirements of the research specification. # For i4i Connect, the funding limit is £150,000 and the maximum duration is 12 months. For Challenge, the maximum duration is five years. ## Researcher-led period is 9-12 months with funding limit of £5000. Commissioned-led is every 3 years with a funding limit of £400,000.

  25. Funding Streams Commissioned work stream Designed to meet the needs of decision makers, typically but not exclusively within NHS. Researcher-led work stream Calls for applications on research topics/questions directly proposed by researchers. Theme calls Calls in priority areas e.g. Injuries, accidents and urgent and emergency care – see programmes/themed-calls.htm


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