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Introduction of CONTE spol. s r.o. Contents Basic information / - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction of CONTE spol. s r.o. Contents Basic information / Who we are Information about the owners Our assets How we ensure security of supply What we offer References Contacts 2 Basic

  1. Introduction of CONTE spol. s r.o.

  2. Contents • Basic information / Who we are • Information about the owners • Our assets • How we ensure security of supply • What we offer • References • Contacts 2

  3. Basic information / Who we are • CONTE spol. s r.o. was founded in 1990, with focus on natural gas trading and end-customers supplies since 2008 • Importer of natural gas to the Czech Republic as one of the first alternative traders since early 2009 • Ownership structure: 90% of Dipl. Ing. Roman Baláž, CEO; 10% of Ing. Jiří J íš e • Stable natural gas supplier from the category of alternative suppliers operating on the Czech market for many years • We operate in the wholesale market as a balance group responsible for smaller gas suppliers who we provide comprehensive services (portfolio management, security of supply, etc.) along with the gas supplies to large end customers 3

  4. Information about the owners Ing. Jiří Jíše Dipl.Ing . Roman Baláž, MBA Experiences in gas sector in the Czech Republic, Project and scientific studies in the field of managed the South Bohemia Gas Inc., previously energetics for the Ministry of Industry and Trade, working in management positions at ABB Energie AG Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transport and and ALSTOM Power Austria AG the EU He founded and built the company SPP CZ, one of the leading companies in the Czech Republic (market Processing of projects which were implemented share in 2011-2012 was 11% for industrial within the liberalization of the Czech gas industry customers) Successful cooperation with VEMEX, building and After leaving SPP CZ, he became the majority owner managing the dispatching in 2006-2007 after entry of the company CONTE spol. s r.o. of Gazprom into the Czech market 4

  5. Our assets • One of the first natural gas traders with clear ownership structure in the Czech Republic after the opening of the market • Management of the Company = Company owners in the hands of experienced managers from the energy sector • Trading and portfolio management, dispatching and balancing on our own account - CONTE is not the extended arm of another gas trader • Flexibility of alternative suppliers enables quick decision making and take advantage of the interesting business opportunities • Competitiveness and low administrative demands • Simple approval processes in the creation of contractual conditions 5

  6. How do we ensure the security of supply to our customers • Portfolio management - diversified purchase • Booked storage capacity at RWE GS in CZ for the needs of our clients • Membership in the CEGH (Central European Gas Hub) Austria - direct access to trading in the EU • Dispatching and portfolio management for own account (we are the balancing subject at the market operator – CS OTE) • Experience with nominations at border transfer points and underground gas storage (both firm and interruptible power) • Nominations and reservation of transport capacity in the system Net4Gas • Continual activity on the spot market 6

  7. What we offer • Individual approach • A combination of standard products (fixed price linkage to stock market prices pricing formulas) with continuous purchases. • Payments in CZK, EUR • Terms of payment and advance payment depending on the type of gas delivery • Administrative support and helpful customer service • We ensure the administration supplier change for free 7

  8. Reference Agrofert • In 2015, we provide the gas supplies and are responsible for the balancing for the companies from the Agrofert holding with expected annual consumption exceeding 120 GWh • A significant part of our customer portfolio are small and medium-sized customers and several industrial companies from the Czech Republic, including our many business partners in the Czech Republic at VTP (Virtual Trading Point - wholesale) 8

  9. Contacts CONTE spol. s r.o., Phone: 00420 221 507 409 Ovocný trh 1096/8, Fax: 00420 221 507 424 110 00, Web: Praha 1, E-mail: Czech Republic ID: 00565342 VAT: CZ00565342 9


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