
Introduction Todays event is the third public engagement on the - PDF document

Introduction Todays event is the third public engagement on the proposals for delivery of new homes and other facilities at Plots 5 & 6 Acklam Road . Following previous consultations that took place last year, we have taken on board your

  1. Introduction Today’s event is the third public engagement on the proposals for delivery of new homes and other facilities at Plots 5 & 6 Acklam Road . Following previous consultations that took place last year, we have taken on board your comments and feedback and also had further discussions with key stakeholders. The architects have worked on designs towards submitting a planning application to enable us to progress the delivery of new homes and community facilities. Aims of today: To show you the plans that have been prepared and how we have considered your comments from previous events.

  2. Stage One Sites The Council’s New Homes Programme aims to deliver 600 new homes in the borough, including 300 council homes to rent. It is proposed that a mix of different types of homes are built including council homes and open market homes to rent over a number of stages. Grant funding has been secured from the Mayor’s office to assist with the delivery of council homes to rent. The location of the four ‘Stage One’ sites that have been announced, including Plots 5 & 6 Acklam Road is shown below.

  3. The site: Plots 5 & 6 Acklam Road Location plan: Aerial photo:

  4. Existing Site View of site from Westbourne Studios Views of site looking east Views along Acklam Road

  5. Surroundings Aerial view of Swinbrook Estate Al- Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre

  6. The Proposals The plans presented today include the following uses: • 27 new homes for rent including affordable homes, of which more than 50% will be social rent. Residents of these homes would have access to a raised garden area. • New community facilities for Al-Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre. • Replacement residents room for Swinbrook Estate. • Enhanced public realm along Acklam Road to the west of the site.

  7. Acklam Road ground and first floor uses The Al-Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre is an organisation that continues to provide support and a variety of benefits to the local and wider community. This collaboration between the Council and Al-Manaar will provide additional accommodation on a long term basis to enhance and improve existing community facilities. These could include:  a new community kitchen and café that will be open to everyone as well as providing training courses.  Nursery with outdoor play space to accommodate more children than the existing space.  Youth development centre.  Facilities including potential for medical and other community areas to serve the local need.

  8. Indicative ground floor plan

  9. Indicative first floor plan Apartment layouts are indicative and subject to revision

  10. Acklam Road New Homes These plans would provide 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes to rent. The homes would be developed, owned and managed by the Council. The site will delivery 27 new homes and this would include both social rent and open market rent homes. The designs include wheelchair accessible homes to meet planning requirements.

  11. Indicative upper floor plans 3 rd Floor 2 nd Floor 5 th , 6 th and 7 th Floors 4 th Floor Apartment layouts are indicative and subject to revision

  12. Proposed elevation along Acklam Road

  13. Responding to your comments •It is intended that 15 new social rent homes will be Council Homes delivered, alongside 12 homes available for open market rent to support the cost of the programme. •The current design proposals show community space for Al-Manaar part of which could be for youth development. In addition the new replacement Youth Provision residents room would offer flexible space to accommodate these activities. The Golborne Youth Centre on Acklam Road provides existing facilities. Community Space for •The current design proposals show community space Arabic school that could be suitable for a range of potential uses. Work closely with •The Council is working collaboratively with Al-Manaar in the formulation of the new community facilities. Al-Manaar •The internal areas of the homes will be designed to Adequate internal conform to the standards within the ‘Mayor’s London Housing Design Guide’. The homes will also incorporate space individual storage space. Design in keeping •The design of the external elevations reflects the with area/high comments made at earlier consultation in relation to use of materials. quality •There is no specific provision for seniors housing proposed at this site. Other sites within the Council’s Provision for older New Homes Programme may include some senior generation provision and the need for this is currently being reviewed. Transparency on •An indicative timeline has been provided and the Council will continue to communicate with local timing of the residents and businesses about the development development programme throughout the process.

  14. No business usage as •The current proposal indicates community uses and there is lots in the replacement residents room, but no workspace. area Basement is under •These proposals do not include the basement level of used in Acklam the adjacent Swinbrook Estate on Acklam Road, however these areas will be considered separately. (Road/Swinbrook) Linking the green •The proposals provide the opportunity for improvements to the immediate public realm along areas of Swinbrook Acklam Road. This includes connectivity to Swinbrook with the site Estate. •As many of the homes as possible will be new Council homes for rent, however a number of the homes will Who are the flats for? need to be open market rent to pay for the new Council homes. •A rights of light study has been commissioned to inform Rights of light the designs. No off-plan sales •A number of the homes will need to be open market rent but it is proposed that the Council retains the long (for new homes) term ownership of the building. Swap community •This option has been considered in the plans shown. space in Swinbrook The plans on display show a relocated residents with (replacement) clubroom as a possible option. ground floor space •New homes will inevitably mean more people living in Noise impact, dense the area. The development would be car free, and new homes would be designed to mitigate the noise close to area already the site, as well as any additional sound generated by the proposals.

  15. from previous consultations • The development will be car free, with the Car park spaces exception of providing disabled parking where required as a planning condition. • Unfortunately the site does not enable provision for new sports facilities in addition to providing Football area new homes this point will be considered in the context of the available spaces within the area. • The use of solar panels is under consideration for Solar Panels this project subject to compliance with relevant legislation. • The current proposals include space that could NHS Space accommodate medical facilities for the local community. Too near the A40 •The Westway is close to the site. Specialist advice has been obtained to inform additional design to address for people to live sound and air quality issues. •Current proposals respect the neighbouring buildings Not too tall whilst optimising the opportunity to deliver new homes. Access from the •No vehicular entrances are intended for the building. road, how will it Requirements for deliveries to the community and residential elements have been incorporated. be managed?

  16. Acklam Road New Homes Design The design of the new homes at this site will incorporate the following features that you told us were important to you. • We would use traditional materials have been incorporated to respect the neighbouring buildings. • Outdoor space- A shared residents garden area and enclosed balconies. • Accessibility- Main residential entrance with lift access to all floors. • Internal storage space. • Ensuite and family bathrooms in homes with two or more bedrooms. • Secure cycle storage. • Open plan living. • Sprinkler system throughout the residential areas of the building.

  17. Architectural treatment and proposed materials Indicative elevation of northern section of the proposal. Textured brick with white window surrounds St Mary of Eton Church mixed- Existing brick use development face of the Al- Manaar building

  18. Proposed public realm improvements Proposals provide opportunity for improvements to connectivity to the Swinbrook Estate, hard and soft landscaping and accessibility to replacement residents room.

  19. Acklam Road replacement residents room Elevation of existing Swinbrook Estate Residents Room Indicative layout of replacement residents room Following requests from local residents and the Swinbrook RA the opportunity for providing a new and improved residents room as part of these proposals has been evaluated. These would provide new accessible flexible space at ground floor level.

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