
Introduction to the National Mass Care National Mass Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to the National Mass Care National Mass Care Strategy Your Presenter Today Kam Kennedy Kam Kennedy North Central Division Division Disaster State Relations Director 2 A Short History MOA signed between FEMA and American

  1. Introduction to the National Mass Care National Mass Care Strategy

  2. Your Presenter Today Kam Kennedy Kam Kennedy North Central Division Division Disaster State Relations Director 2

  3. A Short History � MOA signed between FEMA and American Red Cross in 2010 � MOA named ARC as Co-lead of Mass Care portion of ESF-6 portion of ESF-6 � MOA called for ARC and FEMA to develop and promulgate a National Mass Care Strategy with the National VOAD and other mass care support agencies 3

  4. Partners in Development 4

  5. Relying on our Roles and Missions Ensuring our nation’s ability to provide life- sustaining services immediately following disaster events is a fundamental responsibility of government at all levels, as well as the mission of many nongovernmental and private sector organizations. Additionally, it is an inherent value embedded in the culture of this country to assist each other during times of need. 5

  6. Building on Our Strengths � Our current Mass Care delivery system relies on collective action from multiple groups. � The National Mass Care Strategy embraces this Whole Community approach and seeks to Whole Community approach and seeks to further enhance and expand the resources and capabilities currently available. 6

  7. Recognizing our Future “Our country must build a system that encourages individuals, families, communities, states, and the private sector to all participate in building resiliency and capacity.” “For such a system to be effective, it must be built on a foundation of common terminology; well-defined position and foundation of common terminology; well-defined position and roles, responsibilities, and qualifications; and training programs that are flexible in design to adapt to various delivery methods and organizational needs but reflect standardized system fundamentals.” —Introduction to the National Mass Care Strategy — 7

  8. How was the NMCS How was the NMCS Developed? 8

  9. NMCS Timeline ����� �������� �������� ������� ���� ���� ���� ���������� ���������� ��������� ��������� ���� ���� ��������� ��������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ������ ��� ������ ��� ������ ��� ������ ��� ������ ������ ������ ������ ���������� ���������� ���������� ���������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��������� ��������� �������!� �������!� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ���������� ���������� "������� "������� ���������� ���������� ���������� ���������� �������� �������� �������� �������� �������! �������! ������� ������� ��� ��� 9

  10. National Mass Care Council � Co-led by: � American Red Cross � Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) � National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD) � Includes representatives from: � Mass Care service provider organizations � State and Local emergency management � Representatives from the private, faith, children’s, health and mental health, academic, functional needs populations, household pets, and technology sectors 10

  11. Informing the NMCS 11

  12. ESF-6 Capabilities �������������������� ���������� ���������������������� ������������������������� �������� ������������������ ����������������� ��������������� ���������������� �������� ��������� ������������������ "������� ������ � ����� �!������������ ������������ 12

  13. Preliminary Targets for Mass Care Services � Move and deliver resources and capabilities to meet the needs of disaster survivors, including individuals with access and functional needs and others who may be considered to be at risk � Establish, staff and equip emergency shelters and other � Establish, staff and equip emergency shelters and other temporary housing options (including accessible housing) for the affected population � Move from congregate care to non-congregate care alternatives and provide relocation assistance or interim housing solutions for families unable to return to their pre-disaster homes 13

  14. Preliminary Targets for Mass Care Services � Consider and assess the “maximum of maximums” planning factors, and the National Preparedness Goals and how the Mass Care Strategy will align � Clarify how future assessments of mass care and emergency assistance capabilities and capacities, at emergency assistance capabilities and capacities, at FEMA and across the whole community, will be coordinated with other national level planning factors. 14

  15. Maximum of Maximums ��#�$�!� %������������� ������� �������� &����� �������� &����� ����� ����� ����� ����� ���������� ������� ������������ � � ������ ������� ��������� ������������ � � ��������� ��������� ������ ������ ������������� ������� ����� �!�������"!!�������� ���!�������#������ � � � � $���������%�������� ���&�!��"�������� '&�!���������������� (���������"���!��$����� 15

  16. What does the NMCS What does the NMCS say? 16

  17. Whole Community � A philosophical approach on how to think about conducting emergency management � Engages the full capacity of: � Nonprofit and private sectors including: � NGOs � NGOs � Community Based Organizations � Faith Based Organizations � Businesses � The General Public � Local, tribal, state territorial and federal government partners 17

  18. National Mass Care Strategy The National Mass Care Strategy will provide a unified approach to � the delivery of mass care services to all communities, including underserved populations, by establishing common goals, fostering inclusive collaborative planning, and identifying resource needs to build a national mass care capacity, focusing on: � Individual or congregate temporary shelters (including household � Individual or congregate temporary shelters (including household pets) � Fixed or mobile feeding operations � Distribution of relief supplies � Family reunification � Health and/or Mental Health Services � Information Recovery Assistance 18

  19. Policy Goals & Recommendations Build Scalability into Service Delivery Create the Strengthen & Opportunity Unify Mass for improved Care Legal & Care Legal & Coordination Coordination Policy & Foundations Participation NMCS Engage the Standardize Whole Mass Care Community Practices 19

  20. Strategic Goal 1 � Build Scalability into Service Delivery � Create an integrated National Mass Care Plan � Support local and state engagement in building mass care capacity (gap analysis) � Implement strategies for tiered response to expand available � Implement strategies for tiered response to expand available mass care resources � Improve the effectiveness of disaster exercises in building mass care capacity including scenario planning 20

  21. Strategic Goal 2 � Create the Opportunity for Improved Coordination and Participation � Create national platform community of practice with common templates and definitions � Implement an integrated Mass Care resource deployment Implement an integrated Mass Care resource deployment strategy that leverages the capability of all organizations while reducing duplication and improving resource visibility � Implement Mass Care asset management and coordination � Improve communications and coordination including EOC coordination and partners 21


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